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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. {BUG} With the microwave THERMAL receiver the thermal turbo jet and the thermal rocket burn all my fuel in less than 5 seconds and produce OVER 20K thrust before fuel is gone. EDIT: http://www.twitch.tv/dookiejones/b/520677587 Shows thrust getting WAY above what it should be.
  2. Ok I got 3.2, sorry for the delay. 3.2 works without changing folder names and I am 99% sure it got all the parts. Creationme what text viewer were you using to view the modfile? I am using notepad++ and all the parts are on a new line but in notepad there is no line break like you said.
  3. This still only finds 12 parts total. There are over 500 with the mods I am using. **EDIT** headed to work now PM me a link to the new version and I will test it out for you.
  4. I can volunteer for windows 8, I am short a HDD right now so no debian. Also tried changing your /parts/ to \parts\, and all variations of part, with no luck. Is it possible that in your search for part.cfg that you are somehow searching the folder name for part.cfg? This could explain why changing the Parts folders to Part allowed your algorithm to find the parts. If I read your source correctly, It is HIGHLY possible I did not, you are first looking for the parts.cfg then looking at the directory name to see if it contains the word parts. Would it not be easier to have the user point to the gamedata folder and then search all sub directories for .cfg, Read the .cfg for part name AND model name, using the model name to define the parts pack. For LLL the model name for part LLLCirc1a2F is LLL/Parts/FuelTank/LLLCircHull/plain1 so you can discard everything after the first / and get the pack name. Obviously this would require you to preprocess all the .cfg files, before asking the user to select the desired mods to be added to the modfile. Logically this would be a better approach due to the lack of predefined structure to the directories of mods, since you are not forced to use a parts folder. Depending on your skill as a programmer and the flexibility of java you could then add the ability to save a mod list, send that to the clients, and have KMPPM check that the required mods are present. If it is possible you could then have the option to .7z the present mods that are not on the list to prevent them from loading.
  5. Maybe this is the issue, some mods I have do not use parts folders. Engineer Always has its parts loaded in, but mechjeb needed a rename. Loading both parts folders and other files I think would be the solution.
  6. Hello CreationMe, I am attempting to use your program (Thanks BTW) but it will only recognize the kerbal engineer mod parts. I am using mechjeb2, chatterer, city lights and clouds, kerbal attachment system, and kerbal interstellar. It APPEARS that KMPM is not looking inside the part folders that are in the mod folders. EDIT. after looking at some source file it appears you are looking for a part folder not a parts folder. EDIT 2. After changing the name of the parts folder inside mechjeb2 to part KMPM IS looking for a part folder not a parts folder. Changing the folder name allowed KMPM to find the parts.
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