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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hmm. Guys, if you wanted to ferry a few supplies and a lot of crew. Which would you choose? About 4 crew; it would be quite cramped in that teeny tiny decent module. Unless they sacrifice one of their own to stay in the Orbital Module to die on re-entry.
  2. Actually, my friends and me are more interested in space flight then stars and stuff. One of us has even went in a simulator. Guess who's that? Me. ;0
  3. I didn't outlaw the wheels because newbies may find it too hard.
  4. Already did. I didn't delete your entry, but it violated the rules, because it had non-static wings. But you posted it a few minutes BEFORE I edited it, so just a penalty of 1 000 000. I do; rule no. 4. Static wings aren't allowed.
  5. Hmm. I'm gonna add a rule; any ASCENT stage you use to get your rocket into orbit, lalalala, doesn't count as debris. Only decouplers used for slowing you down are counted as extra points.
  6. Hello, I asked a few guys in my astronomy-friend circle, all 12 of them knew what the Space Shuttle was, but only me knew what was the Soyuz. Poor poor soviets. Their Soyuz is the only spacecraft ferrying crew now, and that reminded me.. Is the Soyuz or Space Shuttle better? Post your pros and cons!
  7. So, the KSC wanted to try out how badS Jeb really is, so they put strapped him in a rocket with his kickin' and screamin' friends, Bill and bob, in three capsules. Now its time for the mission commander, YOU, to get them to survive! Objectives : Drop three Mk1 command pods from 10000 meters and get them to land safely without using the following; 1. Parachutes. 2.The OP Structural Plyons with 999m/s resistance. 3. Any kind of propulsion. 4. Wings. Only static wings are allowed; do not use infinigliders! Rules : Do not use parachutes or Plyons. No debug menu. Do not make the rocket higher than 6 Rockomax tanks on top of each other. You can use hyperedit to push you to 10000 meters, but all other parts are not allowed except for the KSPX Parts Expansion Pack. Points : Lookie! Decoupler overkill! Use decouplers to slow you down. +10 Example: , but in the reverse.Drop it from an orbit. +5 for every 1 million meters above 75000 meters. +1 for every part still connected to your rocket. EVA a few seconds before crashing. -Infinite . Jeb is disappointed. Decouple things to soften your landing. BTW, only things that you LAND on and you purposely used it for that purpose counts. +5 DERBIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i : -1 for every piece of derbis that is not connected to your rocket. Doesn't include empty ascent stages. Mini Challenges : Use a legit rocket to get to orbit. +5 Use only SRBS to get you into orbit. 2x Multiplier (after de orbit. 2x less negative points too.) Using hyperedit, get it to 1km/s towards the ground and survive. The Fastest speed in the atmosphere is only max. 500 m/s if you use this. +25 Overall points: Points*Fastest speed in the atmosphere=total points Do NOT use hyperedit to make your downwards velocity faster than 1km/s. Leaderboard: 1st: 1096bimu : [Mach 11] : 623,325,009,770 points! BTW. I see some non-static wings there.
  8. Jeb is hungry! Normal mode: Uh oh. On a the launchpad, Jeb became hungry... but he had no snacks! KSC radioed back that he must complete the mission to land a Kerbal on the Mun before the Kerbiets! (Soviet parody.) Objectives : Get Jeb on the Mun and back in less than 6 hours! He couldn't last any longer than that without a snack. Rules : 1. Must have Jeb in the command pod. 2. No SAS modules; Jeb couldn't pilot them! (Hey, no extra command pods, either.) 3. Get some batteries on that thing. Jeb destroyed the RTG's and the solar panels when he was hungry! (Also. No more than 5000 units of it.) 4. No docking, how can you be so cruel to Jeb when he's suffering? 5. At least get the pod home before 10 hours, or he'll die. After 6 hours, you have lost anyway. 6. No jet engines. Jeb hates them! 7. No debug menu, dum dum. 8. Do not kill Jeb. Points : 1. For every hour earlier you land him on the Mun and bring him back, you get an extra +5. 2. Use only Tier-0 parts. (Career mode) +20. 3. Instead of a rocket... use a plane to get there and back! Rocket powered, obviously. +10 4. What? Did you say SRB's only? +50 5. Use only ion engines. ( This is impossible, I know. ) +9001 6. Bring his best friends, Bill and Bob. +5 7. Complete the mission +10 8. For every Kerbal killed: -10 9. For every rule you break, -25. If you break number 7, you have lost the challenge. Leaderboard :
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