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Everything posted by Astraph

  1. A natural second step in space exploration was a mission to Kerbin's two satellites - Mun and Minimus. However, kerbed flight has been considered too dangerous for the current phase of development, as the light, portable life support systems have not been perfected yet. Instead, the KSP has decided to revert to unkerbed missions. The Oko probe was designed to be a small, compact device. Lacking solar panels or any other external sources of power, it relied on a fixed energy supply to approach its target, collect all the data avalible and transmit it back to Kerbin. Using the KE-001 launcher (effectively a perfected, mass-produced version of MEL III), two Oko probes have been put into LKO with no issues. Mun I's approach to Kerbin's larger satellite and data transmission, including first photographs of munar surface, were completed with no issues, after which the probe was put into hibernation and carried on to an eccentric graveyard orbit around Kerbin. Minimus I however suffered a minor failrue due to orbit miscalculation; instead of passing within 50-100 kilometres like Mun I, it passed Minimus within over 3,000 km, resulting in only partial data being collected. The probe lacked fuel to correct this, however, so the KSC had to stick to the original plan and followed its accelerated flight path into the a heliocentric orbit. Project Oko Objectives: -> Mun I: - Complete Munar flyby ✆- Collect data from both high and low Munar orbits ✆- Transmit results back to Kerbin ✆-> Minimus I: - Complete Minimus flyby ✆- Collect data from both high and low Minimus orbits ✖ - Transmit results back to Kerbin ✆-> Craft used: KE-001 + Oko probe - Crew: 0 - Cost: 19,685 - Total mass: 20,185 kg - Ship mass: 2,190 kg - Science collected: 22,14 - Economy: 8,989 / t & 889 / science
  2. Folllowing the partial (at best) success of Monitor II, the KSP had enlisted the help of Kepanik Kerman, pioneer of rocket design. His remodeled carrier was dubbed MEL III, despite being only loosely based on the previous incarnations of the series. Apart from being turned into a fully-fledged three stage rocket, MEL III was powered exclusively by liquid motors. The additional power has proven enough to put the capsule into orbit - allowing Jebediah Kerman to take first detailed pictures of Kerbin's equatoral area. After one full orbital circle, the craft was turned round and the re-entry phase began. After half an hour in space, the capsule touched down on the Kerbastan Desert. With this success, the Monitor program has been concluded. First steps have been made - the time has come for more ambitious goals... Monitor III -> Objectives: - Attain stable LKO ✆- Conduct orbital experiments ✆- Compose an orbital map of Kerbin equatoral regions ✆-> Craft used: Monitor Experimental Launcher III - Crew: 1 - Cost: 18,787 - Total mass: 32,145 kg - Ship mass: 2,865 kg - Economy: 6,557 / t & 341 / science
  3. The success of Monitor I prompted a next, more ambitious mission; to attain stable Kerbal orbit and conduct basic experiments in zero-g environment. The MEL has been refitted with three solid rocket boosters to increase its delta-V capabilities. However, although the craft attained a semi-stable LKO (with perikerb high enough to sustain at least one full circle between atmospheric drag forcing the capsule back to the surface), the KSC ordered Jebediah to brake down and re-enter before the first full circle was complete. Nevertheless, all planned experiments have been carried out. Monitor II -> Objectives: - Attain stable LKO ✖ - Conduct orbital experiments ✆-> Craft used: Monitor Experimental Launcher II - Crew: 1 - Cost: 9,797 - Total mass: 16,278 kg - Ship mass: 1,200 kg
  4. The development of rocketry sciences in the past few decades has finally allowed fulfillment of kerbinity's great dream; reaching outside its home planet, into the cold vastness of space. Not suprisingly, it were the Klavs, as the most advanced nation on the planet, who took the lead. The first step was to test all the crucial technologies required to safetly attain orbit and return. In order to do so, a series of experimental flights was planned, using ad-hoc designed and modified test vehicles. Monitor I -> Objectives: - Achieve sub-orbital flight ✆- Conduct basic in-flight experiments ✆- Return to Kerbin ✆-> Craft used: Monitor Experimental Launcher - Crew: 1 - Cost: 7,497 - Total mass: 12,240 kg - Ship mass: 1,200 kg
