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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. I even go as far as to design launch escape systems for every Kerbal. I check it off as one of the first things I have to do when I build a new ship. I tend not to use the stock LES because of some bad memories I had concerning a still-burning rocket smashing into a falling capsule.... RIP Crafty Kerman
  2. Edit: I just realized I didn't put shadows under the letters so I'll probably post a new version in a bit. - - - Updated - - - New and improved: http://i.imgur.com/p8OW96O.png http://i.imgur.com/tkGtKES.png Again, let me know if you want something other than a transparent background. - - - Updated - - - It's perfect, I look forward to seeing my newfound space agency's flag on the surface of Eeloo!
  3. Haha, no worries Thanks for giving it a shot, I look forward to possibly seeing it in the future
  4. Could anyone make a flag for me? It should be a simple/easy enough design.. nothing too hard! I want it to have the stock KSP flag feature (the rocket and the lines coming off the blast from the engine). However, instead of 'Kerbal Space Program' being on it, I'd like instead to have 'CCSEI' in italics where the 'Kerbal' part would usually be. That's it, a pretty easy task! Thanks in advance
  5. Generally I try to design stuff so that it doesn't leave any debris in orbit... However if I do happen to leave it there, I just leave it, I think it adds to the realism. I thought about making a 'missile' that crashes into the debris and thus destroying it, but I can't really be bothered to do it for the 50+ pieces of debris in low-Kerbin orbit.
  6. I think it was implemented by the devs as a reference to Neil Armstrong's footprint on the moon. I remember reading about it somewhere...
  7. I think generally all of what you have suggested is plausible as well as possible, however I must disagree with taking time to build ships. The taking time to research is a decent idea, but it would simply be boring for the average KSP user... Think about it, it takes a long time to research something, so all you have to do is time-warp, completely defeats the object... Also, the taking time to build ships isn't the best, simply because KSP is really about building whatever you like, launching it and hoping it works, then improving it etc. Although this could be implemented as a career mode only thing, I just don't think it'd be a good feature. Everything else seems cool though, I like the idea of upgrade-able buildings and starting off with just the VAB and LaunchPad. Good Stuff.
  8. That would be a very nice idea, and possibly very exciting if executed correctly, however working with a big company like Pixar also means handing over rights to KSP. A TV series would also be good, but I worry about ruining the image of KSP. Fan-made movies would definitely be a good option, and I heard that they're going to be adding easier camera stuff to KSP soon, so making videos will be even more fun!
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