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Everything posted by Lunaran

  1. The plugin is fustificated. The ejected panels now get dragged through space sideways (whaat) and after switching to the spaceport and back to a vessel with a converted tank, the right-click menu stops working (whyy). The IVA is also fustificated. I gave up on it last time because despite getting the inside lined up with the outside correctly, the sunlight came in the windows incorrectly transposed (wtfff) and one (only one) of the props would also take on the transformation of one of the other props and rotate entirely outside the spacecraft (fffffrrghgh). I threw that away and started over with a clean unity project and fresh tools installs, remade and reexported everything, and the same things are wrong. This game, man.
  2. I can do that. You can tell when the "0.25 hype thread" drops off the first page and the mods have to start locking "0.26 hype thread" threads instead.
  3. Understandable. I'm trying to identify all the bottlenecks I can with 0.24.2 mods while the 0.25 dust settles. What would you need from me?
  4. I might be doing something wrong. I have a part that changes habitability and passability (I'm making wetworks) and I want to properly support CLS. All I have to do in my plugin is find a ModuleConnectedLivingSpace component on the part, and change .passable. right? Should CLS auto-update habitable spaces on a change like that? I can't seem to get it to do so without switching vessels away and back again. Do I have to manually pump it somehow? It looks like what I'd need is CLSVessel.Populate() but that's marked internal.
  5. "Jebediah, come in, we have news for you." "Ooh!" "We're going to have to fire you." "Oh." "In a rocket!" "Ooh!" "Into the sun." "Oh." "But it's for science!" "Ooh!" "It seems the sun contains potassium benzoate." "... can I go now?"
  6. Jettisoned the service/cruise module at 68,000m while returning from a Class C asteroid, with Hermin Kerman and Gerbur "Babyfood" Kerman still in the hitchhiker can. Hermin made it back to the command pod by EVA. Gerbur tried to follow and was torn away by the strengthening winds, and became a fireball in full view of Hermin and Edlu. It was kind of horrible. It was at this point that I decided planting one flag for every Kerbonaut I lost was overkill, so I planted one consolidated flag for Gerbur, Chuck Kerman (who set out in an impromptu rover to plant a flag at the end of the runway so he could find it while landing the spaceplane, drove off the end of the runway and exploded), Sheldrin and Charlie Kerman (crashing said spaceplane), and the unfortunately named Podoly "Pod" Kerman (who would come to fall out of a command pod)
  7. BUUUMP I've had IVAs half finished forever. Finally dusting this off to try and make it release-worthy. Ladders and airlocks are finicky. I've tuned the shapes a bit so everything should behave a little better, but it will never be perfect (it isn't perfect on the stock parts either). (You get the 'crew hatch' prompt when you mouse over the box-shaped volume that defines the trigger zone for the airlock door. If there's a ladder trigger volume running through it (which there always is), the ladder volume 'occludes' the airlock volume so the cursor doesn't catch it. That's why it's sometimes funny to try and get the 'crew hatch' prompt, and these tanks were worse than most.) That's an easy change, and I like it. I'll try it. I thiiink I fixed this. I want ejected covers to behave just like broken solar panel bits. I split the models up into bits so I could reuse top and bottom on both tanks to save memory. sorry :/ I actually don't change the max resource level to anything, I literally remove the resource component from the part instance. TAC fuel balancer and mechjeb must build a list of parts with resources once and then never rebuild it (a safe assumption, honestly), while Kerbal Engineer seems to err on the side of always updating. If I just set the max resource level to 0, there will always be a dummy resource bar showing 0/0 LF and 0/0 OX in the right click menu for the tanks. I don't like that, but if it's hosing mods everyone uses otherwise I might have to live with it. me too I'm looking at this. CLS provides a nice thorough API, so it seems simple to do. ANYWAY Rebuilt the plugin for 0.24.2, fiddled with slight texture updates, and made the panels pop off with a lot less velocity. And I think I made them not get 'lodged' in space any more. Update soon.
