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Everything posted by Nimja

  1. What I meant by the questions were: what is the mathematical way of finding out how MUCH the intakes take in, because they have the same IntakAir stat, but the fan says it tkaes in twice the amout than the vaccum intake. With the antenna question, I meant to ask why the first antenna seems better than the other in all aspects, but youve answered the question anyway on that one.
  2. I have a few questions about some parts: How do air intakes work? The "IntakeAir" statistic do not seem to show the actual amout of air drawn. How do the antennas work? It seems to me the starting antenna is more efficient and faster.
  3. How about some sort of Kerbal musician/pop start appears on the show?
  4. I mean, Its annoying if you just let them out for a second for EVA reports, and Boom! your stranded. Where is this "Bads" setting. I would also like to add, what does the uniform color do?
  5. Where you trying to make soem sort of Starship Enterprise? 'cus thats what it looks like.
  6. Exactly my sentiments.although I would probably WANT to hit them just for the chaos it would cause.
  7. The Kerbalnaughts have their 2 stats: Bravery and Stupidity. Firstly, after running a few missions, surely they should become braver and smarter? mine don't seem to do so. I also run into the problem of my Kerbals not hanging onto the pods. Could there be a Strength stat to determine how well they can hang on for dear life? Thank you in advance.
  8. Nimja


    Hello. I'm very new to KSP, and I was wondering: Is there any KSP canon stories. I was just wondering, as many people keep talking about "Jebadiah". Thank you.
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