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Found 2 results

  1. Welcome to the Official Release thread for After Kerbin. After Kerbin is based on the Stock solar system, but 4 billion years into the future, adding highly detailed and intuitive planets to your game. We are in the process of setting up a DMP server. Spread the word! Overview: This mod aims to add a completely new adventure as you begin on Duna (which has Kerbin's properties for ease) and explore and uncover the secrets of the future stock planets. This mod adds highly detailed, 4k planets, each come with their own EVE and Scatterer configurations. Every single planet and moon has been adjusted and changed. Even Jool. All planets have been tested and I have made sure both rockets and spaceplanes can function on each of them. System Requirements: 5GB of RAM KSP 64 bit Donations are never asked for, but always appreciated! Help buy me another pizza if you enjoy the mod "Only during the last breath of life does the mind truly understand how lonely a species really is. Floating. In the dark. Guarded by nothing but the very nemesis which plagues the planet - loneliness, darkness, death." - Source Unknown, Year 7510, Solitude. FAQ: Is this planet mod compatible with present day mods? Yep! Even the visual mods will work together (they didn't with my previous planet mod), meaning you can install nearly any planet mod except those that also replace the home planet. How much RAM do I need for this mod? It varies. I recommend around 5GB at least. If you struggle, lower your texture quality. Watch @TheBeardyPenguin progress through conquering the Kerbal system for the final time in the hopes of saving kerbalkind. DELTA V MAP This mod follows the CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Thank you for downloading!
  2. DOWNLOAD THE MOD HERE: Welcome to the development thread for [After Kerbin]. This planet mod is set many billions of years after stock KSP. Kerbol (now called Archangel) is midway through its fast journey to becoming a red giant. It has just consumed Moho. Eve is burning, and Kerbin is deserted. You begin your journey on Duna, around a warmer Sun. Begin on a tidally locked, colonised Duna, far into the future. This planet, known as Solitude, is the Kerbals' last hope. This is Kerbin. Four billion years has purged its surface of the space-faring civilisation. FAQ: Will this planet mod add any new stars? No. This is the Kerbol system billions of years in the future. Adding a new star means you will need modded parts to get there, which I generally disagree with. It also means separating planets and sentencing them to "will not be visited". I want to make sure all planets are easily reachable but also require a challenge once there. Is this planet mod compatible with present day mods like OPM? Yep! Even the visual mods will work together (they didn't with my previous planet mod), meaning you can install nearly any planet mod except those that also replace the home planet. How much RAM do I need for this mod? 5GB at maximum texture quality. The reason why the RAM requirement is no lower is because the planets use highly detailed, 4k textures for the best experience. Still waiting on a release? Click the follow button in the top right of this page, or join the planet mod discord!
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