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[MISSION LOG] Kerbifornia Institute of Technology

Ben 9072

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This is the mission log for Kertech - if you are looking for the engineering showcase, go to Kertech Labs.

The Kerbifornia Institute of Technology (Kertech), located in Kasadena, Kerbifornia, is Kerbin's premiere research university, home to 31 Kobel Laureates in fields ranging from cancer research to condensed matter physics. Kertech also manages the Kerbin Propulsion Laboratory (KPL) on behalf of the Kerbin Aeronautics and Space Administration. Despite its small size of approximately 1000 undergraduate students and 1000 graduate students, Kertech has an obscenely large budget of $2.1 billion annually, which, sadly, is only 0.3% of the budget spent on blowing stuff up in the USK millitary program.

The Kerbifornia Institute of Technology is a proud member of the Interplanetary Space Science Organization.

Kertech is also the head of the Spaceplane Department for the International Alliance of Prototype Engineers.

Areas of Research

Aside from research in biological sciences, chemistry, advanced trolling methods, engineering, custodial sciences, and physics, Kertech manages several space research, exploration, and colonization programs through the KPL. These are listed below, in chronological order of starting date.

  • Orbiter Program - Launch a kerbal into a stable, low-Kerbin orbit. Easier done than said.
  • Mün Program - Land a kerbal on the Mün. Easier said than done.
  • Duna Exploration - Deploy satellites and rovers on Duna for data collection. Hey, at least there's no blood to clean up!
  • I.K.O.S. (International Kerbal Orbital Station) - Kerbin's most advanced space station, featuring a solar farm, a robotics bay, communications relay, and two SSTO escape spaceplanes. Developed almost entirely by Kertech, except for that one bit of junk at the end that no one likes, which was designed at the Kassachusetts Institute of Technology. We don't care for them, 'cause they stole our cannon.
  • Eve Atmospheric Exploration - Study the atmospheric composition and geological features of Eve with the deployment of Subsonic Atmospheric Mobile Science Units And Rocket Powered Ground Based Exploration Units Lacking Powered Ground Locomotion Methods (SAMSUARPGBEULPGLM's for short.)
  • Topographical Data Collection - Generates pretty colors that I'm sure some of the faculty here at Kertech can make sense of.
  • Leviathan Capital Ship Program - [CLASSIFIED] All we are allowed to disclose about this project is that is is a gigantic mother[CLASSIFIED]ing [CLASSIFIED] of [CLASSIFIED] that took way too much of our [CLASSIFIED]ing time and effort to get its fat [CLASSIFIED] of the ground. Oh yeah, we classified this classy thread real classily right there.
  • Aerospace Research - Development of hypersonic transit vessels, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) craft, UFO's, working helicopters made of stock parts, and (attempted) VTOL SSTO spaceplanes. No kerbals were harmed in the making of these vessels. We have also never told a lie. Except that. And that. And that. And that. And that....
  • S.E.T.H. (Search for an ExtraTerrestrial Home) - Originally starting from the SETI program, SETH originated once top minds at Kertech concluded that the search for little green men was, in fact, pointless due to the widespread proliferation of little green men already on Kerbin. This shocking discovery has raised many highly divided debates, such as the definition of "little" and "green" and what it means to be a man, which, on good days, generally degenerate into the academic equivalent of a bar fight.


Ordered chronologically by proposition date.

