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Can't locate classes for KSP Plugin Development

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I've just installed KSP:Final Approach and want to make a "Hello World" type plug-in. I've watched and read some tutorials, and even tutorials with fairly recent dates don't appear to match what I am seeing. 

I'm using Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 as my IDE. I've Made a C# class library and have tried using  the .Net Framework versions 4.6 and 4.7. References to the following from the KSP game folder have been added to the project. 

  • Assembly-CSharp
  • Assembly-CSharp-firstpass
  • UnityEngine
  • UnityEngine.CoreModule
  • UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule
  • UnityEngine.UI

Many of the tutorials show references to a `Part` base class or `KSPAddon` attribute being added to a class. I've tried to do this and am running into issues immediately.  In the following I get errors that KSPAddon and Part cannot be found. 


using UnityEngine;

namespace TestPluginProject
    public class TestPlugin:Part


I took a look at the classes in Assembly-CSharp and Assembly-CSharp-firstpass and sure enough, these classes are not defined in there. Is there some other DLL for which I should be adding a reference?



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Found my answer!

I was using the resources from this path. 

Kerbal Space Program\Launcher_Data\Managed

That's not correct. There are some files with the exact same name that I should have used from the following path. 

Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\Managed

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