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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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I'll release MIR, Proton and Soyuz soon. For the rest, you'll have to wait some more.

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Is there anywhere you can find a reconfiguration of the tech-tree requirements for Bobcat's mods? I noticed a couple MIR pieces don't show up at all and generally you can get too much too soon. I mean, I just unlocked the third level of the tree and already have a 6-manned pod (Orion). I know I can do it myself, but if it has already been done I would prefer to just try that out.

Unfortunately, I'm not Bobcat, so I won't be able to update and re-release this mod. However, making changes like you are asking is extremely simple!

Simply open up the mod's folder location in your Gamedata, and open the Parts folder. Inside, you should see a subfolder for each part the respective mod adds. In the case of the Orion pod, open that folder up. Inside you should see a "part.cfg" file. Open this file using a text editor, such as notepad.

Find the section labelled "editor parameters"

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = generalRocketry
entryCost = 500
cost = 600
category = Pods
subcategory = 0
title = Orion Command Pod
manufacturer = BobCat ind.
description =

As you can see, the technology required is set to general rocketry, which you acquire quite early on in the tech tree - see the wiki for more details.

All you need to do is change the "generalRocketry" text to something more appropriate. For instance, maybe you want to set it to "specializedControl" - the same tech needed for the Mk.1-2 pod. Or even "largeControl", which is the tech you get AFTER the Mk.1-2 pod (since the Orion is larger). Easy peasy!

Remember, technology names have no spaces, the first letter is lower case, and the first letter of the second name is capitalized.

ie. General Rocketry = generalRocketry

LIKEWISE, for the missing MIR parts, you will need to add the line "techRequired = <techname>" for it to actually show up in the tech tree. It will also need a cost, category, title, etc, which should all be present or else it wouldn't even show up in sandbox mode.

Hope that helps!


You can also put your changes into a special .cfg file and use Module Manager to manage the changes.

Edited by zilfondel
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