Space Exploration Programs

  • Münar Landing Program: manned mission to the Mün and back
  • I.K.O.S.: International Kerbal Orbital Station - station around Kerbin
  • Duna Ground Exploration Program: rovers to Duna
  • Duna Atmospheric Exploration Program: hypersonic unmanned spaceplanes to Duna
  • Duna Colonization Program: colony on Duna
  • Eve Atmospheric Exploration Program: unmanned spaceplanes to Eve
  • Topographical Data Collection Program: ISA mapsat satellites to every celestial body in the solar system
  • Münar Kethane Refueling Station: Kethane mine for refueling spacecraft from Mün
  • Minmus Kethane Refueling Station: Kethane mine for refueling interplanetary craft from Minmus
  • S.E.T.H. - Search for an ExtraTerrestrial Home: colony on laythe
  • Capital Ship Program: development of the Leviathan and other capital ships
  • Weapons Development: astronautics for military applications and contracting
  • Orbital Probe Accelerator - a system of 6 "cannons" in geosynchronous orbit positioned at angles corresponding to optimal launch windows for each of the 6 planets

Mathematical/Theoretical Programs

  • Eclipse Prediction - figuring out a pattern dictating all future eclipse from any celestial body to another
  • Optimal Launch Timing - converting launch angles to sets of dates dictating what exact time is the optimal time to burn for a Hohmann transfer between any two bodies
  • Kerbin Ocean Density - figuring out whether Kerbin's oceans are actually made of water






Boldface programs indicate major ongoing efforts.


As of .23.5, I have reduced the number of mods I am using due to losing the previous save file from mod incompatibility. Right now, I'm only using B9 and Procedural Wings, as well as some graphics packs.

  • B9 Aerospace
  • Procedural Wings
  • Environmental Enhancements.

Mission Logs

Mission 01: ® Mun I - Kerbal-piloted mission to Mun

Mission 02: ® Mun II - Kerbal-piloted mission to Mun

Mission 03: ® Mun III - Kerbal-piloted mission to Mun

Mission 04: ® Mun IV - Kerbal-piloted mission to Mun

Mission 05: ® Mun V - Kerbal-piloted mission to Mun

Mission 06: ® Mun VI - Kerbal-piloted mission to Mun

Mission 07: ® Mun VII - Kerbal-piloted mission to Mun

Mission 08: ® Mun VIII - Kerbal-piloted mission to Mun

Mission 09: ® Mun IX - Kerbal-piloted mission to Mun

Mission 10: ® Duna I - Rover to Duna

Mission 11: ® IKOS I - Station core in Kerbin orbit

Mission 12: ® IKOS II - Development of SSTO escape spaceplane for IKOS

Mission 13: ® IKOS III - Addition of first escape vessel

Mission 14: ® IKOS IV - Addition of second escape vessel

Mission 15: ® Eve I - Unmanned aircraft to eve

Mission 16: ® IKOS V - Addition of large solar array to IKOS

Mission 17: ® Topograph I - Kerbin mapping satellite

Mission 18: ® IKOS VI - Addition of robotics bay to IKOS

Mission 19: ® Topograph II - Munar mapping satellite

Mission 20: ® IKOS VII - Addition of communications relay to IKOS

Mission 21: ® Leviathan Project I - Development of a large capital ship and launch into LKO

Mission 22: ® Munbase I - Deployment of a Kethane location system into Munar orbit for future base development.

Mission 23: ® Leviathan Project II - Development and redesign of a large capital ship SSTO and deployment into LKO

Mission 24: ® Munbase II - Land a Kethane Drilling Core at the location determined from Munbase I data

Mission 25: ® Munbase III - Attach a Kethane Conversion Unit to the base established in Munbase II

Mission 26: ® SETH I/Topograph III - Launch of a data collection satellite to map Laythe and determine habitability and kethane content

Mission 27: (Math) Oceana I - Kerbin's oceans possibly not made of water

Mission 28: ISSO I/Topograph IV - Mapping satellite to Minmus

Mission 29: IKOS VIII (Reconstruction) - Reconstruction of IKOS post-.21 update using a new SSTO spaceplane deployment system

Mission 30: KPS Satellite Launch - Launch of a Kerbostationary communications relay system

New Save File: [.23.5]

Mission 30: SpaceTruck Mk3 - Development of a new large spaceplane to put station parts into high-Kerbin orbit.


Mission successful

Mission aborted/no casualties

Mission failed

® Denotes the mission log was recorded significantly retroactively.




