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Everything posted by Waz

  1. Grind???? You take that back! But seriously, give yourself some starting science if you don't like it.
  2. KSP isn't a thousands-of-similar-objects game, so ECS wouldn't add much.
  3. I'm not exactly sure what that means. I don't rebuild EVE unless it needs changes to work for the current KSP version. I update the first post of this thread if I've personally tested it adequately even if I haven't rebuilt it; as you can see, I haven't played for a while :-)
  4. The BoulderCo directory is the Sample Configs shipped alongside EVE. The EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements directory is the plugin itself. The BoulderCo directory is not needed if you use a different config set such as that which SVE provides.
  5. Not that I know of, but a few are listed on the first page of this topic. Personally, I like to play with SVE, which I think is even slightly better performance-tuned than the sample/default one.
  6. There is nothing particularly "light" about the base config. SVE is a little heavier, but other configs are lighter. See first post in this thread for some links to configs (and others, feel free to advise me on them, I've mostly only used SVE).
  7. Sorry for the slow response. Size - yes. Area - yes, but it's a hexagonal area (approximating a circle with that radius), not a square. area[1] is how many times to subdivide the hexagon (into ever smaller triangles with a particle at each vertex). The biggest performance issue is having area[1] too large - the smaller you can make it, the better.
  8. Always best to test mod bugs in isolation. EVE and Scatterer are independent, but Scatterer does inject its own Shaders on top of EVE's.
  9. Pffff.... That's a KSPRC dust storm (being navigated by a Laserdist-empowered kOS @RoverDude Karibou rover).
  10. We don't even have proper text docs yet. :-( KSPRC once had dust storms on Duna, by some EVE magic.
  11. I'd rather know why the MapView is null. When does this happen for you - when you change views or something?
  12. It works well-enough as-is, from what I've tested, so I can't see myself getting around to any update just yet. If you mean CKAN version updates, you can tell them netKAN people that it works and they might update their files.
  13. Go for it. KSPRC was once exactly that kind of mod.
  14. > Stock Prokjet TU Configuration File Porkjet? Projekt?
  15. Or instead of lamb sauce, just try it. Someone on reddit already has and says "all visual mods work, so does KER".
  16. That's pretty extreme low-end, so I'd advise against it. But you might want to try: it says 1.2, but should still work with current version, as it is just configs.
  17. It's intended for mod devs who have already got experience developing EVE configs. Otherwise, it's best to wait for an official release.
  18. Anyone (@Galileo, @Gameslinx, @alexus, @Poodmund, ...) wanting to have a go at developing some bumpmap clouds, please use these files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SjfEAJDUh8a4RhapR_x6jFbQe-avGkwu?usp=sharing Notes: Copy the DLLs overwriting the previous ones. You will need a normal map image. If you use a DXTnm DDS, it should auto-detect. If you use a PNG, you will need to mark it as a normalmap - see the example texture.cfg See the example clouds.cfg for how to specify the BumpMap and BumpScale alongside the MainTex. Do not use Scatterer with the above DLLs, it uses it's own modified versions of the standard EVE shaders so you'll see nothing. I have only done minimal testing, with just @Gameslinx's images, YMMV. If it looks upside down or inside out, don't assume it's your images and not my code. Enjoy!
  19. I doubt there would be anywhere near enough resolution for them to look like that close up - that's the point of the volumetric clouds - to make them look better close up. But it might be possible to make the sphere slightly bumpy. The original question was about bump mapping from space, not close up though, which, given your image, produces something like this: For the in-space image, we need a normal map, but to do anything interesting close up, a height map is better. For this image, I just generated the normalmap from the heightmap.
  20. Just posting a link to it here is fine.
  21. Not at all, but I'm not going to do it based on someone's 2 minutes of googleing images. Producing EVE content takes artistic skill to produce the image maps, and without the necessary maps, me coding normalmap support in the plugin is worthless. For mods like EVE that are a combination of coding and art, it takes both to produce good results. If someone said "hey, I've got these awesome normalmaps, look how cool they look on this simple sphere, can we use them in EVE?", I'd be more than keen to look at supporting such maps in EVE. But I wouldn't even know where to start in producing such maps myself, let alone ones of any quality.
  22. I mean, contribute a cloudmap texture and a corresponding heightmap and I'll have something to work with.
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