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    Curious George
  1. I banged out a spreadsheet in google docs to track the experiments I had already done, because I was tired of repeating missions. Some of you may get some use out of this, others maybe not. I figured it'd be nice to throw it up here, as I'm sure I'm not the only one having problems remembering what I'd already done. The matrix was hard to layout, since I'm tracking 3 levels of data (altitude location, biome type, experiment), but I figured this would suffice. If anyone has ideas on how to better this spreadsheet without over-complicating it, I'm open to anything. To work the spreadsheet, simply type an X (case doesn't matter) to check off any cell that represents data gathered or experiment you did. This will turn the cell from red to green, marking it as completed. Tabs on the bottom for each Primary celestial body, secondaries (moons/satellites) are on their respective host-body tab (EXCEPT for Kerbin's moons, because they had way too much data and I didn't want to scroll down forever). Here is a link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArFxNRliTeZddEsxYmhDOGt2MXJzWVZ6Rl9sMFU3V2c&usp=sharing Column A shows the different "locations" (altitude layers, light blue cells), and is then subdivided by each biome type. Planets that only have a single biome, will only show the biome "SURFACE". Sharing is set to view ONLY. Click on "File>Make a copy" and it will copy it to your drive so you can edit. -Joebob P.S. Still a WIP. Once I get farther along in the game, I'll update the spreadsheet to track where my resources are (landers, orbiting stations, etc.).
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