Thanks to AustralianFries and KAAST for the layout of the mission logs. If you haven't seen his thread,

go check it out!

Edited by Ben 9072
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Retroactive - Munar Landing Program

Note: this entry is a retroactive mission log, as it was made after the Mun Landing Program had already reached its conclusion. As such, this will not be as detailed as a mission made concurrently with missions.

Mission(s): Mun I-IX

Mission Objective(s): Launch a Kerbal into low-Kerbin orbit, burn to reach the Mun, land on the Mun, and return home. The Munar Landing Program was done entirely with stock parts.

Launch Vehicle(s): Mun I, Mun II, Mun III, Mun IV, Mun V, Mun VI, Mun VII, Mun VIII, Mun IX

Payload: Mun Lander(s): Mk I-IX

Mission Outcome(s):

Mun I: Catastrophic failure, exploded midflight upon exiting the atmosphere.

Mun II: Unable to reach Mun orbit, deorbited and returned to Kerbin. No casualties.

Mun III: Reached Mun, final approach for landing. Landing, however, was unsuccessful. No survivors.

Mun IV: Reached Mun and landed successfully. Planted "Lunar Landing I" flag. However, quick calculations revealed insufficient delta-V to return to Kerbin. Pending rescue.

Mun V: Reached Mun, and landed successfully. Planted "Lunar Landing II" flag. However, for an unknown reason, the ship exploded upon reactivation to return home from Mun. No survivors.

Mun VI: Engine overheat in atmosphere, mission aborted. No casualties.

Mun VII: Reached Mun, landed successfully, planted "Lunar Landing III" flag, and attempted to rescue the Mun IV mission survivors. Ran out of fuel. Both missions pending rescue.

Mun VIII: Reached Mun, landed successfully, planted "Lunar Landing IV" flag, returned to Kerbin. However, a structural failure between a parachute module and the ship caused a hard landing, though no Kerbals were injured.

Mun IX: Reached mun, landed successfully, planted "Lunar Landing V" flag, and returned to Kerbin successfully and intact. Mun IX marks the end of the Munar Landing program.


Partially Successful/Casualties Avoided


Mission Highlight(s):

Mun IV Landing:


Mun V Launch:


Mun VIII Landing:


Mun IX Landing:


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Mission: Duna I

Mission Objective: Land an unmanned rover on the surface of Duna

Launch Vehicles: Duna I Launch Vessel

Payload: Rover I

Mission Outcomes: Rover landed successfully on Duna, providing Kertech and KSC the first images of the surface of Duna. In the absence of knowledge as to the presence of an atmosphere on Duna, a powered "pod" lander was used to land the rover. No damage was sustained to the rover prior to touchdown. However, after travelling around the surface of Duna for some time, the low gravity caused the rover to flip when going at high speeds, breaking off all solar panels. Luckily, the onboard RTG of the rover supplied sufficient power to continue operations.

Mission Highlights:

Duna I Launch Vessel on launch pad:


Duna I Launch Vessel entering second stage, dropping two large fuel tanks:


Duna I Payload exiting Kerbin orbit after burn:


Duna I Payload and Rover I shortly after touching down on Mars. The powered "pod" lander can be seen in the background:


Rover I with solar arrays fully extended:


Rover I with Ike in the background:


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Sure looks a lot like my thread mission layout...

Mission: Orbiter 1

Mission objective: Launch a satellite into LKO.

Launch Vehicle: LV1A (Launch Vehicle 1' date=' A Model) ~ FL-T400 Fuel Tank with LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine.

[b']Payload: Orbital Communications Satellite (OCS) ~ A small communications satellite fit with 4 OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels and a main communications dish.

Mission Outcome: Probe was launched into a 78km by 76km orbit around Kerbin. Communication has been established and probe is responding to commands from KSC. Mission Successful.

Mission Highlights:

A quote from my log, as a comparison. They look almost identical. I made the text small so it wouldn't be so invasive...

