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Posts posted by IceBadger

  1. I would think instead of splitting it into many different career modes it should be as follows:

    - Sandbox, just like it is now, with everything unlocked and funds/contracts turned off.

    - Career, with options for what features you want turned on and difficulty options, want everything unlocked, turn science off, want infinite funds turn funds off, want no revert options turn them off, and so on. Could even have funds and science multipliers, so you can earn more or less of the resources depending on how much of a challenge you want. This way you can cater to as many players as possible.

  2. I think there is some more information that should be included to comply with various laws, better to be safe than sorry right?

    The list below are just things missing from the original that could be considered necessary.

    • How long will the information be stored? (Retention is varied, but usually states that when data loses its use it must be deleted)
    • Who will have access to the data (private person/company/public)?
    • Where is the data stored (country)?
    • Is the transfer of data encrypted and secure (SSL)?
    • When and how often is data sent?
    • It is not legal to collect information on an American citizen as an American or to an American located server if the citizen is below 13 years unless they have parental consent. (A tick box to confirm your age or that you have consent would be required) See COPPA
    • Users should be able to log their own data being sent locally, so they can review it in a sensible format. (A check box for "logging")
    • A version check, containing only a version number (and due to how the internet works an IP address) with no retention and is private (not visible to public) does not constitute as data storage or collection, but should be mentioned in text on the download page that the plugin does a version check.

    On the note of the users being able to delete their own data from the collection servers, this would require quite a lot of work, considering IP addresses change, hardware IDs change when HDDs get replaced and so on, I would think Squad might have to supply an ID based on the game copy that is unique to every copy of the game, so that mod developers can use that to ID the data and users won't lose their ability to delete their possibly personal data if their IP happened to change or their computer stopped working.

    I could probably write up a new text if wanted, and if anyone has suggestions to the above, well here is the best place to post such things.

  3. The mod does claim to not collect any personal data, though if it sends a crash log similar to the "error.log" file KSP generates, it does contain personal information (computer name), or if it contains an IP, Mac Address or similar ID, which would be a breach of the US COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) law and the UK Data Protection Act

    Though that is only if the data contains personal information, which it should not according to the creator.

    However the EU Data Protection Directive is quite a bit more strict, and would require:

    disclosure of who is receiving the data (this is not shared and to comply should be, but is possible to get with a simple domain trace)

    if personal data is being sent (which is being disclosed and it is not sent, so thats good)

    the ability for an individual to see his/her own information that is sent in a clear intelligible form (which I do not think it currently is, you can see all data, but not yours specifically)

    the ability for an individual to ask for their data to be deleted or blocked

    Personally I think the ModStatistics Mod is fine, but it should be an opt-in or have the ability to opt-out when first run (and stay that way if updated, or ask again)

    I also think this mod is fine considering there is no current option to opt out without having to modify a configuration file, which is too much to ask for a end user.

  4. That is of course, if the forum software allows you to make that kind of customisation. Not really played much with vBulletin myself. By "much" I mean "at all".

    Done a lot of coding for vBulletin, and really there are no real limits to the software, its all just PHP code in some fancy templates and you could really add, remove and change anything you would like.

    Things like pausing reputation gain would require a cron job, could just hook into one already there, and probably an entry or two in the database (time and date of pause to keep log of it) and then a few changes to the reputation.php file (this is the file that does all the math and such)

    As for what others have mentioned about the blips (the colored bar) an easy way to make it go up faster but also have more so it can go further is to do a kind of "prestige" to it, where when it fills up, change the blips color/shape or add a different 1st blip, and then just add more user titles in between (they could be the same titles repeated so lets say between 0-9 you have one more at 5 with the same name as at 0 to add one more blip. Though that is only one way of doing it, its an easy way of just manipulating the system already in place by vBulletin in stead of having to code something new.

    Source: Worked with vBulletin products and code before it had a number (back in 2000) :)

  5. So I have a 3-way geosynchronous satellite setup at 2868,75 km,

    a single one at 300km and I was trying to launch a new one with a dish for missions to mun and minmus.

    When I decouple my core I de-orbit the rocket with some solid fuel boosters.

    When I try to go to space center or anything else, I just get the blue screen.

    Mouseover reveals there is something to click on, just not visible.



    This is the last quicksave I have before it fails as described above.

    Other mods are mechjeb, engineer redux, KW, B9, Dealy Reentry, Novapunch.

    No mechjeb was used in any craft in this save.

    I would love to get some immersive setup of satellites as I explore the solarsystem,

    but so far ever single time this "bug" has prevented me to do so.

    Restarting doesn't fix it :/

    Otherwise, another dozen hours this game have been fun for me,

    all thanks to your mod.

    EDIT: I found out what is the root action:

    When I decouple, i also fire those solid fuel boosters.

    But I also switched active ships to that deorbiting rocket-part.

    When switching back the error takes place.

    When I disregard that section of my setup, everything is fine.

    I am having the exact same issue, when decoupling a probe from a manned craft things start to become weird, the map lines freeze up (almost like they burn in so if you rotate the map they stay in place) then I get the same blue and black screen, after that it seems like all of my flights duplicate, so suddenly I have a hundred or so active flights.

    Could it be that the probe and remote control parts are the main part of the ship and that the manned craft below it is not? (Compared to building a manned craft and adding a probe to it)

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