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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. this game looks very good
  2. I'm so excited to hear about a new Oddworld. This game looks awesome and reminds me of my childhood. http://www.oddworld.com/oddworldgames/new-n-tasty/ Check it out and feel free to share your opinions.
  3. My first docking was an amazing accomplishment for me. After hours and hours of failed attempts, when the two docking Ports finally aligned correctly and the camera zoomed out and showed my whole ship i just leaned back in my chair with my hands on my head and stared at my screen for at least a half hour, that feeling was so good, unlike any other feeling I've had in any game.
  4. O i c. Well that's lame, but anyways i guess I'll just have to see what its like when we get it. Don't knock it until you try it huh.
  5. I personally hope the claw can not transfer fuel. If it does, that will be the first time in the history of this game i will be thoroughly disappointed at Squads decision. I truly love and. i mean LOVE every time we get new parts, but if the claw can transfer fuel i will hate it.
  6. Maybe im just being a party pooper and please dont take this the wrong way but with the "claw" why do we need docking ports then? lol it took me weeks to learn how to dock and is one of the biggest payoffs in this game for me. so now i can just bump into things and "dock"?. I love the docking system now and maybe im just not understanding some things but are there still any reasons to use docking ports for my stations and planetary bases other than a personal prefference? i guess there is still the Sr docking port and all, but maybe the claw shouldnt be able to transfer fuels and such??
  7. I would absolutely buy them.how much I would pay would depend on the content. I don't know if I'll be getting them for free since I purchased the game before the specific time but I opted to Get a steam key, that being said I still won't mind buying them and supporting the developer
  8. hi there everyone, just wanted to come here an show some love for a game that is in alpha called Planet Explorers. I play this game when I can pry myself away from KSP and thought some of you might like to check it out. Planet explorers is a really awesome game that lets you explore a new world and find resources to survive. It lets you craft guns, swords, shields, vehicles, and many other things. You can discover underground caves and mine for different kinds or ore including iron, copper, silver, gold, and many more and make useful items and buildings doing so. check it out, its an awesome game. Try the a0.53 demo: http://planetexplorers.pathea.net/download/ http://planetexplorers.pathea.net/
  9. definitely a great buy. I played the demo for about a half an hour before i realized I needed this game in my life. now its basically the only game I ever want to play unless I force myself to take a break from it.
  10. Ya, for me, its rendezvous and docking. It still gives me a great feeling but I don't spend hours anymore dripping sweat trying to get my ships to dock.
  11. That was nice. and I too blend KSP with life.just yesterday I was asked , what is the second planet from the sun? Without even thinking about it I said Eve.but then I remembered I live on earth not kerbin
  12. subassemblies!!!! science!!!! I love this game more every single day...
  13. here goes my S.S.A. (space station Alpha) . it orbits Kerbin at 200x200km. it seats 23 kerbals, it has a KAS module, a fuel module and a tug. it does everything I need for a rescue hub and a refuel destination and its my one stop shop before I go on any missions. though sadly I want to make it bigger but it gets a bit laggy when I get close.
  14. here is my A.U.V. (all utility vehicle) I love this thing
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