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  1. Thank you for the quick support, i have now succesfully changed it PS: i dont know how to change it to "answered" but it will probably happen somehow
  2. Well, i've looked in some threads, but i have still problems finding out how to dock two parts with each other. I have these two pieces I use the "Clamp-O-Tron Sr. Docking Port" The parts which are shown in the pictures are just randomly made in order to test if i could mate 2 spaceships with eachother, so far i couldn't. and I have tried it like in these videos : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpZwQJBX8lM I had the parts alligned several times and they touched like shown in the tutorial videos (yeah i check several angles) but nothing happend. They just drifted apart afterwards. My question is, do i have to press any specific button so they dock? Or could someone explain me in words how i have to get them to stay together? You may also ask if you need more information in order to help me :S
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