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Launching a Naval communications satellite. (Ten images)

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KerbalX's latest rocket the Kraken-10 which will replace the losing its time Kraken-9 will be the launch system, the Naval satellite (Ktrak-21 KORL) Will be assigned to handling aircraft karrier communications, however it will be limited due to its planned inclined orbit. KerbalX will soon begin assisting the national Kerbal Peace assistance operation all over the globe launching up geosynchronous satellites to provide a much wider communications array.


Ignition and launch clamp separation.

The first stage engine is providing 2000KN of thrust (I edited the CFG, I do that a lot.)


Launch clamps cleared, we have lift off!


Gravity turn is go.

This will give us some horizontal velocity, which is a big requirement for orbit.


We can see the mountain tops peering over the clouds, sometimes I think Kerbin is really beautiful, especially with the better atmospheres mod.


First stage separation and second ignition.


Climbing into the stratosphere of Kerbin.


Separation of aerodynamic fairings complete, when we're this high in the atmosphere aerodynamics aren't really an issue.


Once we're in orbit we can release the payload.


Satellite deployed, mission complete!

Leave your feedback of my mission techniques, and slight storyline.

Follow me on google+ for updates on other missions that I'm posting on imgur. (Moving this to siggy soon)


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