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TextEdit / TextArea not working in FLIGHT Mode


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I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding something fundamental, but I have a window that contains a textedit and a textarea.  When the window is rendered on the VAB, I can type into the textedit and area fields, when I am in flight mode I cannot.  Do I need to do anything special?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using KSP.UI.Screens;
using StatiK.Utils;
using UnityEngine;

namespace StatiK.Windows
    public class MissionWindow : BaseWindow
        private ILogger log = StatikLogManager.Instance.GetLogger(typeof(MissionWindow).Name);

        private ApplicationLauncherButton _appButton;
        private string _missionName = "";
        private string _missionDescription = "";

        public MissionWindow(WindowSettings settings) : base(settings) { }

        public static WindowSettings GetDefaultSettings()
            return new WindowSettings
                Name = "MissionWindow",
                Title = "Mission",
                Dimensions = new GUIDimensions { Top = 500, Left = 800, Height = 600, Width = 400 }

        public override void ScrollableContent()
            GUILayout.Label("Mission Name");
            _missionName = GUILayout.TextField(_missionName);
            GUILayout.Label("Mission Description");
            _missionDescription = GUILayout.TextArea(_missionDescription);
                log.Info("Mission Saved: " + _missionName + "   " + _missionDescription);

        public override void InitializeAppLauncherButton()
            ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes eligibleGameScenes = ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes.FLIGHT | ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes.VAB;
            if (_appButton == null)
                _appButton = ApplicationLauncher.Instance.AddModApplication(this.Show, this.Hide, null, null, null, null, eligibleGameScenes, ResourceUtil.Instance.StatiKIcon);

        public override void DestoryAppLauncherButton()
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;

namespace StatiK.Windows
    public abstract class BaseWindow
        public Rect _container;
        public WindowSettings _settings;
        private Vector2 scrollPosition = Vector2.zero;
        private bool _shouldReDraw = false;

        public BaseWindow(WindowSettings settings)
            _settings = settings;
            _container = _settings.Dimensions.GetRect();

        public void OnGUI()
            if (_shouldReDraw)
                _container = GUILayout.Window(_settings.Id, _container, DrawWindow, _settings.Title);
        void DrawWindow(int windowId)
            scrollPosition = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition, GUILayout.Width(_settings.Dimensions.Width), GUILayout.Height(_settings.Dimensions.Height));

        public void Show()
            _shouldReDraw = true;

        public void Hide()
            _shouldReDraw = false;

        public abstract void InitializeAppLauncherButton();
        public abstract void DestoryAppLauncherButton();
        public abstract void ScrollableContent();


Note that the window id is generated when setting the WindowSetting's Name property: _id = _name.GetHashCode();

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