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Everything posted by jessyager

  1. Thx I am running a mod heavy installation so I was trying to keep duplicate parts to a smaller degree. If anyone thinks there is another way without having to pull my hair out by pretty much writing my config file from scratch I would like to hear it. In the mean time I will try the old parts, thank you much .
  2. I am trying to weld some parts together to bring the part count of one of my crafts down. Some of the parts I am welding are from the updated version of B9 Aerospace. The problem I am having is that on parts that have multiple model configurations or textures it is showing all of the models/textures simultaneously after the weld. Anyone else come across this and find a way to keep this from happening or how to edit the welded part config to fix the issue?
  3. Is there a way to get a ship to spawn on the runway instead of the water? (I know this is a reverse issue to the original problem of getting from the runway to the water. I am messing about with a few things and want to spawn on the runway)
  4. I don't mean to zombie an old thread but thought I would see if anyone here was able to get a working version of the quantum struts to work with .25?
  5. I am currently running a heavily modded version of KSP .25. I am running Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. I am building a rover with Kerbal Foundries Inverting Tracks (They are lick tank or bulldozer tracks if you are not familiar). I am attempting to use these on a gantry rail from Magic Smoke Industries: Infernal Robotics. The Gantry rails had to be put on separately to get them to adjust the pair of tracks together in the correct direction. Attaching the tracks to the gantry, one side is completely stable while the other is very wobbly. Nothing breaks but I am wondering if there is a way to increase the tracks attachment strength or whetever is necessary to reduce the wobble? I have checked and it looks to be the track and not the gantry wobbling.
  6. For some reason previously I was not getting a log of what was going wrong. This time I checked however and had an entry stating that the PWing Control Surface was having a structural failure connecting with the PWing Mk2. I removed the control surface and all was right with the world... This game can sure cause som odd glitches from time to time .
  7. For me this did not resolve the issue though I believe now I am having another odd issue... The second set of wings I added are just "falling off" at load... It is a large craft but should not be that large I don't think... I am going to add more struts to see if that resolves the issue...
  8. I am having a bit of a conundrum atm. I just recently upgraded to .25 and am currently working on a transport SSTO. Everything was working fine but I realized I needed a bit more lift with the aircraft. To resolve this issue I added an additional set of wings. Since I added the 2nd set of wings every time I load onto the runway it spontaneously explodes. Previous to adding the additional wings I was able to load and make it to the end of the runway just fine. Is there some sort of weight limit for the runway that I am missing?
  9. Thank you very much... I figured that it was going to be a pretty subjective answer but thought I would try all the same .
  10. I actually meant a Single Stage To Orbit winged aircraft. I already assumed once in orbit all numbers would be the same I however was looking for any ideal figures that would give me a rough idea f how much lift/fuel/thrust ratio's that would be helpful in planning for getting out of the atmosphere. Thank you for all of your previous replies they are all very helpful. If anyone has any other advice/ resources please let me know .
  11. Hi, I am in an SSTO phase atm. One of the biggest issues I have is balancing how much fuel/thrust I need. I have some of the Delta-V charts that tell how much Delta-V required to travel to various other locations. Is the Delta-V for an SSTO any different than a standard rocket launch?
  12. To make a long story short it turns out the issue was because I did not have the VA Command Capsule Cockpit installed. I am using a few other installs to build stuff with different parts and moving only the parts I use into this install to try to keep the texture load down. As such, I only installed the Capsule, not the interior space. Again, thanks for the help
