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Everything posted by Duke23

  1. Nice if I must say so myself Hype train now departing the... WHAT HAVE I DONE?! /gravity hack /infinite fuel
  2. I managed to get down to 15FPS with all this #HYPE 1 "diesel" train, two passenger cars with 32 Kerbals total (not including the engineers) and two 7-kerbal monoprop powered rovers(!!!)
  3. Ladies and gentlemon... I have built my own prototype hype train, and Jebediah is pleased. Edit: Well that didn't last long.
  4. Yes I definitely miss barely being able to use the forums for 2 weeks... Lol
  5. I hope the cargo bays make it. That was originally the main reason I got SP+, and then I discovered its general awesomeness.
  6. Yes, I'll tell myself I'll do that but I won't. I still have a lot of unfinished business in .23.5 to be honest. That was where I made my best progress (I've only been here since... .22?). There's something good to be said about starting over from scratch especially with new parts and features, I just absolutely hate making that first mouse click to do it instead of trying to drag my old save into the new version.
  7. Mostly roleplay or for the fun of it. It's a nice feeling when you put together a large station that just looks darn cool. On the other hand I like to park my interplanetary ships at a station because they usually aren't equipped to safely land but are reusable, so I'll have an escape pod type craft sitting around to ferry the science data down to the surface, and I can swap crew around or refuel or add parts. I know I could do it with individual launches but it just seems better to involve the station. Recently I've been working on a station in Munar orbit that will have a lab, fuel, and places to dock landers and rovers for gathering lots of data without constantly sending ships back and forth from Kerbin. Again, questionably efficient but I like the idea and challenge. I've spent a fair amount of funds on that just because I can. As for bases I do it strictly for the challenge and accomplishment. Base building is the primary reason I'm now able to land within ~1km of a target instead of 30, and have learned how to better handle payload delivery in a variety of configurations. Once you start adding in mods the possibilities are endless for why you'd want to build a station or base.
  8. I just wanted to say this is bs. I disappear for a couple months, come back, finally start a career in .24 that I actually play, just got a bunch of great mods, haven't even gotten past Minmus yet, and the new version is coming out. Raaaaaage. Actually I'm mostly kidding, I think it's pretty awesome that these features are coming so soon. I just don't want to do the obligatory fresh career save again and wait for my favorite mods to be updated.
  9. I like the idea of tweakable brakes. I haven't taken this equipment anywhere off world yet but it would have been nice while navigating the mountains of Kerbin. I think it's not as big of a deal as it is with stock wheels though, or maybe I had that vehicle balanced better. It wasn't really an issue until I was in one of those spots I probably wouldn't have been in the first place without a death wish.
  10. Didn't see this... Yes, temperatures are fine. I've got the fans tweaked so that it never goes above ~60-65C and everything physical seems solid.
  11. Those cabs are remarkably tough. (Spoiler warning: this relates to an anomaly which is pulled up on SCANSat and is in view early in the vid)
  12. I usually send my Jeb, Bill, and Bob to an orbital station once I have the tech to build one.
  13. I finally did it... I've been looking for this anomaly since .23, with the help of SCANSat of course. Every time I'd get near it I'd crash my plane / rover / VTOL without ever actually seeing it. Also thanks to Modular Multiwheels for allowing me to build this diesel powered beast that actually made it without asploding or getting stuck, this thing went through some rough terrain. Also stopped by Minmus for the first time in this career. I built a relatively lightweight system designed to carry the lander out there on a single LV-909, disconnect and land, then rendezvous again for the return trip. Except for one small problem... On a whim I had scrapped the docking port on the lander for weight issues, and also completely forgot RCS. So instead of beefing up the lander to make the return trip sans transfer stage I had a brain fart and just launched it anyway thinking I'd dock and head home. Turns out I had enough fuel to make the return trip using a fairly efficient burn from Minmus orbit and Kerbin aerocapture, AFTER I had rendezvoused with the other piece and made preparations to do a rough no-RCS docking maneuver, only to beat my head on the desk when I realized it was pointless. I'm still kind of perplexed about why it took me so long to realize there was NO DOCKING PORT. I could have already splashed down on Kerbin by the time I had come within 50m of the piece I had planned to dock with. Oh well. I also made the ladder too short because the original design didn't include the Science Jr. Playing around with balance using SAS before taking off
  14. Just tried this out to see if it fixed some of the issues I was having with stock wheels and I must say I like it. I'm already having some fun with it, just built this contraption earlier to do a test run and some science gathering around Kerbin. Don't laugh at my tech I just started a new career save the other day I've already been all around KSC and to grasslands & highlands, I'd like to hit mountains and the ice caps with it but I'm not sure if that'll happen -- driving north in the highlands now and already having a hard time (definitely my fault, not the mod), so we'll see. I've never successfully driven all the way up to the pole before. Love the idea of using engines instead of everything electric, and man this thing will fly. The sliding is pretty cool (and I have a shot of burning down the rear tires at KSC)... My only gripe so far is I wish the cabs had doors on the sides instead of having to climb up top, maybe a right-click & enter vehicle option, but that's minor and personal preference I guess. So far rubber-to-surface feel is much better than stock, which was my main concern. I've only tried the truck tires though. Good work and please consider adding sounds! Edit: Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!! lol Same functionality, better thought out design:
  15. Today I sent fuel tanks to my Mun Science Station in progress, and built a surface science truck using Modular Multiwheels. Just noticed one fuel line isn't connected on the truck. Oh well. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/oSP3D/embed"></iframe>
  16. I can't argue with most of that. It is fun to jump Mun ridges without a slow motion explosion, and my light models have gone for a tumble down a crater wall only to be fine if I can manage to flip it back over. I understand low traction but sometimes it switches to no traction and gets really frustrating. I'll be trying the rover wheel mod mentioned earlier.
