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Everything posted by JOHNMKNIGHT

  1. Ok. Let's see if we at least can get telemetry from the Telemachus API. Try this: http://localhost:8085/telemachus/datalink?a=v.altitude&b=v.missionTime Try that when you have a launched vessel with an active telemachus antenna. You should see something like this: {"a":99935.794822931057,"b":608.32484619727984} If you don't, I would remove the Telemachus directory entirely and install the alpha version from the previous link. Don't install KSP-PAO and try the test above again. Let me know!
  2. So here's a couple of things to understand about how the mod Telemachus works, which makes most of what you are asking for not possible (at this time). Right now PAO (and Telemachus) only retrieves info about the current flight. It can get info on the current vessel's target and that'it. Now, I have been working on a way to intelligently cache information to add some of this in the game, but it would be limited and it's information not accurate. Now as far as antenna go, there is a mod that I believe is like "TelemachusForAll" much like MechJeb for all. I'll defer you to the other forums, but if you use a mode like that, it should work. Great idea/questions!
  3. Ok. This is an issue with the Telemachus install. Do you have RasterPropMonitor installed? Not sure if that's required for the latest Telemachus or not (I have it installed). Check and see what happens when you go to: http://localhost:8085/telemachus/cameras/ You should see something in your browser like this: [{"name":"RPMCamera-ExtCam1","type":"RasterPropMonitor","url":"http://localhost:8085/telemachus/cameras/RPMCamera-ExtCam1"},{"name":"RPMCamera-ExtCam2","type":"RasterPropMonitor","url":"http://localhost:8085/telemachus/cameras/RPMCamera-ExtCam2"},{"name":"TelemachusFlightCamera","type":"FlightCamera","url":"http://localhost:8085/telemachus/cameras/TelemachusFlightCamera"}]
  4. 1.0.5? give it a try with the right version of Telemachus (see post above). Russian accent? Whatever the browser supports! Ok. 1) First can you see the telemachus UI/page? http://localhost:8085/telemachus/information.html 2) If yes to #1, does your spacecraft have a telemachus antenna attached and is it broadcasting. 3) If yes to #2, can you see an image of your spacecraft by going to this url: http://localhost:8085/telemachus/cameras/TelemachusFlightCamera This should tell me a bit more. Also, if you want you can contact me via email at my username @ g m a i l . c o m More about running/using Telemachus he ref:(
  5. No worries. Yeah,I think the missing pao directory is the issue. When you unzip my mod, you should extract it to a new "pao" directory, so that all the files are inside ((....GameData\Telemachus\Plugins\PluginData\Telemachus\pao ) That should do it. Just curious, what version of Chrome are you running and on what operating system (Under the Settings/About menu). I'm trying to keep notes for bugs/etc BTW. I'm middle aged. I've just been coding most of my life
  6. If you look at my post, I have a link to an alpha version of Telemachus. This version is required for my my to work (https://github.com/KSP-Telemachus/Telemachus/releases/tag/1.6.0-alpha-2-actual). Once you do have the correct version installed, download and unzip my mod on top of it so that it is installs under this directory (....GameData\Telemachus\Plugins\PluginData\Telemachus\pao) .
  7. Ok. I'll create something and post back here just to get a nod from you. A little world building is fun! Cheers!
  8. Great! I presume the SpaceTux Agency's logo can be found here: (http://spacedock.info/mod/53/SpacetuxSA)? Also do you have any background/wording on the fictional in-game universe company that is SpaceTux Agency? Is it viewed as an alternative source for Kerbals to get missions?
  9. Right now Telemachus only understands the stock experiments that have data logging displays. If Telemachus adds support, I will. As far as ads go, I'm happy to add or have contributors ad from other companies provided permission and licensing is respected. Not sure. If the alpha of Telemachus works with it, my mod should!
  10. Yeah. Kinda was dumbfounded on that one. Thanks! I'm a dev so I use/test with most every browser on most platforms. Just happens Chome has the best support (for now) for the Speech API. If you run it on say, Safari, you get the Stephen Hawking voice!
  11. Why yes it is!!!! with "transmission static"!
  12. That did the trick! I've posted my mod now. Looking forward to adding more to Telemachus. One thing on my list is to add a way to get the flight log. Easiest way might be something like v.flightLog.getLastMessage() or v.flightLog.getLog() that would return the entire log up the last call.
