Hi, first of all, i would really like to thank everyone involved in the KSP-Realism way, I would like to do a suggestion to add some contracts regarding planetary orbiters, modelling primary and extended missions: - When you get a contract to orbit a planet, you get a primary mission that will be something like staying in orbit of that planet for a couple of years (Lets say 2 years in mars or venus, 4 in jupiter or saturn... mirroring real life equivalents, perhaps with specific orbital parameters) and transmit science back (just generic science or specific instruments). - When you complete a orbiter contract like the aforementioned you get the reward (duh) and autoaccept an extended mission (in the same fashion that altitude records). When you complete any subsequent extended mission you would get diminishing returns in terms of rewards. This is easily doable with Contract Configurator and i think it would open an interesting gameplay when mods like:JDiminishingRTG, Orbital Decay, TestFlight and any other mod limiting life expectancy of spacecrafts. You'll be facing two dilemmas: 1.- Dilemma "a la Opportunity": Should i keep extending my old Mars Orbiter for less and less reward each time, or free the mission control and embark in a more ambitious Jupiter Orbiter? 2.- Lifetime design dilemma: Should i invest in more RCS monopropellant so i can avoid orbital decay, (or a more reliable part in any sense) to get a longer life expectancy for my orbiter, and expect several extended missions, or the extra costs dont justify it? I dont know if you think its a idea that worth it, those are just my two cents. You can see a stub of all this in the repo i forked: https://github.com/Ascraeus1/RP-0/tree/master/GameData/RP-0/Contracts/Orbiter-Contracts Hope its of any interest and excuse my poor english! PD: I know nothing about programming but a simple (?) Module (?) that make solar panels to loose efficiency over the years (~2% yearly) would be really cool here, with budget vs life expectancy gameplay. So sad i cant do this, but come on! ModuleDegradingSolarPanels is waiting for a caritative developer adoption!