Anyway, cool log. You have nice designs.

Edited by AustralianFries
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Mission: I.K.O.S. I

Mission Objective: Launch the core of the International Kerbal Orbital Station into low-Kerbin orbit.

Launch Vehicle: I.K.O.S. Launch Vessel Mk.I

Payload: I.K.O.S. Core

Mission Outcome: I.K.O.S. Core launched successfully. However, a design oversight prevented docking with future nodes, though docking would be possible after jettisoning the docking hub and replacing it with one brought up in future modules. Research operations started, future modules pending.

Mission Highlights:

I.K.O.S. Core with faulty hub:


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Sure looks a lot like my thread mission layout...Anyway, cool log. You have nice designs.

Thank you. I did base the layout of my log off of yours, as you seem to have one of the most developed/extensive mission logs on this part of the forums. :) I do hope you don't mind, though it does seem relatively standard to have the mission/objective/payload/outcome/pictures format. However, I'd be willing to change the format if you would like.

Edited by Ben 9072
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Thank you. I did base the layout of my log off of yours, as you seem to have one of the most developed/extensive mission logs on this part of the forums. :) I do hope you don't mind, though it does seem relatively standard to have the mission/objective/payload/outcome/pictures format. However, I'd be willing to change the format if you would like.

I don't really mind all that much. I mean, credit would be nice. I actually credited Pipcard for letting me use a similar design, in my post (and I tried to keep our threads as different as possible. Check out his thread and compare it to mine. Very different, although I still credited him.) so yeah.

I am humbled that you are using my design, though.

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Mission: I.K.O.S. II

Mission Objective: Develop an escape spaceplane capable of deorbiting from any point in the IKOS orbit and returning to KSC.

Launch Vehicle: IKOS Escape Vessel

Payload: (None)

Mission Outcome: Development of the IKOS Escape Vessel was finalized, after considering many different designs, some of which are included in the "mission highlights section".

Mission Highlights:

Previously developed hypersonic transit unit used as the base for the design:


Semi-finalized vessel design several generations later:


Semifinal design in LKO:


Final design experiencing reentry effects. The in-line docking port can be noted near the front.


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I don't really mind all that much. I mean, credit would be nice. I actually credited Pipcard for letting me use a similar design, in my post (and I tried to keep our threads as different as possible. Check out his thread and compare it to mine. Very different, although I still credited him.) so yeah.

I am humbled that you are using my design, though.

I'm sorry, I had thought that it was a standard design for a mission layout. I edited my original post to credit you with the layout order.

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Mission: I.K.O.S. III and IV

Mission Objective: Lauch two IKOS Escape Vessels and dock them with the hub-repaired IKOS Core.

Launch Vehicle: IKOS Escape Vessel Booster Stage

Payload: IKOS Escape Vessel

Mission Outcome: Though docking was quite difficult in the vessels due to the uneven distribution of RCS thrusters around the center of mass, both missions were successful, providing IKOS with two fully functional escape vessels, which could also be used to return kerbals to KSC once their time on IKOS has concluded. Booster stages were necessary even though the IKOS Escape Vessel is an SSTO craft, as the vessel needed to be delivered to IKOS with an almost full tank of fuel.

Mission Highlights:

Launch of vessel with booster stage:


Booster stage and vessel in sub-orbit:


Separation of booster and vessel:


IKOS at the conclusion of the IKOS IV mission:


IKOS at the conclusion of the IKOS IV mission (Kerbol behind station):


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Mission: Eve I

Mission Objective: Land an unmanned aerial probe on Eve capable of taking off and relocating itself over relatively long distances.

Launch Vehicle: Eve I Launcher

Payload: Eve I Atmospheric Probe

Mission Outcome: The mission was a resounding success. The incredibly thick atmosphere of Eve allowed for very smooth landings without incident. The probe currently is located very close to its original landing spot, which was chosen to be on edge of a large continent for future study of Eve's mysterious purple-tinted oceans.