  8. Say we had a system of taxonomy for living things that divided them into plants and animals. If it breathes and moves around it's an animal, and if it grows out of the ground it's a plant. Also, somebody once found a mushroom, which everyone immediately could tell was unlike the other plants, but, hey, it still grows out of the ground. It's a strange and different plant, but it's a plant. What else would it be? Say this is fine with everyone for like eighty years. Then say that, after all that time, we finally start to really actually look around in forests and we discover, wow, there's all kinds of these little weird fungusy things out here. And, they're all similar to each other in exactly the ways that mushrooms are different from all other plants. We would then conclude that there's a whole category for fungi that we missed, because our previous classification was borne of ignorance and incomplete information. It would be weird if people complained about this. Wouldn't it? Wouldn't it just be counter to all rational thought if people all whined and shouted "But I liked it when mushrooms were plants! What do you know, anyway? Scientists. Why can't we still just classify it as a plant anyway? I don't care what you call them, a mushroom will always be a plant to me!" and they had tshirts and bumper stickers printed up that said "WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE A MUSHROOM WAS A PLANT" and when you tried to explain to them about the whole world of fungi out there in the woods they didn't listen? Wouldn't those people seem kind of like ... you know ... morons?
  9. I set out to do Yet Another Apollo Style Mun Landing (YAASML) but due to drastic schedule and budget overruns with both the command and munar modules, the decision was made to just do without them.
  10. What I'm always confused by is people who, while they can figure out how to play a game about rocket science, don't realize that if they just post "C:/Program Files/Games/KSP_Win/Screenshots/Whatever0001.png" into an images thread, we can't see into their hard drive. Maybe there's just more little kids playing this game than I realize.
  11. Picture the gimbal is inside out. Stare at it like one of those qbert illusions where the cubes flip orientation, until you see a concave bowl instead of a convex ball. Now imagine you're at the center of it, looking out.
  12. The trouble is how wheels lose contact with the ground. If the physics system doesn't consider a wheel collider in full contact with a surface, it's not in contact at all. There's no "sort of gripping but not really" allowance that a simulation of tires on dirt would require. I suspect they tried to counteract this at Squad by cranking the friction up real high. Trouble is, the times when the wheel has solid contact is not where more friction is needed, because if you go a little airborne and you aren't perfectly lined up with your forward motion when you come down, the first wheel that touches the ground zooms off in the direction it's pointed and tears your whole craft out from under itself and sends you spiraling. Since driving a rover is simultaneously this silly extra game of trying to juggle your SAS state and maneuvering mode, that happens constantly. This is conjecture, but it feels like wheels only accelerate you on x and y. The reason you can bomb up a hill at full power, I think, is because you're partially being accelerated into the hill, so the wheels plant super-firmly and you get their full effect. But, if you try to head down the slightest incline, you're going to jitter and skip all the way to the bottom, because as soon as your tires gain contact, they accelerate a little bit forward and come off the slope again. TT's multiwheels are a little better but not the best. They forcibly stay planted to the ground as far as the physics system is concerned and simulate slippage internally, but they're still a deathtrap on any world lighter than Kerbin/Eve/Tylo. Also, I'm not buying the advice that I should build a very conservative rover and drive it at old churchlady speeds. I thought this was Kerbal Space Program.
  13. Can we maybe get the panel not visible in the tracking station? It covers the vessel menu and you can't move it or turn it off. Also, can we move it and turn it off?
  14. Figured out my problem: log analysis showed the dll not loading, redownloading it showed the file I had was three times larger than the proper one. Scares me a little - maybe I won't download naked .dlls from mediafire in the future. however i am now doing donuts around the ksc monolith at 4x physical timewarp zomfg
  15. ^ Same. ^ People can, of course, play however they want, but: I don't understand the point of a part that generates snacks. I don't get this about other life support mods that provide recyclers and everything, too. If a mod adds a limit, then adds a part that makes the limit go away again, what's the point of having the mod? If it's just a matter of putting that part on every ship, then you're back to playing the same game you were before you installed the mod, with slightly heavier ships. If the ultimate goal that a mod adds is to achieve a state of maintenance-free stasis, what new dynamic, what depth does it add to the game other than the feeling that you have life support systems on your ships? If the snack oven is a science lab, that I'm sort of okay with, because it's a big heavy part that changes your whole plan if you decide to bring one, but a magic part that nullifies the need for kerbals to eat ever again should have some other drawback or it nullifies the whole mod in the process. It still has to interact with some other game system somehow. (not continually jumping outside for surface samples. that's silly.) Maybe every snack made spends a tiny bit of fuel? (If you imagine that your LFO is hydrolox then you need it for water, and if you imagine that it's RP1 you need the petroleum to make the candy wrappers. (and if you imagine that it's UDMH, you're probably already using TAC-LS.) That makes it a serious tradeoff on long voyages that you'd still have to plan for.) Can you somehow spend money to create snacks remotely? Maybe the kerbals start eating the equipment, or pages out of their manuals - pages you'll never get back. Can Kerbals eat science?