  17. Maybe the weight is the key, Avera9eJoe. My lighter rovers tend to have problems even on Kerbin when outside KSC's general area. Start to slide sideways for no apparent reason, then when they regain traction they flip over.
  18. Well I changed my mind. I went ahead and sent the first section of my Munar Science Station out and so far so good. At the moment it's a lab, a hitchhiker container, some antennas / monoprop / batteries / science equipment, and a few spots to dock modules. Either shortly or tomorrow I'll be sending up some fuel tanks, crew for the lab (because I forgot), a lander or two and probably an escape pod capable of getting back to Kerbin on minimal fuel. This is going to end up hitting my wallet pretty hard but it'll be worth it, if nothing else for the accomplishment since I've never had a station outside of LKO unless you count a small tanker here and there for emergencies.
  19. I don't have any good really recent ones as I just started a new career after a couple months of absense, but here are a couple of my favorites from my last career in 23.5. These may motivate me to do good things this time around. An early version of my only truly successful SSTO series (codenamed Valkyrie, courtesy of SP+) dropping off a SCANSat in LKO. The mission included picking up the old sat (background) and bringing it home, but I didn't have KAS winches onboard at the time so when I warped it flew out of the bay. Frustratingly, the ion engine from the new probe stayed in the bay for reasons I still don't fully understand. I know it's not much compared to what I've seen around the forum but this is one of my greatest accomplishments, the Jooles Verne. I believe I was coming in for an aerobraking maneuver at Jool in this shot. A later (passenger) version of my SSTO docked to a tanker station I had, refueling before its first mission outside of LKO (rescuing three stranded kerbals in Munar orbit)
  20. Didn't do anything incredibly noteworthy today but I did install a few mods (yeah, my new stock career save didn't last too long). Off the top of my head it was SP+, Fine Print, KAS, Orbital Science, and Station Science. I built a minimalist atmospheric plane for my first Fine Print mission which was to run around to four different locations northwest of KSC and fly over at ~5km for surveillance. Everything worked out perfectly on the first try, and I even managed to land the junker back on the runway. The shots I have of the mission itself are too dark (night mission ) but here is the plane after landing and using almost no fuel, as the sun was just thinking about coming up. I realized I could have made it a bit smaller and faster but for some reason I thought I'd be cutting fuel close if I did. It was pretty stable considering I haven't really played in a while and my design testing consisted of slapping parts together, hitting the runway and "yep it takes off, let's go." ETA: Nedster and Handin screamed from takeoff until landing, this was the first time they actually smiled. Also I wanted to add that I have a plan (probably start it tomorrow?) to put a station with a science lab in orbit around the Mun and Minmus to cut back on running back and forth, something I've never bothered to do before. At this rate with the contracts and normal science gathering I might get my tech tree pretty far up there before I even make it out to Duna. Technically I could hit Duna any time now especially since I just got a contract to test the NERVA but I don't feel like it just yet.
  21. Since I started playing KSP, I don't think I've been able to get through a single space based movie / game without putting my rage face on at one point or another "But... But that's not how that works!" Things I just never bothered to think about or look up before. For a "game" and for all the complaints I see on here from time to time about lack of realism in KSP, it's still pretty darn accurate in a lot of ways. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has looked up articles on actual orbital mechanics just to use in the game, as opposed to a game tutorial.
  22. That moment when you undock from the transfer ship for an unplanned Ike visit, start to deorbit, and realize you didn't refill the tanks.
  23. I also originally thought the "get out and push" thing was a joke, a hyperbole for how close you cut the fuel allowance. Then I had to do it to finish deorbiting a capsule once coming back from the Mun.
  24. I just wanted to say my graphics card is... Um... How do I keep it PG? Nevermind. I was having system freezes before for "apparently" no reason. Now I'm not. Why? I underclocked my graphics card (-105 in Afterburner) and now everything has been running perfectly fine for weeks. I could probably bump it up to almost where it was before and get away with it, but I just don't feel like it at least until I start playing a game it won't run smoothly at 1080p Ultra settings. Guess that's what I get for buying a card with a factory overclock, go figure. I kind of suspected it was the graphics card but I didn't expect it to be a problem with the core clock at stock settings.
  25. Update on my Mun mission: It was a close. freaking. shave. But I made it! Look at that fuel... 3.28 units left. *cue up "Bad to the Bone" for the fireworks as we barrel through the atmosphere at 2+km/s* In an effort to not take up so much room on here I'm going the way of Imgur... I present to you: My first space station of this career. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="//imgur.com/a/ryEg5/embed"></iframe>
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