Mission Highlights:

Initial development and testing of probe on Kerbin:


Probe and final launcher stage in LKO:


Probe and final launcher stage approaching Eve:


Probe on final approach:


Aerobreaking in Eve's thick atmosphere:


Descending through the atmosphere:


Landing on Eve:


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Mission: IKOS V

Mission Objective: Launch a solar farm and dock it with IKOS, providing more than sufficient power for the foreseeable future

Launch Vehicle: IKOS V Launcher

Payload: IKOS Solar Array

Mission Outcome: The mission was a success. While the solar farm was incredibly hard to maneuver to dock, docking contact was made, and at just the right time, as very little RCS fuel remained.

Mission Highlights:

Solar array on launcher:


Station with solar array:


Station with solar array (Kerbol in background):


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Mission: Topograph I

Mission Objective: Launch mapping satellite in polar Kerbin orbit at an altitude of 300km

Launch Vehicle: Topograph I Launcher

Payload: ISA MapSat Kerbin Probe I

Mission Outcome: The mission was successful in establishing an almost perfectly polar orbit around Kerbin at an altitude of 300km. However, the stage separation between the rocket and the probe was not accounted for, and ended up raising the apoapsis of the orbit by about 20km, due to the light nature of the probe. As no engine was included on the probe, it was forced to stay in the orbit. However, mapping functionality was not impaired by this error.

Mission Highlights:

Probe with launcher exiting atmosphere:


Probe in orbit:


Orbital trajectory of probe (picture taken retroactively):


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Mission: IKOS VI

Mission Objective: Launch a robotics bay for rendezvous and docking with IKOS.

Launch Vehicle: IKOS VI Hybrid Launcher

Payload: IKOS Robotics Bay

Mission Outcome: The mission was successful. As always, the large size of the parts made docking difficult, and framerate begins to drop at this point, but the docking was completed.

Mission Highlights:

Robotics Bay and Launcher on launch pad:


Robotics Bay immediately after docking with IKOS. Robotic arms are extended and docking bay doors opened.


Full station as of the IKOS VI mission:


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Mission: Topograph II

Mission Objective: Launch a topographical data collection satellite into a stable, polar munar orbit.

Launch Vehicle: Munar Topograph Satellite Launcher

Payload: Munar Topography Satellite

Mission Outcome: The mission was successful. Learning from previous missions, once a polar orbit was established, the burn continued until the periapsis was about 50km lower than the apoapsis, to compensate for probe separation and the decreased gravitational pull of Mun. However, the probe was pointed the incorrect direction (retrograde) for this compensation during ejection at apoapsis, effectively doubling the variation between apoapsis and periapsis. However, once again, mapping functionality was not sufficiently impaired.

Mission Highlights:

Launcher with probe inside:


Probe in Munar Orbit (picture taken retroactively):


Orbital trajectory (picture taken retroactively):


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Impressive. Most impressive. Keep up the good work, and please keep us all informed.

What mods, if any, are you using?

Thanks! As of right now, I use:

KW Rocketry

B9 Aerospace

Robotic Arms Pack

Quantum Struts

ISA Mapsat

Kethane Mod

Kerbal Attachment System

I stayed on stock parts for a while, but I eventually got tired of how much they limited your options when in the real world, other options are available. I don't like using mods that make the game any easier though, so I try and keep it as realistic as possible.

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Mission: IKOS VII

Mission Objective: Install the Communications Relay module on IKOS

Launch Vehicle: IKOS VII Launcher

Payload: Communications Relay

Mission Outcome: Mission was successful. A docking attempt was made using the previously installed robotic arms on the Robotics Bay module, though this proved to be unsuccessful. However, docking was sufficiently easier given the comparatively small size of the module.

Mission Highlights:

Module and launcher on launch pad:


IKOS after installation:


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Mission: Leviathan Project I

Mission Objective: Design a capital ship capable of containing several smaller ships and drones and launch said vessel into orbit.

