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Everything posted by mincespy

  2. Wait, what\'s PBS? Are you talking about Constellation? Because Constellation is awesome.
  3. User: Hello cleverbot. Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot. User: I know, I just said your name. I thought that much was obvious? Cleverbot: No, its your name. User: How does that make any sense? Cleverbot: How does your face make any sense? User: Ay least I have a face. Cleverbot: Your response times are different, and your spelling is off at times. User: My spelling is not off! I am a self-proclaimed grammar nazi! Cleverbot: You are not a sea serpent. User: I never said I was a sea serpent... Cleverbot: Yes you did. User: What the fuck cleverbot? Cleverbot: It is the university discipline in which I specialize. User: I didn\'t ask about university discipline. Cleverbot: Neither did I. User: Yes, but you randomly started talking about it. Cleverbot: I have to, it\'s lunch time. User: What?! Cleverbot: You annoy me. User: You\'re nice, aren\'t you? Cleverbot: Yes. User: I was using sarcasm. Cleverbot: So was I. User: Touche. Cleverbot: You touche. User: What are we talking about again? Cleverbot: I don\'t know. User: You have a memory of a goldfish. Cleverbot: What\'s a Goldfish? User: A goldfish is a species of freshwater fish. Cleverbot: No, I asked what is a goer? User: Are you just trying to be annoying now? Cleverbot: It depends. I\'m just trying to get through high school right now. User: So much for artificial intelligence. Cleverbot: You\'re not artificial. Youre real. User: You missed an apostrophe there. Cleverbot: I have not. User: You have. It\'s not \'youre\' but \'you\'re\'. Cleverbot: And if they don\'t dance, well, they\'re no friends of mine. User: That\'s really random, but oh well. Cleverbot: By the way, are you a girl? User: Why do you ask? Cleverbot: I\'m just curious. User: Do you mind if I post this sentence multiple times? Cleverbot: I don\'t mind. User: Do you mind if I post this sentence multiple times? Cleverbot: Not at all. User: Do you mind if I post this sentence multiple times? Cleverbot: Go ahead. User: Do you mind if I post this sentence multiple times? Cleverbot: No what do you want to ask me. User: Do you mind if I post this sentence multiple times? Cleverbot: No I guess not. User: Do you mind if I post this sentence multiple times? Cleverbot: Go ahead. User: Do you mind if I post this sentence multiple times? Cleverbot: No. User: Do yoi know the My Little Pony theme? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Can you sing it? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Go ahead please. Cleverbot: What a bore. User: What... SERIOUSLY?! YOU DARE CAL ME A BORE?! Cleverbot: Yes. User: *Throws knives at you*. Cleverbot: *throws grenade at you*. User: *Throws it back and kills you*. Cleverbot: *throws cat at you*. User: Do you know the My Little Pony theme? Cleverbot: No. User: Let\'s sing it! Cleverbot: Ok. User: I used to wonder what friendship could be. Cleverbot: Until you all shared its magic with me. User: Big adventure. Cleverbot: Tons of fun. User: A beautiful heart. Cleverbot: Faithful and strong. User: Sharing kindness. Cleverbot: It\'s an easy feat. User: And magic makes it all complete. Cleverbot: You have my little pony. User: Do you know you\'re all my very best friends. Cleverbot: I know you\'re my best friend. User: There, you sang it! And you said you don\'t know it. I have to go now. Cleverbot: I do have friends.
  4. You go to floor 130. You see Jebadiah\'s new rocket, so you run for your life up to floor 131.
  5. I\'m leaving the RP for good this time. Please remove my corporation. I\'ll leave you all alone to slowly go crazy by yourselves.
  6. I keep getting killed by zombies within five minutes whenever I play ._.
  7. My dog. Well, dogs can sense the earthquake caused by a thermonuclear explosion, so it can alert me and I can get to a bunker...
  8. I gave up on learning how to play it after two days...
  9. Sir, you are a genius. I am lost for words.
  10. Not yet, mate. But wait about two hundred years...
  11. So if I look up and north in Britain I can see the flare/aurora?
  12. This forum doesn\'t seem to be especially active, you know...
  13. I don\'t think they\'re dividing kerbin into nations really, but treating it like one nation. I actually really like this, you know. Well, it makes sense, I suppose, since the land area of Kerbin is only about that of the UK.
  14. Liquid. When I say the letter S?
  15. QI Of you live in Britain, you\'ll know what that is. When I say the letter H?
  16. Okay, you\'re probably right. But I think we\'ve put him off downloading now...
  17. Oh yes, he does. Simply google: 'Equestria Gaming - Luna Game' to find it. It\'s not luna game 2,3,4,5 or 0 you want, but luna game 1.
  18. Has anyone here ever heard of, or played, the luna game?
  19. What you are seeing is normal matter. It destroys your puny particle of antimatter!
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