  13. Thanks for all the suggestions so far that is my goal for today I will let you know what I find.
  14. I have been assembling a space station in orbit and am currently trying to lift a piece that uses the VA Command Capsule from the KOSMOS mod. It took me a while to figure out what was happening but the capsule itself is what is causing my issues. I am running a mod heavy install and will begin to test vanilla and add mods in one by one if necessary but was hoping someone else might have run in to this and might have an idea of what may be causing this. Once I attempt to launch the rocket with the capsule on top my Vertical Velocity indicator along with my RCS and SAS status lights flicker and disappear continuously. When I just sit the capsule itself out on the launch pad the Throttle gauge blanks out. In both cases it does not show my staging, or the portraits of the Kerbals in the bottom right while in both instances there are 3 in the capsule (Verified with Crew Manifest). Here are some screenshots to show what I am referring to: Rocket with VA Command Capsule on top. Capsule (Rockets and fuel tanks added to verify the absence of those was not causing the issue here) with blank throttle gauge. I am running v.23 of the game. The main Mods I am running excluding parts are: -Crew Manifest -Kerbal Engineer -KAS -MechJeb -Proceedural Fairings/Wings -Kerbal Joint Reinforcement -Infernal Robotics -Remote Tech 2 -Interstellar Mod Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
  15. Sorry to zombie an old thread but does anyone know if there has been any progress on this? I am not necessarily interested to add my own music (though I do like and support that idea) but rather to remove the default music altogether. Being a heavy mod user and the limitations of 32 bit I read that they had to preload the music into RAM just like the parts and so I would like to remove it to free up a bit more memory for the game. :/
  16. Updating the 2 DLL's did allow me to open the Cargo bay in the VAB thx much all .
  17. I am currently running B9 Aerospace vR4.0C and 6S Service Compartment Tubes v1.1. If there are any later versions I am unable to fid them.
  18. I am fairly new to KSP and am currently going 9 million different directions as far as trying to learn and do different things (generally because I try something; strand someone or cause some other kind of random tear in the space time continuum and then have to try to figure out how to fix it :/) so if I am asking this in the wrong section I apologize. Just direct me to the right place . I notice that for example if I use the stock landing gear while building something I can right click it and tell it to start closed or open, lock steering etc. However with some addon/mod parts I get no options when right clicking. Is there any way to add the tweakable functionality to the parts from addons/mods? The main issue I am having is using the B9 Aerospace Mod. I cannot open the cargo bay for the M2 Body to put anything in it. Also I have the same issue with the 6S Service Compartments Mod. I am unable to open the storage compartment doors to add anything to it. (With the latter I am at least able to add stuff from underneath the module before adding the next component however with the cargo bays this is not the case. I am not sure if (since not originally included in game) cargo bays do not have any kind of switch that allow you to open them like any of the tweakable commands or not. But it would be nice to be able to start with addon landing gear stowed like the stock parts as well. I appreciate any help anyone can offer, thanks in advance .
  19. The Lander itself. The Problem is the MechJeb pod has its own landing struts and they were pushing the pod up... Now it seems the struts are not activating on the Pod but it is still coming loose. I am going to try strutting it and see if that helps but not sure why it is separating. FYI I do not activate the last stage. Here is a reference picture:
  20. I just recently started using MechJeb (v2.1.1) in career mode (v0.23). I inadvertently stranded a kerbal on my first Mun landing and figured I would try a rescue mission while waiting for Minmus to be in a good spot in its orbit for me to travel there. The lander I built uses the mechjeb pod with a Mk 1 Lander can below it so I can board with my kerbal and head back to earth. The problem comes in when I try to extend the landing struts the pod extends it's landing struts and separates from the rest of the lander. I have tried figuring out how to disable the landing struts from the Action Groups but it still seems to detach. Anyone know how I can fix this issue?
  21. Not sure what you mean by jumbo but the tanks were all the small radius tanks not the larger radius ones.
  22. Yes thank you, the struts did fix the issue between stages . @ Mystique: I am actually working on that now but I just unlocked that tech tree with fuel lines after getting this thing up and orbiting the mun.
  23. Thx for the suggestions so far... 1: Failure occurs just after loading on the launch pad with 0 acceleration. 2: No I have struts everywhere except the stage separations, I thought that would interfere with it being able to separate? I will attempt to put struts between the stages and get back to you thank you.
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