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Posts posted by ThinkOutsideTheHangar

  1. Made a sandbox. Built one-way epic laythe base. Did everything like a boss until landing part. My trajectory was incorrect and I had to use nuclear engines to get to land. Had to reload over 30 times before game decides to corrupt the save. Still on rage-quit mode today.

  2. Yes. There are tons of sustenance farmers in Asia and Africa, and they are probably going to be only survivors anyway. After ^^many generations^^, they could rediscover modern technology. EDIT: Also, people in the front posts, THIS IS PRE INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY. THERE ARE NO SCRAPS PEOPLE CAN REVERSE ENGINEER. NO ENGINES, ONLY TOOLS BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION (18th century.)

  3. Is it just me or this has become way worse since .24 ?

    I think the auto staging is based on how you place your parts, for example, if you place a parachute first, it puts that first.

  4. When I dock with something, I kill my velocity with it first, then burn towards it. The result? Swinging past the object at 200 m/s.

    I tried to land on Laythe with nuclear engines.

    I did an Apollo-style mission to Duna, and un and redocked in solar orbit, but the docking ports were glitched and I forgot to do to crew transfer. I had to warp forward and rendezvous in Duna orbit.

    I always use cheats when I do a Mun landing in Career mode

    I had to do a powered landing on Duna, when I didn't bring enough parachutes.

    I crashed a proto-type K-drive into the sun.

    I wasted half my fuel on a Mun lander trying to get near the Neil Armstrong Memorial.

    I used mechjeb to make a polar base, and when the modules were to far from each-other, I used hack gravity to roll there.

    I nuked the Insular airfield.

    I used cheats to return to orbit from Eve because my lander was too weak. Still took 20 minutes on 4x time warp.

    I killed all the astronauts I had hired on DarkMultiPlayer with my friend trying to design a Duna SSTO.

    I bombed the KSC with mystery goo.

    I landed on Duna and Eve, but haven't sent a probe into Munar orbit yet.

    It took 20 orbits for me to aerobrake on Duna and Eve because I was too afraid to get my periapsis lower.

    On my first Mun landing, I landed on the far side.

    I forget to plant flags on half my missions.

    I transmited all my science data on a Career game before realizing it was worthless.

    I made a list of KSP sins that are way too long for a normal person.

  5. I hope humanity is forced to leave earth in the next 10 years due to a massive extinction event, then finds out kerbin is the closest planet. Then, upon arrival, we land at KSC and become best friends with the kerbals.

    One can dream, right?

    And then we can fight the Kraken! And we can build rockets that will never explode and everyone lives happily ever after! One can dream.

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