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[HOW-TO] Syncing ships with your friends

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Hey everyone!

Me and my friend, we were exchanging KSP ships with each other for a long time, but today we made everything a lot easier. Now we both have the same KSP/Ships folder. How?

Today I want to share with you all an easy way to make a synchronized Ships folder between multiple players :)

1. First of all, preparation:

To do this you will need Windows 7. Vista/XP/2000 have some other way to do it and if you want to, just google 'symlinks on winvista/xp'.

Next, you will need Dropbox account and Dropbox client installed on your PC. Dropbox is a cloud storage service, it allows you to store your files on a remote server and access them anytime, anywhere.

If you don\'t have an account, you can get it here: http://db.tt/JyzmfFQN. This is a ref-link, if you register using the URL I provided, then we both, you and me, will get 500MB of additional space. But it\'s your choice, you can also make an account here: https://www.dropbox.com/register, but you\'ll get only 2GB of space (instead of 2.5GB).

Don\'t forget to tell your friends to do the same thing :) You all are going to need Dropbox accounts.

After making an account, install Dropbox on your PC according to the instructions provided on their website.

2. Making a shared folder

Then you and your friends are going to need to create a shared Dropbox folder. Shared folder is a folder that always stays synchronized between multiple Dropbox accounts.

Go to http://dropbox.com , click Sharing and then click New shared folder. It will prompt you for the folder name and for people who you want to share this folder with.

After creating a shared folder it will appear under given name in your Dropbox folder on your PC.

3. Making KSP/Ships sync

If you already played with your shared folder on Dropbox, you may already know that if you change something in this folder on your computer, all the changes you made will appear simultaneously on your friends PC and vice versa.

But the problem is, Dropbox doesn\'t allow you to sync anything outside Dropbox folder. You can obviously move your KSP game folder to dropbox, but it is really stupid and uncomfortable.

Instead, let\'s make some advantage of symbolic links.

Symbolic link is a special function in Windows and Linux operating systems. It\'s pretty hard to explain what it is, that\'s why I gave you a link to Wikipedia. Instead, I can explain you how it works.

Let\'s say we have a file. Let it be C:\foo\test.txt. Then, let\'s make make a symbolic link D:\bar\test1337.txt -> C:\foo\test.txt. A file D:\bar\test1337.txt will appear. But it is actually not a file. It\'s a live-copy of C:\foo\test.txt. If you try to open this new file you will actually open C:\foo\test.txt. You can do the same thing with an entire folder.

God, I\'m terrible at explanations. Just read the wiki page lol.

So enough with theory, let\'s move on to the practice.

First of all, take your KSP\Ships folder and move it to your shared folder in Dropbox. Just move. Don\'t forget to ask your friend to do the same thing! And he needs to merge his Ships folder with yours. You could probably face some issues like ships with identical names, but I think you will work something out together.

Then get the addresses of your KSP ships folder (which should not exist anymore after the last step!!!) and Ships folder your shared Dropbox folder. If you don\'t know how to do it, just google it.

For me it\'s:

KSP Ships folder: D:\3d party\KSP\Ships

Ships in shared Dropbox folder:C:\Users\Dmitry\Dropbox\adiost\Ships

Then press the start button, enter 'cmd', right click an appeared 'cmd.exe' and 'Run as administrator'.


In appeared cmd.exe window type this:


For me, it\'s:

mklink /D 'D:\3d party\KSP\Ships' 'C:\Users\Dmitry\Dropbox\adiost\Ships'

If you did everything properly, then you\'ll be congratulated with the following line:

symbolic link created

That\'s it :)

Then you just need to tell your friend to do the exact same thing :)

Note: a 'Ships' folder will appear in your KSP folder but it will look like a shortcut. But it\'s not. If you need, for example, load some downloaded ship in KSP, you can copy it in KSP/Ships or Shared folder/Ships, it doesn\'t matter.

Oh, almost forgot: using this feature will give you an ability to make snapshots of your ships :)

If you f..ked up your ship and you accidentally saved it, it\'s okay, just go to Shared Folder\Ships, right click the desired .craft file, Dropbox -> View previous versions and restore your ship :)


That\'s it, if you have any questions - feel free to ask :)

Thank you for attention :)

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Excellent writing! I did this exact same thing with a friend earlier, except we synced our entire KSP game, and even our map worked together. (Of course, both of us couldn\'t be playing at the same time, but that\'s alright, because we are in the exact different time zone.) So every day I would come back to find things like a space station up there, or a new mod floating about.

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