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  1. I saw a challenge like this some time ago, but couldn't find it, so... Simple challenge, simple rules: Your task is to construct a vehicle in Kerbal Space Program that utilizes no more than one of each part. This means engines, fuel tanks, struts, you name it! Only one of each allowed. The goal of this challenge is to see what you can come up with under these restrictions. Will you be able to create a space station? A Comms system? Or maybe you'll visit Jool, or Eve, or (God forbid) Dres? It can be as simple or elaborate as you wish, we won't judge. Let your creativity flow and see what obscure craft you can create! Post it here, and let us see your creation. Pictures and Videos aren't required but very welcome, especially if you wish to claim a feat. 1. No Cheats - The broadest rule here, anything that alters the game unfairly or ruins the spirit of a challenge will be regarded as a cheat. Mods will be allowed, but only if they are visual/don't alter game mechanics. 2. Upload to KerbalX - This is mainly for validity, but also for those wishing to get into this madness as well! 3. No Spaghetti/Abusing Kerbals - While this doesn't have to be manned, please don't abuse the infinite EVA propellant if you do happen to have a Kerbal onboard. 4. Anything else I forgot to mention, edits pending. Those were the basics! Now, if you decide you want a challenge, feel free to make your own or challenge others. Land on Tylo, Visit Eeloo, whatever pleases you. The point is to have fun. Here's my old craft for reference: https://kerbalx.com/NightshineRecorralis/Ivy-I Proof that a simple design goes a long way (Eeloo & Jool, Woo!) I'll post a updated craft sooner or later ^^
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