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Posts posted by cheshirejak

  1. I was wondering if it wouldn't be possible to make the Warp Field Bubble size tweakable? Where a larger bubble would require more power? There's been on occasion instances where my ships are just a tad bigger than the biggest bubble, and I'd prefer to not be editing the config files (I feel that's a bit too cheaty).

  2. I greatly appreciate what this mod represents: a well consolidated difficulty modifier. Thank you for the hard work. I haven't taken too much of a swing at it yet, but plan to this weekend.


    Feature/gimmick idea/question: Would there be any way to "Double Check" the reliability of the machine before launch: Cost would increase by a portion but malfunction rate would decrease? I should hold my comment till the next release but I'm concerned about long range probes.

  3. Found an unusual bug, if you have a shortcut key set as a capital letter it breaks IR, and causes super spike in lag (more details: 23 IR groups, 33 different IR joints, did not test if specific to high number of parts, or other conflicts, just tested for Caps or not, shortcut's were S and W but worked fine with s and w).

    Any chance we could get a master speed control field like the specif group fields? I have a huge number of groups, and 1 is too slow to complete their tasks before calamity, but typing in each value every time is majorly slow. Maybe either speed settings for each in the VAB/SPH window, or a master control on the In Flight Window? I think it'd be fairly useful to a few folks.

    All that said, I friggin love this mod, it's fantastic, and I'm quite lookin forward to the model rework as it looks crazy good too. This mod is letting me build the crazy silly **** I could never afford to build in real life, and for that I thank you!


  4. (album here http://imgur.com/a/HWR0n )

    I have a love for all things mecha, so I've been fiddeling around with IR and B9 trying to make up a descent prototype for a VF-0. This is the first attempt/proof of concept model, lol, which is why it's a bit under polished, I also haven't decided on how to get it's battroid mode to work. Kinda wonky to fiddle with, but I think GERWALK looks pretty good. My arms are too short and too small, but that'll be addressed in further fixes.

    Any other mecha lovers? I'm tempted to do a RX-78 Mk2 with Core Fighter next..:confused:


  5. Hello folks, been playing KSP since June of this 2013. Like many I picked the game up and haven't put it down. I've posted a few times on the reddit channel, but that's about it. I play with a lot of mods, from Infernal to Clouds and Cities, and so I am often here browsing for my next meal.. er I mean mod :D

    Here's my last project, a VF-0 from Macross http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1wiwd7/got_bored_so_i_built_a_vf0_valkyrie/ which I hope to work on into some form of prettier, lol.

    Love the degree of support this game has and the huge community, I look forward to sharing designs and enjoying mods with ya'll in the future.


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