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Posts posted by sodopro

  1. Point of the game is pretty simple. Ask a question (preferably not too easy) and have someone answer it. Then they get to ask a question, and so on...

    Try not to use this as a place for all your homework solutions.

    I'll start. How would you describe KSP?

  2. Yup, you read it. Powered by 12 sepratrons and a radial parachute, this bad boy is made for taking damage.


    No ASAS on the actual pod, so I put it on my "launch vehicle," an SRB with canards. This gets it to about 7 km on average.


    The ODST pods from Halo actually did have drogue chutes, meant to keep the pods vertical. So I have one: (not meant for below 5 km, just cause)


    Note: Use Abort (Backspace) to cut the chute. Feel free to change the hotkey.

    The lander can Mk 1 came in perfect for this. IVA is beautiful too.


    Bill arrives home safe and sound. (though a bit jarred/shaken)


    Instructions: There is a docking port on top for mounting to ships and rockets.

    Deploy your chute at about 8 Km, again, just to stay vertical and slow down slightly.

    Cut chute with Abort if you want this to be like an actual ODST.

    Use space to fire the tree sets of sepratrons, I recommend firing at about 2 km (radar altitude is helpful), 730 m, and 250 m.

    The structual pylons, with an impact tolerance of 999, should keep you fine. Keep your speed below 75m/s, as anymore could result in a bounce and a crash.

    Download: http://www./download/q5pa4nxi77j3uoi/ODST.craft

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