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Kopernicus Planet wont load

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My Kopernicus Planet is not wanting to load:

I found some trouble points in log:

[LOG 18:48:04.280] Load(Texture): Galaxy/Planets/Sarna/Color
[ERR 18:48:04.283] DDS: File is not a DDS format file!

[WRN 18:48:04.283] Texture load error in 'C:\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Galaxy\Planets\Sarna\Color.dds'

NOTE: My color map is in .dds format

[LOG 18:48:32.773] [Kopernicus] Bad DDS header.
[LOG 18:48:32.774] [Kopernicus] failed to load C:/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData//Galaxy/Planets/Sarna/Color.dds

These are all the errors kopernicus wentrough in startup log.

Here is planetary Config

        name = Sarna

            referenceBody = Sun
            inclination = 5.6
            eccentricity = 3
            semiMajorAxis = 113549713200
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            color = 0.5,0.1,1,1

            description = Sarna is the second gas giant of the kerbol system. It has host of about 10 moons and is ''alot better than Jool'', according to Jeb.
            radius = 7560000
            geeASL = 1.4
            rotationPeriod = 36000
            rotates = true
            tidallyLocked = false
            initialRotation = 0
            isHomeWorld = false
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000

                landedDataValue = 8
                splashedDataValue = 1
                flyingLowDataValue = 5
                flyingHighDataValue = 5
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 7
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 5
                recoveryValue = 5
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 12000
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 140000

            type = Atmospheric
            fadeStart = 0
            fadeEnd = 0

                // Common scaled space settings
                texture = /Galaxy/Planets/Sarna/Color.dds
                shininess = 0.1
                specColor = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0

                // Atmosphere settings
                rimPower = 2.06
                rimBlend = 0.3

                // Atmosphere color ramp texture
                    0.0 = 0.094,0.220,0.643,1
                    0.6 = 0.0549,0.0784,0.141,1
                    1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0596,1

            // effectively the ambient lighting color for all objects on the ground of this body (provides a slight tint)
            ambientColor = 0.006,0.187,0.8,1   

            // shader.invWaveLength = Color( 1 / r^4, 1 / g^4, 1 / b^4, 0.5);
            lightColor = 0.709,0.788,0.543,0

            // General atmosphere settings
            enabled = true
            oxygen = false
            altitude = 25000.0

            // Atmosphere Pressure
            // pressure (in atm) = multipler * e ^ -(altitude / (scaleHeight * 1000))
                key = 0 1722.525 -3.68761403636364E-02 -3.68761403636364E-02
                key = 13750 1215.4779 -2.89618181818182E-02 -2.89618181818182E-02
                key = 27500 926.0747733 -1.70812909090909E-02 -1.70812909090909E-02
                key = 41250 745.7422867 -1.22066367272727E-02 -1.22066367272727E-02
                key = 55000 590.39232 -1.03885874909091E-02 -1.03885874909091E-02
                key = 68750 460.0561533 -8.63595672727273E-03 -8.63595672727273E-03
                key = 82500 352.9034533 -7.05044647272727E-03 -7.05044647272727E-03
                key = 96250 266.1688867 -5.6660456E-03 -5.6660456E-03
                key = 110000 197.0872333 -4.48274916363636E-03 -4.48274916363636E-03
                key = 123750 142.8932733 -3.50056581818182E-03 -3.50056581818182E-03
                key = 137500 100.8216733 -2.71949803636364E-03 -2.71949803636364E-03
                key = 151250 68.1071 -2.13953963636364E-03 -2.13953963636364E-03
                key = 165000 41.98433333 -1.65774109090909E-03 -1.65774109090909E-03
                key = 178750 22.51922 -1.00126501090909E-03 -1.00126501090909E-03
                key = 192500 14.44954667 -4.06759432727273E-04 -4.06759432727273E-04
                key = 206250 11.33333333 -2.27824727272727E-04 -2.27824727272727E-04
                key = 220000 8.184366667 -2.25669374545455E-04 -2.25669374545455E-04
                key = 233750 5.127426667 -2.06283192727273E-04 -2.06283192727273E-04
                key = 247500 2.51158 -1.61502101818182E-04 -1.61502101818182E-04
                key = 261250 0.68612 -9.13301818181818E-05 -9.13301818181818E-05
                key = 275000 0 -4.98996363636364E-05 -4.98996363636364E-05
            // temperature Curve
                key = 0 141.67 -0.002333333455 -0.002333333455
                key = 33000 104.4583677 -0.0003304941091 -0.0003294753455
                key = 57750 104.4583677 0.0003294753455 0.0003294753455
                key = 85250 131.0381051 0.0001800779636 0.0001800779636
                key = 154000 131.0381051 -0.0002483375636 -0.0002483375636
                key = 220000 90.44359713 -0.0003304941091 -0.0003304941091
                key = 247500 90.44359713 0.0001722816364 0.0001722816364
                key = 275000 111.2241191 0.0002525833091 0.0002525833091
                key = 343750 0 -0.0001634942182 -0.0001634942182

Does anyone know how to fix this.....



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