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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I seem to be having a problem with the cockpit intakes. At 40 000 meters I was getting about 1.00/1.60 intake air. That doesn't seem to be quite right. I have a few mods installed, so it might be one of them causing it. Just wanted to post and see if anyone else had the same issue. Edit: Btw, only the mark IV cockpit is affected. The stock intakes work without issue.
  2. My latest space station called Gateway Station. Link to the imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/o9d5F
  3. Do you have a decoupler between the tanks? Decouplers don't transfer fuel, so tanks that are meant to feed between each other should not be separated by decouplers. If that doesn't solve the problem you should post a picture of your rocket. It would make it easier to figure out what's wrong.
  4. Have you disabled ASAS? If both ships have ASAS enabled and they have enough torque, they won't dock. I've also noticed that the Sr. docking ports might need to be even better lined up than in the picture for the magnets to engage. Although, I might be remembering incorrectly, because I haven't gotten a chance to use them much yet.
  5. To get a really close encounter you may need to do adjustments on the way to your target. Also, get the protractor mod to get around the "luck" part of searching for interplanetary transfer windows.
  6. The best advice I can give you (without actually showing you in person) is to watch . Watch the part when he's closer than 100 meters a few times and really, really pay attention to which symbols he's burning towards on the navball to adjust his relative speed. If you don't get it after that, you're going to need someone to show you in person. You could try to get a few friends to play the game and see if one of them learns how to dock, then have them help you out.
  7. Like RandomUser said, it would be good to see a picture of your ship. How the ship is designed greatly influences how easy it is to dock. Edit: although in this case it seems like the problem is that you havent gotten a grip on the techniques yet.
  8. Tackar. Jag har kikat runt i nån månad, men aldrig postat tidigare. Så jag är ny i den bemärkelsen.
  9. För mig är det tvärt om. Jag hittar inte rätt ord på svenska så jag måste säga det på engelska. Lustigt hur hjärnan kan bli förvirrad.
  10. You can edit your persistent.sfs in in your KSP folder under *\saves\(name of your saved game). Near the top you'll find this: Just change the name to whatever you want and save the changes. Next time you load your game his name will have changed.
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