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  1. Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/48q0cy8glimdclq/game1.rar?dl=0 As far as mods go... Im not quite certain what the minimum would be. I think this should be enough: B9, Community Resource Pack, Community Tech Tree, Kerbalism, Kerbalism Default Profile, kOS, MechJeb 2, Mechjeb and engineer for all, Module Manager, RealChute, Remote Tech, TweakScale, Unmanned before manned.
  2. Im getting this behaviour as well, which also includes food consumption being completely off what the estimate tells me. One ship in particular went from having 30 days of food to out of food in less than a few days with only one kerbal on board. Additionally, it had solar panels set up in a way that there would never be a position where a solar panel couldnt be directly facing the sun. This ship only needed one panel to keep fully charged but it would constantly lose power when the ship was not in focus. Because it lost power, the scrubber would turn off and then it would suck through 40 days of oxygen in a matter of minutes/hours. Basically in the single kerbin day (6 hours) it took me to set up my CommSat network this kerbal had sucked through 30+ days of food/oxygen in the background on a ship that when I have focus on it is completely sustainable.
  3. So I guess thats my solution then? Get the craft to orbit then call the appropriate DOEVENT for each antenna so I can give them a target manually.
  4. [REMOTE TECH QUESTION] Im trying to find out how to target a body/vessel with an antenna from within a script. I found the SHIP:PARTSDUBBED(string)[index] which will return a single part (setting it to, for example, myPart). Then you can use myPart:GetModule("ModuleRTAntenna") to get the remotetech module (set that to myMod). Finally, a call to myMod:doAction("toggle", true) will turn it on and (if you have no target for the antenna) myMod:doEvent("no target") will bring up the targeting screen. From there I have to click on the target instead of being able to say target ShipA. Is there another way to do this or am I making things hard on myself?
  5. So I was having some issues starting the game after updating to .22 and was trying to figure out what was causing the issue. Turns out it was the 'Mechjeb/Remotetech for All Mod.' That mod would increase the initial load time to something crazy like 20 minutes then crash the game. BUT in the process of doing it, I got some cool information regarding load time increases as I went. Thought maybe some people would find it interesting. These load times are cumulative as they progress, and I only grabbed the memory footprint where it is noted. As you can see, the heavy hitters are KW rocketry and Universe Replacer. Vanilla: 38s B9 (reduced textures): 48s Dynamic Warp: 55s Kethane: 63s Precise Nodes: 63s Kerbcam: 66s Aviation Lights: 68s KAS: 71s KW: 91s Mechjeb: 92s Procedural Fairings: 92s Protractor: 92s Kerbal Alarm Clock: 93s Kerbal Joint Reinforcement: 93s Total Mem: 2390Mb Universe Replacer + MushroomMan Cloud Pack + Rareden Skybox: 112s Total Mem: 2690Mb
  6. This mod really needs a install bit in the readme. And a readme... So yes, before I go off experimenting where to place this, can you include a detailed install process?
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