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Everything posted by dr_pipe

  1. So, I was having all kinds of trouble with sub-assemblies until I figured this out; I would make a rover and build it around a probe core and make it a sub-assembly and then I couldn't stick it onto anything by a docking port, it would only want to use it's root part to attach to other things. Then I learned to start with a docking port and build the rest of the sub-assembly on that, then you can save it as a sub-assembly and stick it onto things with the docking port. Or, build it however you want, and use the Select Root mod which lets you change any part to the new root part, extremely handy! Not sure if this is the same issue you're talking about, but in my experience you can include probe cores in sub-assemblies, I just had trouble with them being root parts.
  2. I made similar machines... I put the probe core between the two tanks for balance. Also I don't think legs are completely necessary. My two tank version was un-manned, with jr. docking ports on both ends, and served as a station tug. I also made single tank versions with a probe core and jr port on the back and a command seat on the front. I put a small cubic strut sticking off the front of the tank, toward the bottom, and set the command seat on top of that, so the tank would be at the kerbal's back, not beneath him, if that makes sense. That way the controls make sense when controlling from the seat.
  3. That's a shame about the kerbals, but sounds like rovers could work out! F-Zero courses!
  4. So I saw this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24533-Show-off-your-awesome-KSP-pictures%21?p=336722&viewfull=1#post336722 Main point being this bit right here: In the image the ship appears to be sticking itself to the ring with magnetic feet. The kerbonaut is still weightless on EVA. But I was wondering if KSP simulates centrifugal force such that you could put a ring like that into a spin, land on the inside, and get out and walk around like normal, pressed against the interior surface by centrifugal force?
  5. Mir sure looks like an old rusty tin can there. Kind of cool though; that's one of the things that makes (original) Star Wars better than Star Trek - things looked used and abused.
  6. Just discovered this today, after smashing my head against the problem of attaching rovers to things for days... So great! How the heck do people stick rovers on stuff without this?
  7. What is going on with those landers? They land sideways? Is that a 2nd engine on the 'belly', just below mechJeb?
  8. Construction continues apace on the SS Spindle... Docking arms added: Mini Docking arm relocated to its radial port, fuel tank docked on arm. album: http://imgur.com/a/d7vMi
  9. I've learned to dock and begun construction of the SS Spindle.. Already laggy and I don't even have the fuel storage on yet. View from a tug. Component lifter visible in the background. Space Segue! Album: http://imgur.com/a/d7vMi
  10. Click on your orbit, click set maneuver, wheel comes up with different icons for prograde, retrograde, and other directions. Pull on the icons to plan thrust in that direction. One of the short tutorials built into the game (orbital maneuvers or something like that) covers this, too, I think.
  11. I've got a few Kerbals starving to death in solar (kerbolar?) orbit myself! I was aiming for Duna but didn't have the angles quite right.
  12. I was inspired to join the forum to ask the brilliant kerbineers here how they do all the insane things they do. I'm doing some docking now and feel like I'm really starting to be able to play this crazy game! Next up, a space station. I designed one in 6th grade when I went to space camp; shouldn't be too hard, right?
  13. I like this mini vehicle! I've tried a simple one with just an RCS tank and thrusters around it, and a command seat, with docking port on back, but it seemed like the weight of the kerbal threw it off balance. Also the seat wanted to sit on it like the disk of the tank was a horizontal base, not a vertical backing. Did you stick a strut on the tank with the seat on top of that? How do you keep it balanced with the pilot?
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