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Kerman Kolonies - Colonising... Everywhere?


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Kerman Colonies Lore(-ish)

Since the KSP2 early access release date was announced, I realised how little of KSP I've actually explored. I thought "what would be an actually fun way to finally explore the whole solar system before KSP2 releases?" hence Kerman Colonies.
My goal is pretty simple; see how much of the Kerbal solar system (including Outer Planets) I can colonise before I get KSP2, my plans are ambitious but I doubt that I'll get half of them done in the time anyways lol. But anyways, might as well crack on with it before March comes around!

Launch No. 1 - Kerbin Logistics Outpost (KLOP) Core Module

Kerbin Logistics Outpost will pretty much be a home base for most of my craft and missions, comprising of living space, and refuelling facilities. However, to launch it, my funny little kerbals needed a bit more launch capability than they already had.
Hence, I present:


 Prost, Kerbalkind's largest and most capable rocket to date, and also fully reusable!


"Liftoff of Prost, carrying the core of the KC's newest station to orbit!"



The booster performs fine through ascent, hauling the upper stage skyward to finish the rest of the journey.


MECO, and the upper stage separates while the booster prepares to come back down to Kerbin.


The vessel completes a good orbit, meanwhile all focus is on the booster and it's first ever landing attempt.


"Entry burn start-up."


However, not everything goes so well with the landing. Telemetry is lost on touchdown, and the booster is destroyed.


Not long after, the Prost upper stage deploys the station core, and prepares for re-entry.



De-orbit done, it prepares for a hopefully smooth landing.



And thankfully, this landing goes off without a hitch.

The mission is deemed a success, with the loss of the booster being the biggest let-down of the mission, but luckily it wasn't mission-critical.
Back at the KSC, they already start preparing for another launch, this time a separate service and station-keeping module to support the station during station construction

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Launch No. 2 - Station Service and Propulsion Module (SSPM) and Primary Hab (PH)

To support the station during its construction, we're sending up the SSPM to make sure it has the adequate control and support systems to fly independently with crew, and also prove technology for going beyond Kerbin orbit. Also on this flight is the Primary Hab, providing more living space for the crew on board.






The launch goes off without a hitch, placing the payload into a parking orbit to prepare for rendezvous, now all focus goes onto the booster.


After the last failed landing attempt, the booster's landing software was tweaked, and instead uses it's natural lift and gridfins to glide down to a lower speed before landing.




Successful first landing! The second stage was also successfully recovered, but more important to the mission is the actual rendezvous itself.



Good docking!


SSPM maneuvers to the other side of the station to its final docked position.


All in all, a good mission for the program!

Edited by GusToTheMoon
forgot to add the image of the station lmao
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/30/2022 at 6:45 AM, 2009Tartigrade said:

Really cool Idea, Love the Starship inspired design for the launcher. Cool space station as well; I spend most of my playing time making them and not doing landings that I have planed. Can't wait for more!

Thanks! My idea was vaguely based off of starship, but also wanted to try to go for a Vulcan/JARVIS style reusability with the upper stage.

(also, I'm hopefully gonna get more of this done soon, just got mock exams that I need to get out of the way first before i can knuckle down on this, unless I find time soon)

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3 hours ago, GusToTheMoon said:

(also, I'm hopefully gonna get more of this done soon, just got mock exams that I need to get out of the way first before i can knuckle down on this, unless I find time soon)

I feel you about the mocks, they take out a huge chunk out of you time.  Cant wait to see the next update though.  The images are amazing. What mod does the Launch cover part come from as its really cool?

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On 12/11/2022 at 10:31 AM, 2009Tartigrade said:

I feel you about the mocks, they take out a huge chunk out of you time.  Cant wait to see the next update though.  The images are amazing. What mod does the Launch cover part come from as its really cool?

yeah, just had my final one today so it's full on balls to the walls for this now

also to answer your question, if you're meaning the payload fairing-y bit, it's from Near Future Launch Vehicles

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Launch #3 - Fisichella First Launch & KCEV (First Station Crew)

Time for another mission to KLOP, but this time with a brand new vehicle, Fisichella!
Continuing my scheme of naming things after F1 drivers, Fisichella is the program's only expendable launch vehicle (for now), designed to carry small payloads and the new KCEV capsule to LKO.

I'll try to not write as much in this post (mainly because I just want to get this out and can't be bothered to do a full background), but here's a rundown of the mission.


Kerbal Crew Exploration Vehicle (KCEV) - CV-001 "Schumi"


Almond Kerman - Pilot

Sleepy Kerman - Scientist

Alien Kerman - Engineer






Booster cutoff!



CV-001 is flying free!


Rendezvous burn to prepare for docking.



Schumi and it's crew on their final run before docking.


Good docking!


A successful start to the kolonisation program's first crew mission!


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Launch #4 - Minmus Orbital Relay & Mapping Satellite (MORMS)

(Two posts in a row???)

Instead of solely focusing on LKO, the program has finally decided to start with the "Kolonies" aspect, and turned their attention to Minmus, Kerbin's furthest yet easiest to colonise satellite. However, before sending kerbals straight down to the surface, we need to map out the surface and pick out some suitable landing sites. Hence, MORMS was born.

It carries a variety of surface mapping instruments, but will also act as a relay satellite for future landing missions. Set to be placed in a polar Minmus orbit, it'll be the furthest that we've ever sent a satellite before!


Fisichella ELV


MORMS Satellite


Liftoff of Fisichella with MORMS!



Booster cutoff, and the upper stage waits to circularise the orbit.




And now, the Kerbin departure burn, to bring the satellite to Minmus!



Approaching Minmus


Orbit insertion burn.


MORMS is now in Minmus orbit!


Another flawless mission for the program, proving we can send our kerbonauts beyond Kerbin!

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Cool, nice design! But the real highlight is the screenshots! Amazing. 

On 12/15/2022 at 8:42 PM, GusToTheMoon said:

also to answer your question, if you're meaning the payload fairing-y bit, it's from Near Future Launch Vehicles

Yes that’s the part I meant. Thanks. Heard about that mod group few times. However I have a terrible computer and can hardly use any mods at all. 

Can’t wait to see the next update.

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Launch #5 - Lander Test Launch (LTL)

(Sorry for the massive break between posts, I made this like last week but forgot to actually post the stuff lmao)

With now a greater focus on Minmus colonisation, we've started looking at lander designs. For now, instead of using bigger, more heavy-duty landers, we've decided to use a small, lightweight lander, the KSEL-1, capable of carrying 2 kerbals to the surface of Minmus. However, before shooting our little green heroes off to a distant land, we need to test the lander in Kerbin orbit to make sure there's no obvious errors


Fisichella ELV


KSEL-1 Lander






Booster cutoff



KSEL is now in orbit!


It'll be put through a multi-day testing campaign, and if all goes well, the next lander along with CV-002 and it's crew will be on their way to Minmus!


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