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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I used TweakScale and Universal Storage to get their wedges up to the Orion diameter. Might make for a good wedge-shaped bomb magazine with a little ModuleManager. You can see them above the engine and below that procedural structural cone.
  2. What I would be very interested in in this style is a small cylindrical 2-man passenger compartment to fill the 1.25m hitchhiker and airplane passenger compartment niche, which I haven't really seen anyone do yet. It'd be nice if it were styled to match this!
  3. Liking these parts a lot. I saw that the orbital orb mentioned including a lot of storage space so I whipped up a quick module manager config to add 60 KAS storage space to it! Hopefully this will save someone 3 minutes of work @PART[orbitalorb] { MODULE { name = KASModuleContainer maxSize = 60 } }
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