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KSP1 vs KSP2


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So I see that KSP1 is still being very actively maintained with new features/improvements coming out all the time.  

Which is amazing.  However it also begs the question: Why?

Is KSP1 still going to be a thing/actively developed even after KSP2 is released, that is they are both undergoing development and sale simultaneously?

Second question about KSP2 if anyone knows is that are models designed in KSP1 going to be compatible with KSP2? 

That would be a big barrier, and is for me currently, as I am thinking what is the point if KSP2 is right around the corner and my designs wont work anymore.

Thank you all!


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The answer you should get is basically the following-

#1- KSP1 has been said to remain actively maintained/developed; time will only tell though the extent of this. They may decide to basically stop at some point like most developers do; or we could get a DLC.  But KSP1 and KSP2 are being developed by 2 different teams, so i wouldn't be shocked if both end up being sold and patched while the other exists.

#2- Star Theory has officially stated that it won't be possible to port mods, and that no tools will be given to do so. Both are running Unity, so that may ease the transition. However; texture formats and the general structure of animations and models can still change within the same engine. So don't take the same engine being used to mean you won't have to start from scratch.

And the ultimate answer really is that we don't know; we won't know until KSP2 is released and is a product we can buy. If Star Theory were feeling EXCEPTIONALLY NICE; then they would provide builds a month or so in advance to modders so they could get their heads around it.

But such kindness isn't to be found in today's world it seems.

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