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Everything posted by Buddhafist

  1. This is exactly what I have been doing, minus the flawless perfect landing. I failed to land 37 times before I got the hang of it, but finally decided that was my best bet to save fuel. The problem has been that takes up nearly all my fuel. This is for two reasons I think. First, my entry orbit is super steep. Or rather, horizontal once I reach the surface. I spend a lot of time just decelerating. This is turn causes me to have to keep raising my alt to give more time to break. Also, this technique changes up my landing point, which has to be compensated for once I finally get it under control. Since it is a rescue mission, I need to land in a specific location. Also, I have all my screenshots, but how do I upload them... I feel like a newb... Once upon a time I ran my own forum with 2000+ members and today in these new formats Im just like "what are all these buttons!?" lol Do I just use photobucket still? I assume that with that whole panel of buttons there is a quick upload from option? As soon as I know how to upload them, I will show you my designs and landers. Like I said, Iv really only played maybe 10 hours, and thats stretching it..
  2. I apparently messed up my first post, so I will nutshell this. I have three kerbal stranded on the Mun. I have a great rocket, capable of putting me in orbit around Kerbin and getting me to the Mun. I have an assumedly overly bulky lander which may be my problem? My problem is that I just don't have the fuel to land on the moon, rescue my little buddies, and then get home.. As it stands, I have three landers trapped on the moon without fuel, and every single time I have tried to adjust my rocket to solve the problem, it becomes unstable and is no good.. I would really appreciate a rocket design that can get me to the Mun and back.. Even better, I would really appreciate a rocket design that will get me further. I currently have the whole 45 line of the science tree researched. I also have Fuel and Electronics in the 90 line. Any help you can give would really be appreciated.. I feel like Iv hit a kerbin wall.
  3. Hey everyone! New to the forum and the game. I bought the game on New Years Eve and have been playing a few hours a day since then. So far so good. Took me a while to get the hang of orbiting proper, but with some fairly straight forward tutorials I am confident that I know how to plan, achieve and adjust an orbit around the Kerbin or the Mun. I have successfully sent several craft to the Mun to orbit and have landed two of them to within 20k of where I wanted to go. (Plus one that was a crash landing. The other two were Rescue missions) The problem is, I have no fuel... So now I have three brave (albeit stupid) Kerbals on the moon, but I don't have a rocket that is capable of seeing the task completed. I tried to modify my rocket design to solve the problem, but I can't seem to find the right balance.. I have tried several different approaches and read every damn tutorial on the net it feels like, but I just can't seem to build the rocket I need. Granted, The landers that I am building are big, bulky and beautiful... Maybe impractical? Can someone help me design a good rocket setup which will get me to the moon and back, as well as around the solar system if I desire. Also, if anyone has a good lander design that is lightweight, I would be interested to know what Im doing wrong. As far as science tree, I have the entire 45 line, plus Fuel Systems and Electronics in the 90 line. Please and thank you.
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