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Fictionist: This band is amazing!


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I've known about this band for a while; but yesterday they just released a music video that could quite possibly be their big break.

Fictionist is a band that's pretty hard to define; they're very Rock-sounding; full of guitar solos, synthesizers, and feel kind of like Pink Floyd or, as their favorite review says "like Peter Gabriel in a garage". Their music is fantastic, but one of the main reasons that I want them to succeed so much is that they've sacrificed wealth and fame to stay true to their fans and to their own creativity.

A few years ago they signed with Atlantic records and were even in Rolling Stone Magazine, but after creating an entire album with them, decided to quit, and never released the album. Why? because Atlantic wanted to change their style so they could sell some catchy singles for a $1.32. (Sorry...i'm a little biased.)

Last October they released a new album, produced by a friend and written and released independently.

I was lucky enough to attend one of their concerts, in a tiny venue in San Francisco in January. In total, probably only 200 people were in the room; and most weren't even there to see Fictionist, they were only opening.

You could tell they were discouraged; one of their band members had left a few days before and it seemed like they were going to fade away.

Slowly though, they've started gaining some attention through friends in Neon Trees and Imagine Dragons.

Currently they are opening for Neon Trees and yesterday they released a music video for their most popular song in the new album; showing what it was like working with Atlantic and in the major music industry.

You should check it out. I really want to see these guys succeed.

Tell me what you guys think!

Ps: If you liked this song, you should check out some of the other songs on their channel

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