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Article Comments posted by Kerbart

  1. 42 minutes ago, Zhetaan said:

    I'd like to chime in and say that I appreciate the attention to detail, so thanks for that.  I am curious, though, about the decision to make EVA propellant equal to 5 kg/unit in density.  There has been a long-standing fan idea that EVA fuel, in function if not in its exact formulation, is some variation of monopropellant (and there are a few mods that make this relationship explicit), so I am a little surprised to see that you've chosen to give it the same density as the bipropellant mix rather than the 4 kg/unit of monopropellant

    I might be wrong but didn’t one of the early 1.x versions replenish EVA fuel with monopropellant from the capsule (if any available)? I think the point being to end “EVA pushing,” but the feature got dropped quickly—maybe even with a bugfix release. My memory might be playing tricks on me though.

  2. 1 minute ago, Steel Dragon said:

    I do apologize if my statements seam hurtful or negative. I don't respond well when a developer issues a major release 1.1 then patches 1.1.1 and rapid fires a hotfix 1.1.2 then says there taking a vacation. My issue with this is where is the QA in all this? I wouldn't be as vocal if the game worked, but it does not. You can not build a ship to even see the other issues and they are going on vacation? Why do developers feel they can issue products that don't work. Example just this year XCOM 2 (a series i love) launched DOA and I still can not play it. Now KSP is RIP intell they can at least fix the VAB bug. So forgive my negativity but I'm tired of wasting my free time attempting to enjoy myself just to have the product I payed for fail.

    I can understand your frustration, but it is very easy for the outsider to interpret your post as “overreacting.” The game is not totally broken; if there are issues in the VAB there might be something wrong with your install; I haven't seen a lot of posts about it in the forum and for me personally the VAB works fine (aside from a few minor issues, but good enough for gameplay).

    The Squad team has been working virtually non stop for at least half a year to get this update out (the initial expectation was Christmas, but the switch to Unity 5 turned out to be a lot more laborious than expected). I absolutely think they deserve a vacation, and they should be commended for pushing out these last minute patches before they take their well deserved rest, instead of saying right after 1.1 “we'll look at the bugs with fresh eyes once we’re back from our break”

    There’s been plenty of QA, but a lot of issues simply cannot be discovered by systematic testing, only by live playing. That’s why we had the pre-release, and that’s why we’re having patches. The alternative is six months of QA testing and an update occuring only once every two years. Nobody gains from that; not Squad, and not the players.

    It’s kind of par for the course that each release comes with a number of patches. I’m sure Squad whishes it weren’t, but their product is built on top of an engine that they have little control over and that uses it in ways not a lot of other games do. Hence, they run into unexpected challenges and unexpected behaviour. C’est la vie. In a way, it’s a beautiful rendition of the challenges one faces when going to space. Look at it just that way :)

    We will probably need two or three more rounds of patches before the game is back in a stable form. A piece of advice; don’t upgrade to the latest version if you dislike these kind of challenges; just wait until the current release is stable. These problems will be fixed.

  3. 1 hour ago, Steel Dragon said:

    If this is true the only solution is for squad to fork over the cash for the updated game engine. Otherwise this game is totally broken


    I've been playing the game just fine. So it's not totally broken.

    The issue is not “forking over the cash.” Why does everyone seem to think that any of the prolonged issues we’re encountering (hurting the reputation of KSP/Squad in the process) are caused by Squad nickeling and diming us (yet providing updates for free) or by some sinister conspiracy theory?

    Switching to a new Unity version will break things, and require code to be rewritten. I’ll be 1.1.0 all over again, albeit at a smaller scale. But switching over to a new engine (one that’s not even available yet, from what I understand) is not a matter of waving a magic wand and sprinkling some pixie dust. It will take a lot of hard work, and most of all, a lot of time.


    Please address these issues

    Oh. Thank goodness. I was waiting for this. Because so far, Squad figured “meh, why bother.” But this request will most certainly spur them into action! Thank you!

  4. 1 hour ago, Perry Apsis said:

    One time I was finishing a long hike on a hot day with two friends, Bob and Bill. For the last part of the hike, I was telling them about this nice beer I had in the fridge and we were all pretty excited about it. I was just unlocking the front door when I mentioned that I only had one beer and it was going to Bob. Bill was kind of upset, for some reason. 

    I told Bill he was being selfish and immature, but somehow he still didn't get the point, even after I said I'd definitely let both of them have a beer next week.

    Even after he admitted that it would be better for one person to have a beer than for nobody to have one, he still felt hard done by, and said it might have been better to not offer the beer to anyone. 

    Morals a-plenty:

    What a nice story, but it seems inaccurate. At no point in time did Squad mention in advance, let alone promise, a pre-release versions and then backtracked and said "Steam only." Well yes, during the course of the announcement, but if that was "all along" then I think you have problem with being impatient. Squad made a clear case: we want to extend testing, we've never done that before, the process involves certain logistics, right now Steam can provide those, banana banana banana. I can see  how an approach of starting this release with the bad news: “pre-release on steam only, and here's why:” won’t achieve a single thing either, as those who will cry foul will stop reading after that anyway.

    So here's an updated version:

    One time I was finishing a long hike on a hot day with two friends, Bob and Bill. The hike took longer than expected. Guys, I have some beer in the refrigerator. I'd love to give it to the both of you when we get home, but circumstances (Bill was not yet at the legal drinking age) only enable me to offer a beer to Bob.

    Bill completely understand that, smiled and said, "Hey, two weeks from now I'll be [drinking age], I get to get a beer too then, right? I'd be silly to deny Bob his beer just because I can't have it."

    “But of course Bill! It's not that I don't *want* to give you a beer, it's that I *can't* but as soon as I can, I will.” I was amazed that such a young lad was able to display such maturity. Good for him!

    Morals-a-plenty: if you're coming up with some story, make sure to use an analogy that is not blatantly unprecise. And Squad should see to it that the pre-release is downloadable through curseforge. That should put an end to the complaints. :P


  5. It seems there is a feeling that the pre-release is a privilege. I see it as a way to help Squad to make the game better. Sure, it will give you a warm and fuzzy feeling if you can do that. But if you can't, it shouldn't make you have your panties in a bunch. You're not being left out of anything grandiose.

    The purpose of the pre-release is not to give you the opportunity to show off to your friends that you have 1.1 and they don't. The purpose of the pre-release is to improve the game. So, what to do if you don't have Steam and you're upset of missing out on the pre-release? I'll get flamed when I say “grow up” so I'm not saying that. Instead, I'll leave it to your own introspection.

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