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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks for the response godarklight. So my problem is that I'm running the server on the same machine as I'm running the client. If I understand correctly, I need to run the server on a different computer? Or maybe I'm not understanding...
  2. I'm having an issue where every time I run KSP and connect to my local server, the KMPModControl.txt file seems to get reset. I've added the mods to the file using MultiPlayer Part Manager and it seems to work, but after running KSP the mod entries have been removed. The result is that I get the "prohibited parts" message whenever I try to launch anything. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  3. Problem solved - thanks! Unfortunately I'm now having a different problem - KSPModControl.txt seem to get reset every time I run KSP. Your program adds the mods nicely, but then they get removed as soon as I run KSP and connect to my local server. But, I suspect this is an issue for the KMP folks, not you. Thanks! EDIT: Solved it. Apparently KMP Server has its own KSPModControl.txt file that needs to be modified too. The learning never stops!
  4. Thanks for the quick response! I tried changing the default directory and it now starts in my KSP folder, but it still won't work. I just get the initial screen. Could it be because the Linux version of KSP doesn't use KSP.app or KSP.exe (your help file indicates that it needs to see one of these)? The Linux version seems to have KSP.x86 and KSP.x86_64. It seems to be looking in the right place, but not seeing whatever it needs. I'm happy to help out with Linux testing, but fair warning, I'm a total Linux noob (as you may or may not be able to tell).
  5. Does MultiPlayer Part Manager work with Linux? I'm running Ubuntu 13.04 and cannot get it to work. The program runs, but it will not allow me to select my KSP folder. Thanks!
  6. Does MultiPlayer Part Manager v3.0 work with Linux? I'm using Ubuntu 13.04 and I can get it to run, but it won't let me select my KSP folder. Thanks!
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