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Everything posted by huin

  1. Urg, thought I tested that... I'll have to make another pass. Edit: Arg - confirmed. Working on this now. Edit2: Fixed! New release coming shortly. From my commit: "Turns out that assigning to Transform.parent modifies the "local" relative-to-parent values in the child Transform in order to retain world position - this isn't always what I want."
  2. Updated! Sorry - I'm too knackered from computer-related stuff at work to do this during the weekday evenings. I hope this fixes it for you guys as well. Certainly it was broken for me due to a subtle but crucial internal change within KSP, and I seem to have nursed it back into health.
  3. Another fun to watch cinematic, nice work!
  4. Thanks The forum reset threw away a lot of replies from the original thread. I recreated my original post only from a Google cached version.
  5. One thing I've pondered that I should put into Kerbcam is allowing a chosen vehicle/object to be the focus for the camera's position, rather than the active object. I've not looked into how difficult this would be. (probably mostly just finding out how more KSP internals work) Edit: So I've gone and implemented that and released KerbCam v0.6. Hope that helps!
  6. KerbCam on Curse Note that Camera Tools will likely cover many of the features of KerbCam and more, and will probably see more love and time than I can spend on KerbCam. Kerbcam2 WIP/RFC thread Source code License (BSD license) Issues/feature requests KerbCam guidebook on Google Docs Google Drive for archived releases This is a tool for those video makers who want just a bit more camera movement and orientation control. Excellent tutorial video provided by Rureglathon: Installation: Unzip the ZIP file inside the GameData directory. This should create a "KerbCam" directory there (with a "Plugins" subdirectory). Features: Keyed pathing and playback. Create and edit keys, each of which controls the orientation and position of the camera relative to the spacecraft at a given time on the path. Path playback attempts to smoothly interpolate from one point to the next. 6-degrees-of-freedom camera controller. No longer be limited to camera positions that are simple rotations around the craft. Path recording (and playback) and camera movement while paused. This is actually an accidental feature, but one that is very handy for preparatory recording of a path or taking a screenshot while a lot of action is going on. (suggest creating and selecting the new path before pausing to workaround a glitch for now). This should also allow for cool "bullet-time" like effects (albeit with the game paused rather than slowed down). Keyframed linearly interpolated time slowdown/pausing. (bullet time effect) Make more videos, with greater freedom than you ever had before. Known to work with KSP 0.23.5. Known issues: When installing KerbCam, including the source files apparently incurs a heavy framerate loss. It's unknown why this happens. Workaround: remove/don't install the Source directory (it's not required for KerbCam to work - future versions will be distributed without this). When switching from map view to flight view while KerbCam is in control of the camera, the camera will jerk around a lot. Workaround: turn off camera control and then back on (unfortunately there isn't a game event for view changes, so this might have to be fixed by polling the camera manager). Some laptops may have trouble pressing F8 to toggle the window, and are therefore unable to change the keybinding to anything else. Workaround: Make a text file inside your top-level KSP directory called "kerbcam.cfg" (use Notepad, or similar), copy/paste the following into it: (change F8 to a value from the Unity3d KeyCode reference.) KEY_BINDINGS { KEY_TOGGLE_WINDOW = F8 } 2014/07/01 - version v0.13 released. Some internal changes to update the addon loading mechanism. Minor change to the path timing interpolation that *might* reduce some juddering, but doesn't eliminate it. Toolbar support (installed separately from the Toolbar forum thread). 2013/07/31 - version v0.12 released. Fixes bug that breaks camera when the watched vessel is destroyed/goes on rails. 2013/07/31 - version v0.11 released. Fixes bug with switching view breaking creation of path keys. 2013/07/29 - version v0.10 released. Fixes the scene change/staging problem. 2013/07/28 - version v0.9 released. Fixes for the "Relative to" feature. Also fixes the drawn-path to move with the relative-to, and change its colour to white, which it always should have been. 2013/07/27 - version v0.8 released. Fix to work with KSP 0.21.1. (This also changes the code based on a better understanding of how camera transformations fit into the scene, this creates a slightly better codebase to work with) 2013/05/24 - version v0.7.1 released. (no code changes) Rearrange files inside zipfile to match new KSP v0.20 mod structure. 2013/05/02 - version v0.7 released. (minor bugfix only) Minor bug fix regarding GUI controls sizing. 2013/05/02 - version v0.6 released. Camera can move relative to vessels other than the active one. 2013/04/13 - version v0.5 released. Optional timescaling (i.e slow-motion), variable by key-frame. Keybindings are now configurable. Additional keybindings for the 6DoF camera. (none are set by default to avoid KerbCam making a land grab for too many keybindings that other mods might use, but I suggest binding the keypad if anything) Some GUI tidyup. 2013/03/13 - version v0.4 released. Fix bug with viewing coincident path keys (which would break the rendering). 2013/03/10 - version v0.3 released. Fix bug when loading from quicksave or similar. 2013/03/10 - version v0.2 released. Camera control that places the camera with 6 degrees of freedom. Playback time control slider, selects a point in the playback to start from, or jump to. Internal refactoring. 2013/03/03 - version v0.1 released. First release of KerbCam. Basic pathing support. [*] Some laptops may have trouble pressing F8 to toggle the window
  7. For the benefit of people using mirrors, I\'ve managed to download the Windows version from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ (eventually), and computed the MD5 and SHA1 checksums so you can verify ZIP files from other sources: $ md5sum KSP_win_0_13_1.zip d4c911b4c4568d0a48bb5c2cf2765545 KSP_win_0_13_1.zip $ sha1sum KSP_win_0_13_1.zip 4c97fd1150dbcb923b97de3a5a0b39b5d577275d KSP_win_0_13_1.zip
  8. On my first try attempted with Asaman\'s design (3x1 drop tanks and a T45). Managed to crash on the Mun at < 300m/s (can\'t recall exact speed, but I think that was the upper bound). On my second try I went with something essentially the same as Alchemist\'s design. Made a few mistakes (which cost precious fuel to correct), but actually made it to a vertical Munar descent (conveniently right over a flatish Munar Mare) - a last moment full burn with the remaining 5% fuel killed most of the vertical speed, and then dropped the rest of the way to impact at ~30m/s. The LFE and LFT were destroyed by the impact, but the command module came to a perfect, upright rest on the Munar surface. I don\'t know if a return is possible, it\'s likely to be very marginal if so, and some very careful controls would need to be made in order to avoid burning too much fuel on those small mistakes.
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