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  • About me
    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. I'm on like Day 8, still. My .18.2 - .20.2 save was about three years old.
  2. I like stations, though I'd be fine with a lander too.
  3. Last flight of the Mercury program, Faith 7, is ready for viewing!
  4. They are, since the save was started on a Mac. Shoot me a PM if you run into issues; I know how to do the install.
  5. Episode 5 is finished! Next is the last flight of the Mercury program, and then we're on to Gemini.
  6. Cooly - I owe you an apology; my initial post came off too strong. We all appreciate your enthusiasm - you're one of the very best kinds of KSP players, one who plays for the love of the game, and you go the extra mile. I'm sorry if I made you feel badly; it was not my intention to do so, and I regret any harm I've done. Besides, once we get to the Mun, I know a guy who's got a good probe design for choosing a place to land. I just wanted to keep this thing on track, that's all. If we stick to the part limits, first and foremost, we'll be in good shape later on. The debris isn't a huge problem - we can always go through and terminate flights - but if we all left stuff in orbit, we'd be running into rings around Kerbin later on.
  7. Episode 4 is up! Episode 5 is also done, will be uploading shortly.
  8. Yikes. That persistence file is a huge mess. Come on, guys. How hard is it to deorbit your stuff - or, at least, if you aren't going to deorbit it, terminate it from the tracking station! There are freakin' 46 pieces of debris in orbit, and I don't even know how you strung the stuff out for a quarter orbit all along the same trajectory. 46 pieces in orbit? I never had that many, even when I was a noob; I learned to deorbit stuff long before I had forty six pieces of it floating around. Geesh. Even if your mission requires you to dump debris without using the fuel to deorbit it, at least have the courtesy to terminate the flight. Not only that, there's junk all over the Mun. It looks like there was a crash, which, nevertheless, four or five "Jetension" probes survived, so the save thinks there are nine flights ongoing, which destroys framerates for guys with less heavy-duty computers. Apparently there's a Mun base ongoing, even though no-one discussed that here. Also, both stations are overbudget on parts. I don't know how many modules are on the fuel depot, but it's at 92 parts already (which makes me think it's three modules). The science station, which I know only has three modules, has 107 parts - that's 17 parts over budget between the two other flights, because I made darn sure my module had exactly thirty parts. Seriously? 30 parts is the hardline, guys - you're supposed to shoot for 25, but you get 30 in case you absolutely need one more part for something. I agonized over my core, thinking about what I could take out to pare it down to 30, and I did everything I could do to eliminate extra parts. Apparently, I needn't have bothered, because no one else has seemed to follow that rule. And if one of the guys on the science station did, then the other one absolutely failed and included 47 parts (at minimum) which is well over half again as many parts as are allowed. Come on. There have only been, what, six or seven flights, and the save file is a huge mess. Don't fool around with landing on moons. Just do what you're supposed to. I don't know how hard it is to follow directions. I put up a good module with followed the rules and a nice video detailing everything about it, and deorbited the debris. I followed the rules. Why can't everyone else?
  9. Great work! It's nice to see a Star Trek pack.
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