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Everything posted by zhollett

  1. Just a general request to be able to get SAS to work better with rovers and such. (and motorcycles/unicycles) I 'd like to have the ability to get SAS split into its 3 axis, and have the ability to turn on and off axis via control groups and right click menus. Thanks.
  2. If you press F1, it'll save an image to {drive}:\{install folder}\Screenshots\screenshot#.png. An example of that would be "C:\games\ksp0.25\Screenshots\screenshot0.png" You can press F1 many times in a row quickly too, hope that helps.
  3. Can you post a picture of your car? Im pretty sure its going to be something that once you get it, you'll not be frustrated anymore.
  4. Whoa, thats good I've made improvements to my car, but have not submitted an updated time, if I did, we'd be tied Cant wait to race against you in race #2 ! That brings up another question, sorry Kyrian. Are we able to modify our cars between races?
  5. heh, i know EXACTLY what you mean. ive had some killer designs only to be foiled by that one spot
  6. From my understanding, as long as those 2 components are included, anything goes.
  7. This is interesting. I never looked at what the .trk file was, but its just a simple text doc with geo coords. I copied the contents and put it on pastebin here ->http://pastebin.com/KW0AFGct So, copy that text, and save it as Race 1.trk, put it in the tracks folder, and away you go
  8. Is there a weight restriction on the open class? Because I have an completely unofficial (non-recorded/trails) lap at 1:23 If there's no weight restriction, i might think about submitting it (provided I can do it again )
  9. within reason, right? i mean, if im only penalized +1s for starting at a flying lap (starting my lap while doing 24m/s) ... then (sub?) 1:25's might be possible, taking into account the +1s penalty I think that if you jumpstart (eg: your velocity is anything other than 0.0m/s) your submission should be void. That way, we can avoid what I said ^ in that line. Thoughts?
  10. We still have work to do, because Kyrian keeps lowering (raising?) the bar... a 1:28!! whoa. I've just put in a 1:30 in the Skidmark v6, trying to squeeze every last bit of oomph i can
  11. how did you get a 1:32.5? where are you getting your "point fivezes" from on a serious note, those are some great lap times.
  12. ^ That thing is awesome! I obviously have some tweaking to do, but here's my first official entry: 1:34 0.0m/s at MET 6:45, and across the line at MET 8:19
  13. I'm pretty sure its Kerbal Engineer Redoux http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/222685-kerbal-engineer-redux-v1-0
  14. Hello, I have been lurking on this for a while. I have a car I would like to enter, please take a look and tell me if you approve. Thanks Company Name: LithoBreakers Car Name: Skidmark
  15. I submit for your consideration... The 4 Cubed Super Rocko Multi Talented Launch Land and Lunge Sub Orbital Testing Platform The engineers were rather pleased with the outcome, although in hindsight, firing it up would probably have cost less in repairs. For the next challenge, I would like to see a pretty picture, but not just any pretty picture. Your challenge is to use the smoke trails off rocket/jet engines to make a pretty geometric shape that is pleasing to the eye. (An example would be when you accidentally stage a few seconds too early, and your SRB's take off ahead of your craft and you change the angle of the camera an look up and they each tear off in multiple directions creating a beautiful short lived 6 curlycue flower... that eventually explodes. We've all had those moments, I want you to share yours) This is an overlay of a few shots, but you get the idea Inspiration ->
  16. I've got one ready for the "Stress test the VAB vs SRB1" challenge from GloriousWater As I've done a few now, unless someone tells me otherwise, I'll wait before posting it.
  17. Hey Jean Deaux, I think (I could be completely incorrect in my assumption here, so please correct me The_Boss) what The_Boss was questioning was whether rockets were allowed in my challenge. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but your response appears to be thinking The_Boss was questioning the result of the challenge given by you for the stage for the Kresident. I took it as The_Boss asking if rockets would be allowed in my "Fling a kerbal from a trebuchet type contraption" I'm glad you appreciated my stage as it was your challenge... although in hindsight, I think my stage represents more a rockstar stage (although that's not a bad thing), and it took a bunch of time to get everyone seated as my game crashed on me 4 times during moving everyone into place. I'm only posting this as I don't want others to get confused but hey, I could be wrong. The_Boss, if you could; Was your question "Are rockets allowed?" questioning my stage for the Kresident or my challenge for the trebuchet? Thanks again to everyone participating in this thread, its been very fun, and I find myself checking back here specifically more often than I have in quite a while Peace everyone (Seriously, Jean Deaux, no disrespect intended)
  18. Welcome Mr.Kresident Your throne, sir. Next challenge: Fling a kerbal from a trebuchet type contraption Clarification: Anything goes, as long as it resembles the function a trebuchet type contraption. This thread moves quickly so I don't want to bog it down with any rules for this one. Inspiration:
  19. I am submitting this video on in the category of freestyle just because it deserves so much Kudos!!!! It's not my video but it most deservedly requires a watch. Fantastic, give the creator of this 100% Kudos if you ever interact with her/him
  20. I cant wait to see the vid, I am the only one right now that's gone extra-kerbin
  21. Ok, here's the full video of the Minmus Jump. (Ive added audio to it so its not boring being that its 4:23 long, take a listen/watch) Coles notes for the TL;DW crowd. Total distance traveled: 4.9km (I don't know the exact distance because KSP rounds up) Take off height: 1600m Landing height: 1700m <- I noted this so it doesn't have that "jumping down a cliff" rule applied) Craft built on Kerbin and flown to Minmus Enjoy, Thanks again Yakky
  22. Ok, re-read your post. Couple of questions. Lines of tech unlocked being the vertical lines i take it? (because there are lines attaching each tech to the next tier) Whats the "slider value" Is lower score better? Also, you'll need a leader board.
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