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Everything posted by kenbobo

  1. Hey upsilon- look up Finale Notepad 2003- it's a little bit old but it still works I did this in 10 minutes in a car ride. Phones battery is almost dead- peace
  2. Linky: https://soundcloud.com/user532182332/ksp-theme-kendallcubed
  3. NOO NOOOO IT BROKE MY ACTIVATION - - - Updated - - - NVM it worked
  4. thanks, no turning back now. Verifying download.
  5. And that works on prebuilt without having to enter a product key? My laptop i'm running the tool on now, is, well, a laptop.
  6. Im so happy this rocks cortana has what does the fox say
  7. home built or prebuilt. cause theres a batch file i whipped up that fixes no update. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2mg_tZNqeCJRWQ0RG45aUttOU0/view?usp=sharing
  8. Discuss! I have taken the plunge. It's 12:37AM on July 29th here. Lets go!
  9. I applied even though the age limit is definitely broken. My parents (or should I say, parent) would be glad to sign it for me and make sure I did it. YAY FOR UNITY EXPERIENCE ALSO A LITTLE BIT OF BUG REPORTING EXPERIENCE
  10. It had 2 shuttles, a space station pack, as well as some ground vehicles. I can't remember that mod's name.
  11. Why are the Daily Kerbals late this week?
  12. ... To quote from my post-
  13. I am making a real time capsule that I am going to bury that includes 1 penny 1 dime 1 nickel 1 quarter 1 1$ bill 1 flashdrive with 20 pictures (which you choose) (Appropriate please) as well as a copy of today's news and a copy of KSP 1.0.4. 1 page with recent historical events and my info 1 page with disclaimers This will be buried in 4 months, as well as the thread, until that date in 2020. Suggest a picture and maybe even a good poem or two about current times! Or anything else that is under 500mb. Thanks! Kendall
  14. kenbobo

    What if?

    Then we'd have kid pilots. What if a virus infected every technological device in the quadrant of the galaxy we live in? (clicky clicky le saz)
  15. I know this is weird, but I was listening to a MIDI that called itself a Kareoke Track. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvfebbxKaqY Go ahead and post your favorite Midis!
  16. Or they could have a time warp poll. "<USERNAMEHERE> wishes to timewarp <FACTORHERE> for <TIMEHERE>. Vote yes or no."
  17. I played Space War (yes the very first game) on an emulator. I had heard about computer gaming and decided to start from the ground up. I gave up then played the KSP demo.
  18. Well, still waiting for results, so no way of knowing if it is Marfan. However, the doctor has put my sister on a wheelchair and a walker so... Happy thoughts! just have happy thoughts
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