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Everything posted by Ascraeus

  1. Just an OFFTOPIC: So sorry about Melificient, im sure he had a long and enjoyable live. I loved your 'in memoriam' homenage as my feline friend Hugo passed away some months away too. God, i miss that ungrateful furry little beast...
  2. Now that you're talking about RealChutes costs, aren't they in overall a bit overpriced? I'm talking on top of my head now, but i remember building my first sounding rocket and the chute was like 80%+ the cost of the whole rocket. I guess the small sizes could be a bit cheaper, not sure how it'll affect on larger ones and balance on mid-game. Just my two cents
  3. Hi, first of all, i would really like to thank everyone involved in the KSP-Realism way, I would like to do a suggestion to add some contracts regarding planetary orbiters, modelling primary and extended missions: - When you get a contract to orbit a planet, you get a primary mission that will be something like staying in orbit of that planet for a couple of years (Lets say 2 years in mars or venus, 4 in jupiter or saturn... mirroring real life equivalents, perhaps with specific orbital parameters) and transmit science back (just generic science or specific instruments). - When you complete a orbiter contract like the aforementioned you get the reward (duh) and autoaccept an extended mission (in the same fashion that altitude records). When you complete any subsequent extended mission you would get diminishing returns in terms of rewards. This is easily doable with Contract Configurator and i think it would open an interesting gameplay when mods like:JDiminishingRTG, Orbital Decay, TestFlight and any other mod limiting life expectancy of spacecrafts. You'll be facing two dilemmas: 1.- Dilemma "a la Opportunity": Should i keep extending my old Mars Orbiter for less and less reward each time, or free the mission control and embark in a more ambitious Jupiter Orbiter? 2.- Lifetime design dilemma: Should i invest in more RCS monopropellant so i can avoid orbital decay, (or a more reliable part in any sense) to get a longer life expectancy for my orbiter, and expect several extended missions, or the extra costs dont justify it? I dont know if you think its a idea that worth it, those are just my two cents. You can see a stub of all this in the repo i forked: https://github.com/Ascraeus1/RP-0/tree/master/GameData/RP-0/Contracts/Orbiter-Contracts Hope its of any interest and excuse my poor english! PD: I know nothing about programming but a simple (?) Module (?) that make solar panels to loose efficiency over the years (~2% yearly) would be really cool here, with budget vs life expectancy gameplay. So sad i cant do this, but come on! ModuleDegradingSolarPanels is waiting for a caritative developer adoption!
  4. Just one comment, when using this mod together with CustomAsteroids all the tracked asteroids appears in the GUI of Station Keeping as if they where vessels.
  5. I think this is a new must-have mod for me! and the fact that i rushed to test it the very first day of release can show it. Thank you Whitecat because this adds a lot of lacking depth and gameplay to stations, commsats, scansat and many many other aspects of the game! That being said, i just found that repeated over and over in the KSP log: [WRN 21:19:59.006] File 'C:/Users/JD/ksp/KSP_Data/../GameData/WhitecatIndustries/OrbitalDecay/VesselData.cfg' does not exist [ Congratulations on release and good luck with development!
  6. Right now StretchyTanks and KSPX are not installed. I can't recall if i ever get StretchyTanks in this installation and then replaced it with ProceduralParts, or if i used ProceduralParts right from the beginning. Im pretty sure i never used KSPX. I just deleted DangIt and vessels are complete again. I almost in the RAM limit, in case its relevant. Im gonna reinstall DangIt to replicate the issue... EDIT: Reinstalling DangIt causes the issue to appear again
  7. I have found a similar issue that the one described previously, but i think i should share it with you and hope it will be of any help. I just installed this mod (in a heavily modded install) and when i access to a ship built before the installation of dang it via tracking station, it consist only of the probe core. All the other parts are gone. This issue of missing parts affects only to the fly scene, as im using RT2 and i can see the lines of the connections between vessels in the tracking station, but in fly mode there is only the probe core and there is "No connection". You can see plenty of exceptions in DangItReactionWheel right here: KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pggz8k95kf0w81h/KSP.log output_log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3w0ssklyy9d2rh9/output_log.txt I hope it helps. Thank you in advance for this great mod!
  8. Nice to hear about the progress! I think this is a really interesting idea that for sure i'll use. Keep up the good work!
  9. I'll like to put my two cents here: There are some old threads about kerbal sanity and long term space travel effects but i think all of them end overcomplicating things and finally doing nothing. Due to that, i'll recommend to stick with 2), (at least for a first stage) and I think 3) & 4) can wait for some later version. As an addendum, there are 3 mods that i feel are lacking in KSP: 1) Fitness 2) "Sanity" 3) Radiation As im almost analphabet in C#, i can only hope somebody will do those mods for me to use them. Implementing those 3 will take KSP one level further regarding realism and inmersion. That being said, i can only encorage you to take this project, and i think that your CLS is a really good base to build a sanity/fitness mod upon it. Cheers and keep the good work on!!
  10. As the newest KSC player on earth i'm not sure if i can contribute with anything else than: Looks like a must-have addon! Keep up the good work!
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