This is my Shuttle based of the Shuttle Scott Manley uses in his interstellar quest series. I use it a fair bit to launch cargo and parts into space because rockets launches are kinda boring to me now. I don't know why, but I enjoy launching this shuttle and flying it a lot more than I do rockets. The orange fuel tanks with SRB's get her to about 17km's up where the sabres take over (they run from launch but switch to a closed cycle just before dumping the orange tanks) and kick her into orbit. Usually make orbit with about 25% left in the four external tanks. She a breeze in re-entry. Very stable and having air-breathing engines means i don't have to be overly precise in lining up the runway on decent, although it does save time if i do attempt to line up the KSC. Currently working on designing my next shuttle with the larger cargo modules, but running into issues like the amount of fuel and rockets needed.