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Everything posted by duncan1297

  1. (If you don't know F1 is screenshot for windows) as the title says what is your favorite this is mine from a random mun orbit mission.
  2. What does it mean by "Default"? Do i have to make a new folder?
  3. ive noticed recently that the jet fuel fuselages say "Caution Kerosene Fuel" on them.
  4. There needs to be a real world rockets section of the forum for these things.
  5. Would it be possible to put some kind of throttle indicator somewhere around the navball?
  6. It looks pretty awesome. You must have needed a huge rocket for the engines.
  7. i didn't realize the Skylon is that big.
  8. try putting nose cones on the boosters. unless your computer is dying.
  9. I thought this was pretty interesting.
  10. Some perfect landings and some dramatic pics, from War Thunder.
  11. Sorry i didnt realise that you had to launch the rocket, ill try again and see if it works after launching.
  12. it doesn't seem to work. the kerbals don't use any resources.
  13. Your wheels are sideways. try rotating them until they work.
  14. I will post something when I get home.
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