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    Curious George
  1. Long time lurker, First time poster. I have been using Bobcat's HOME for a quite while and while I know it is being updated and the old parts may be dead there is one part that I still use quite a bit for heavy landers, the 3M Legs. My question is this, has anyone been able to get the 3m HOME legs to function properly in .23? At first I could not get the animations to work at all, but updating the cfg file to .23 standards at least allows the legs to deploy (lower) properly (animations and all). The hitch is that the retract (raise) animations do not, when you raise the gear it just snaps to its pre-deployed state instantly which has the vehicle drop suddenly. I wanted to see if anyone has been able to solve this easily as the only answers I have seen to fix this issue is to edit the animations themselves which is WAAYYYY out of my area of expertise (although if pointed in the right direction I might try). I already installed the Unity Editor and downloaded the Kerbal PartTools and fiddled with it but its not something I am used to. Thanks for any help given!
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