  5. Table of contents: 1) The Monitor Program 1.1) Monitor I 1.2) Monitor II 1.3) Monitor III 2) The Oko Program 3) Project Munshot 3.1) Munarne Orbitalne Laboratorium 3.2) Preparation Of Interplanetary Surface Kontraptions 3.3) Munshot I 3.4) Oko-II 4) POISK-II 5) Badacz 6) Latawiec Achievements: -> First Kerbal in space: Jebediah Kerman (Monitor I) -> First Kerbal on the Mun: Jebediah Kerman (Munshot I) -> First Kerbal on Minimus: Bill Keman (Badacz) -> First orbital flight: Jebediah Kerman (Monitor III) -> First Mun soft landing: POISK -> First Munar flyby: Mun I -> First Minimus soft landing: POISK-II -> First Minimus flyby: Minimus I -> First Eve soft landing: Latawiec -> First heliocentric orbit achieved: Minimus I Records set: -> Longest flight: POISK-II (17d 11h 43m) -> Most economical launch (cost to mass): Monitor III (6,557 / t) -> Most economical launch (cost to science): POISK-II (141 / science) -> Most flights: Jebediah Kerman (5; Monitor I-III, MOL, Munshot I) -> Most Kerbals in space at the same time: Monitor I (1) -> Most science collected: Badacz (Minimus; 369)
  6. Hello guys! I've recently blown the dust of my Steam and rediscovered the magical world of Kerbal Space Program! Immediately, I started thinking about making kind of an AAR... But I realised I have no concrete project to think of. Instead... Well, I decided to just launch a career mode and go with the flow. Wonder where will this take me ^^' Here's a couple of home rules I've made: -> No mission revert. If the craft explodes on launch - tough luck. If I miscalculate delta v - again, poor chap. -> No mechanics abuse (intake stacking, clipping) -> Mods used: KAS, B9, KW Rocketry, Kerbal Engineer, Alarm Clock, Kethane I'll also keep track of the project's milestones, as well as records being set as the program progresses. So, enjoy the read!
  7. Thanks, but my computer is already struggling to load & maintain this little amount of mods ^^' Maybe after an upgrade in some future I'll try Fustek out
  8. Hello people Background: With the great success of Kyakovlev Design Bureau's KYA-12 SSTO design, the KSP administration has decided to use this promising spaceplane to a daring mission - assembly of the first fully functional orbital refinery in medium Kerbin orbit. The new structure would be used by interplanetary craft as a staging point, refueling depot and makeshift shipyard for any type of interplanetary mission designed. As in most cases, beginings are rather modest... Table of contents: Phase I - Deploying the Core Module Objectives: -> Circular medium Kerbin orbit (between 200 & 1000 km) ✓ -> Living quarters for the crew ✓ -> Kethane refining capabilities -> Liquid fuel, oxidizer, monopropellant and xenon tanks -> Multiple docking capabilities -> Utility craft (tugs, tankers, crew shuttles) Mods used: Kerbal Engineer B9 Aerospace KW Rocketry Kethane Mod (quite obviously ) Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Attachment System (not used yet, but might be)
  9. Yeah, FINALLY, my third spaceplane is capable of actually doing something in orbit, not just turning round and decelerating back into the atmosphere Kyakovlev KYA-12 is ready for duty!
  10. The list of files I updated/modified in my install is above (Exurgent Engineering, Firespitter & landing gear tweaks). From what I know, my friend installed only the Exurgent Engineering .dll file.
  11. I did install the files from this update. Exurgent Engineering, Firespitter plugin and updated the wheel configuration files. I didn't do anything with control surface tweakbles (as I never need them anyway).
  12. OK, that's strange. My engines overheat as hell, making building anything Sabre-based impossible. Below I attach test platform I built for my space shuttle design: I have KW Rocketry, B9, Kerbal Engineer, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Kethane and KAS installed, so this can't be the problem with Interstellar. Small Sabres seem to be working perfectly. I've tried attaching precoolers to the engines - it slows the meltdown by 5-10 seconds, depending on throttle setting, but still makes the engines explode before I gain 100 m/s and take off. A friend of mine has experimented with a very simmilar design (he has KW, B9, Kethane and Deadly Reentry installed) - his both SSTOs reach orbit perfectly at 100% throttle and 4 large Sabres.