  16. From the video I can see the boosters aren't colliding with the tank. Your decouplers are fine. Your sepratrons are pointed straight in at the main tank, however. They're like tiny guns. Roll them around the outside of the boosters a little bit so they point inward in a v-shape. The thrust will still be straight away from the tank but no single sepratron will be pointed straight at it.
  17. ^ That is perfect. My career save is usually named "For Duty and Kermanity!"
  18. I hated space planes for the longest time. Still kinda do. As far as I was concerned, there was the VAB, and some other useless building I'd never use. When I tried, I'd just absolutely massacre Kerbals with machines that looked exactly like everyone else's planes but would flip out and explode on the runway without even lifting off, and I'd say "oh yeah, that's why I don't bother with that." However, as with everything else in this game, it seems like an absolutely impossible task until you discover the magic optimum path, and an hour later you can do it with your eyes closed. Designing a spaceplane you can fly straight to orbit just has one of the narrowest magic optimum paths of anything in the game. - Design any plane that you know just works as a plane, that you can launch and fly out over the sea and actually steer and then actually line up with the runway again and actually land. Moving a few parts the tiniest bit can make a huge difference, and with enough screwing around and/or green bodies on the tarmac, you will start to get a handle on how. - Once you've got a plane that works, keep changing the design and going for personal altitude/speed records. Start with a tiny plane and one turbojet so that when it flames out you don't lose all control, and try to get it as close to flaming out as you can without going over. Then change the design a little and see if you can move that flameout line a little higher. With 3 ram intakes per turbojet you can cruise at minimal throttle at, if you're super careful, up to 40km and still be picking up speed. Watch how much liquid fuel you use getting up to that point, and tweak out any big surplus to lighten the craft for the next flight. - If you're still sticking with it at this point, you'll eventually become good enough at this that you'll find it takes constant nosing down to avoid climbing to an altitude where your jet no longer works. If you use Mechjeb or KER, it'll probably tell you your periapsis is above 70km. Hooray! Now put a rocket on that plane and some asbestos pajamas on Jebediah and you are, in theory, set. - Use the tiny red rockomax rockets. Dragging a whole LVT30 or 909 up with you is just a waste. If you nail that special spaceplane ascent profile just right, where you skim along with your intakeAir holding at 0.01 until you're pushing 2km/s, you don't need much of a squirt to get up the rest of the way. - Make an action group that switches the jets off, the rockets on, and shuts the air intakes. If you use the 'toggle' action for all of them and have the first stage activate only the jets, you can use the same button to switch back to air breathing mode when you come back from space, inevitably nowhere near the stupid runway. Or: don't bother and keep making rockets! Do what's fun. You might come back to it some day in a more patient and curious mood. That's more important than any design tip.
  19. op has not satisfactorily explained why he hates animals
  20. Try gradually throttling down also. Watch the g meter beside the nav ball, and find how high it goes when your rocket fails. Stay below that.
  21. the most weight-efficient way to transport a kerbal, other than a lawn chair, is the single lander can it follows that the most weight-efficient way to transport two kerbals, other than two lawn chairs, is two single lander cans this has unexpected consequences (not pictured: another screenshot with the engine firing)
  22. very nearly lost 1800 science JUST PUT THAT ANYWHERE GUYS
  23. Oh, here you are, pictures thread. Were you scared? It's okay. You're safe now.
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