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Everything posted by Dub_freak

  1. You would have no problems at all with running KSP on that.
  2. I remember when landing on the dark side of kerbin resulted in instant death. EDIT: Heres a very early version of the game if you want to see what it was like. http://www.shacknews.com/file/27710/kerbal-space-program-082-windows-free-game
  3. Hardware requirements aren\'t that bad I\'ll download the demo later on to see what its like.
  4. You could probably build something simple that could reach high in the atmosphere, but building a rocket that can orbit is just out of the question. I admire the optimism but you have to be realistic.
  5. A more realistic option would be a balloon Sure it might not be a rocket, but at least you can actually send something up there at a low cost.
  6. I\'ve been using Nova\'s mods since the very beginning, thank you and keep up the good work
  7. I\'ll just leave this here http://crispgreen.com/files/2011/04/Final-Thorium-wellhome.png
  8. Dub_freak


    Started browsing shortly after discovering this game on /v/, got me interested in space and science.
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