  13. Welcome to KSP-PAO, your space center's virtual Public Affairs Officer!! Introduction In real life the NASA PAO's (officers) do a lot! The one thing you might be most familiar with is their voice-over commentary during a launch or during mission operations. As a life long space nerd/geek/fan, I often have NASA TV on in the background, even while playing KSP. It was during recent ISS mission coverage that I got the idea for KSP PAO. Ever heard of the Telemachus mod for KSP? Well, it's an incredible mod that allows you to interact with KSP from a web browser or api. This has allowed many new UI's to be created, including ones that don't use browser. Some like Houston, allow multiple people to act as different members of the KSP flight control staff. Other mods allows for devices, such as the Raspberry Pi and Arduinos to communicate - which have spawned some pretty amazing hardware "simpits" or custom controllers! Why do I mention Telemachus? Well it's required for KSP-PAO to work. The first version of Telemachus that will work with KSP-PAO is right here (https://github.com/KSP-Telemachus/Telemachus/releases/tag/1.6.0-alpha-2-actual). While the mod is running in a browser window (Chrome only for now), you will occasionally here the PAO announce a mission update. What they say is entirely up to what you're doing at the moment and a little luck! Is Jeb on EVA? You might here the PAO give Jeb a shout out and update you on the Mission Elapsed Time. Have a lander in orbit around Duna? You may here the ship's current status and velocity.... and so it goes. To change how often you hear from the PAO, just select a time from the drop-up box. One of the other things that brings a level of fun and world-building to KSP are the various fictional companies that make up the KSP 'verse. So, I've decided I'd add "ad support" to KSP PAO. NOT REAL ADS, not paid for, in-game advertising, 100% completely for FUN ads from the KSP universe! What sort of parts is ROKEA hawking today? Any specials down at Jeb's this week? Ideally, I want these added and generated by the community and I can't wait to see what you all come up with. For now, the only way to see an "ad" is to click on the "Ad" button. Let me know what you think! Technical note, before all the, "Why Chrome only" questions. Right now Chrome is the browser with the best support for the HTML5 Web Speech API that I use to generate the text-to-speech for KSP PAO. As other browsers come along, I'll test and make sure they work. More info on the REAL NASA PAO! http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4225/documentation/pao/pao.htm http://www.nasa.gov/offi…/education/centers/pao_contact.html Video Demo: Requirements: Download and install Telemachus: https://github.com/KSP-Telemachus/Telemachus/releases/tag/1.6.0-alpha-2-actual Download and install Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html Download: https://github.com/johnmknight/ksppao/releases/download/v0.5/pao-v0.5alpha.zip Installing: Unzip the file under the Telemachus mod directory: \GameData\Telemachus\Plugins\PluginData\Telemachus\pao Using: Follow the normal procedure of adding a Telemachus antenna onto your craft. Once you launch your craft, you can enable the Telemachus interface. You can browse to () and you should see the Telemachus UI. If you can see Telemachus, then open KSP-PAO in Chrome using: http://localhost:8085/telemachus/pao/pao.html For best results, maximize the Chrome window. You should see the KSP-PAO and in about 10 seconds, you'll hear your first mission briefing! To change how often you hear a briefing, use the drop-up list 'Mission Update Setting' on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. On the toolbar you'll also find a timer showing when the next briefing will be. Next is the current mission's MET. Each of the following buttons will speak it's respective briefing, with the "Mission Report" being the most comprehensive. Note: To keep things interesting and not as repetitive as they could be... the mission report uses some randomness to vary what it reports back on. Sometimes you'll hear the full resource briefing and other times the science report. LICENSE: https://github.com/johnmknight/ksppao/blob/v0.5/LICENSE SOURCE: https://github.com/johnmknight/ksppao Known Issues: It only works in Chrome! When I resize the browser the screen looks horrible! I'll be working on the UI, though the voice briefings and reports have priority for now. There's no "mute" button? Good idea! Working on it...
  14. Here's the link. https://github.com/johnmknight/ksppao - You should just be able to copy this and put it under the Telemachus plugin directory, where the other html files are. Cheers! Oh, everything is rough and I didn't merge the code that actually gets the data from Telemachus yet. So all this is purely HTML and javascript. NOTE, the text-to-voice is only working properly with Chrome.
  15. Hey tcannonfodder, I'm trying to create an add-on for Telemachus. I'm serving up some new html pages and javascript from within a subdirectory under \Telemachus. I'm having problems loading .txt,xml.cfg files using xhttpRequests as well as loading .mp4 video files over http. Files that work fine are .js,html,and .png's. Wondering if this is something can be easily changed in a future release. I've been able to work around by loading "text" resource files as ".js" and even have the video loading by renaming to a "png", however I don't want to release a mod like that. Any help or new information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking over dev of one of my favorite mods! Cheers!
  16. Jeb's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts. I'm rather fond of it!
  17. Hey, I've started work on an "extension" to Telemachus that might also be a good fit along side Houston! I'm writing a virtual PAO (Public Affairs Office announcer). Like the ambient burbling of the Chatterer Mod, my Virtual PAO, will occasionally make announcements from KSC about the status the current active mission. It will report on relative position to a selected target, the vessel's current velocity and occasionally a resource status report - oh and of course Mission Elapsed Time. If you are interested, I'd love to hear any thoughts or suggestions. Cheers! BTW you can also reach me via my user name @ gmail, or @ twitter ! FYI. This extension runs as it's own web page inside of Telemachus 2.0. It requires a modern browser to support HTML 5 Voice API for the Text-To-Speech.
  18. My mother-in-law made this shirt for me. I gave her an overall idea for the design and got her the graphics. It turned out wonderful!
  19. Thanks to KerbalEssences for the template. Images used are from SQUAD and one from NASA http://www.nasa.gov/content/sunrise-from-the-international-space-station Cheers!
  20. Here's my Jeb inspired Halloween costume. Cheers!
  21. Hello All! For Halloween (and future cons) I've been working on a Jeb costume. Once I completed it I felt poor old Jeb just wasn't complete without a rocket! So here's my KSP rocket, complete with stackable parts - heck even the solar panels can be removed ( Ferram Aerospace not required!). It's mostly made up of foam, duct tape, hot glue, and various bits of stuff I had around the house! Cheers! John
  22. Hello All! First time posting! I've finally finished constructing my ship, the Lathe-Or-Bust-1, that will carry 5 kerbals to fame or doom! Here's hoping!
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