Launch Vehicle: Leviathan Mk1

Payload: None

Mission Outcome: Mission failed. Reasons for this were numerous, but the largest reason was the obscenely large part count (793 parts) causing too much lag to successfully launch the vessel. Furthermore, upon gaining any appreciable speed in the atmosphere, the large number of wing parts on the vessel cause unstable rotation to begin, generally resulting in the destruction of the craft. Furthermore, without overly-large boosters, the craft lacked sufficient delta-V to get to orbit.

Mission Highlights:

Ship design with visible boosters:


Hangar entrance:


Side view:


Failed launch:


Aerodynamics causing ship to disintegrate in atmosphere:


Ship after exiting the atmosphere successfully, but not reaching orbit:


Beginning of launch, before atmospheric effects tore ship apart:


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The Imperial March started playing through my head when I saw your Leviathan Mk 1. It has a nice wedge shape to it - pity it couldn't fly. Personally I think it was those "rebel scum" that sabotaged it.

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Mission: Munbase I

Mission Objective: Launch a Kethane Location Satellite into Munar Orbit

Launch Vehicle: Munbase I launcher

Payload: Munar Kethane Location Satellite

Mission Outcome: Mission successful. The satellite was equipped with an ion engine to correct any changes decoupling may have on its orbit and was established in an almost perfectly polar low-munar orbit.

Mission Highlights:

Satellite and launcher on launch pad:


Probe in orbit around Mun:


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Mission: Leviathan Project II

Mission Objective: Design a capital ship capable of containing several smaller ships and drones and launch said vessel into orbit.

Launch Vehicle: Titan Class: Leviathan (Leviathan Mk2)

Payload: None

Mission Outcome: Mission successful. A redesign of the original Leviathan Mk1 focusing on more precise and symmetrical part placement, part count reduction, and fuel efficiency, combined with the utilization of hybrid jet-rocket engines from the B9 pack allowed for low-velocity launches to minimize atmospheric damage, and, after several failed attempts, balancing the ship, and adding additional fuel, LKO was achieved, after spending almost all fuel during the launch. Due to this, this makes the Leviathan Mk2 the largest SSTO Kertech has developed to date.

Mission Highlights:

The ship in the SPH (it launches vertically)


Side view


Looking down the hangar entrance


Unsuccessful orbit attempt, re-entry


In orbit


Panels deployed


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Mission: Munbase II

Mission Objective: Deployment of a kethane drilling unit at a location previously identified as being kethane-rich in Munbase I

Launch Vehicle: Munbase II Launch Vessel

Payload: Kethane Heavy Drilling Unit

Mission Outcome: The mission was successful - after a long deorbiting sequence to fine-tune the landing location, the drilling unit, which will function as the core for a future Munar refueling base, was deployed successfully. The original working design was a seven core drilling unit capable of massive rates of kethane extraction. However, this proved to be too heavy and unwieldy to launch properly, so a single core, dual-drilled unit was launched instead.

Mission Highlights:

Core with launcher on launch pad:


Core deployed successfully on Mun. Drilling to commence:


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Mission: Munbase III

Mission Objective: Install a kethane to LFO conversion system on the Mun base established in the Munbase II mission.

Launch Vehicle: Munbase III Launcher

Payload: Mobile Kethane Conversion Unit

Mission Outcome: The mission was successful. The original design was relatively complicated, as an oversight in the design phase of the Munbase II mission left docking ports at an arbitrary height that was hard to perfectly match for ground based docking. However, this did not prove to be a problem and the rover-like base segment successfully landed on Mun 400m away from the core for the Munar base, driving the remaining distance at low speeds due to the high center of mass and low base width on the module.

Mission Highlights:

Conversion unit and launcher on launch pad:


Decelerating toward landing site:


A relatively rough landing broke two of the engines off. However, this was not a problem, as they would be discarded anyway:


Driving to base core:


Docked, with panels deployed:


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