  13. Hello fellow Kerbonauts, There is one thing that keeps bugging me, but I'm unable to find a satisfying answer. How to calculate (or even just estimate) the amount of lift generated by wings? I know each aerodynamics part has a fixed lift rating, but how does this relate to lift force? It can't be newtons or even kN (since, well, 0.9 canards would be useless then), but I have no idea what equation should I use to estimate how much wing area would my plane need...
  14. OK, the issue might be I installed precoolers just before the engines, not after the intakes. I'll test the new design tommorow, many thanks!
  15. If I don't have Interstellar, but my sabres overheat at ridiculously high rate, what might be the reason? It's kinda frustrating to see them simply blow up every time I open the throttle... Edit so that no one can accuse me of being non-specific I'm using the S2 rear hull part (the one with two 2,5m hardpoints on the sides) to install two large Sabres, plus a bunch of smaller engines along the wings to create enough thrust to make my plane rise. Intake air is provided with Sabre intakes for the smaller engines and one intake hull adapter for the large ones. Small engines run smoothly, but the larger ones start overheating at around 10s after firing. I've installed precoolers to the large engines, which slows the overheat down, but I was unable to determine whether the engines would explode, as the plane starts wobbling and crashes (apparently14 wheels for 150 t aircraft is not enough, even with the fix...)
  16. I think the main reason behind the confusion is that I didn't understand "parent body" the same way every jargon-fluent KSP player would ^^'
  17. Thanks for helping with Imgur. I wouldn't have figured it out by myself... My mistake with the probes. I thought that if one can spam rovers ("Each working rover not already scored"), satellites also count - but on the other hand, I agree that putting a rover on the Mun is much more demanding than sending an orbital probe. As I said - my mistake. Also, I interpreted the "escaping debris counts towards the parent body" as all escaping debris still counting for Kerbin (which I understand as body the debris originate from - thus the "parent" one). Anyway, thanks for correcting the score... Even though I can't say I'm happy with my performace. ^^'
  18. OK, time for my attempt. Damn rover, somehow thought that if I play it safe and don't include them, I wouldn't have to take this modifier into account... The only mod used was Kerbal Alarm Clock. All craft are 100% stock. I dedicate this mission to Mirosław Hermaszewski, the first (but not last) Polish cosmonaut. And the score: Launch: 1.8 (single launch) Flight plan: 0.9 + 0.2 = 1.1 -(Mun + Minimus) Kebrals in space: 6 (sniff) Kerbals in command pod: 0.7 + 0.33 = 1.03 -> (2 out of 6) Kerbals landed: 0.3 + 0.67 = 0.97 (4 out of 6) Rovers: 0.5 (None) Science: 0.5 + 1.2 (Mun Farside Crater, Minimus Lowlands, Minimus Poles, Minimus Highlands) + 0.8 (4 satellites) = 2.5 Landings: 0.6 + 0.2 = 0.8 (Two additional landers, none of them two-staged) Return: 1 + 0.1 = 1.1 (Splashdown within 100 km from KSC) Debris: 1 - 0.3 = 0.7 (2nd stage left in LKO, plus some debris on escape from Kerbin SoI) Survival: 1 (No one died, all chaps went back home) So, the total score is... 1.8*1.1*6*1.03*0.97*0.5*2.5*0.8*1.1*0.7*1 = 9.14
  19. Nope, because the final modifier is 1 above the number of Kerbals lost. So, if you lose 25 out Kerbals, then the modifier is 1/25 = 4%...
  20. OK, my hopes of reaching top 3 have just been trashed... Sniff I should have included those bloody rovers...
  21. I should have the album posted this weekend - I hope that's not too late to make it for the competition? ^^'
  22. Are points for Kerbals on Minimus counted the same way they do on the Mun?
  23. Thanks for reply I'm already designing my monster, hope it works ^^'
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