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Everything posted by MercenaryX

  1. Nevermind again, the stuff doesn't work, or I am doing something wrong since I can't get Remote Tech to work, or even show up.
  2. Will there be an update for the 1.0.2 KSP game? Please? Pretty Please? With Cherries on top of whipcream on top of super hot girls that love to walk everywhere they can nude? But Seriously, I want to do as realistic a run on KSP as possable, and Remote Tech as well as KOS make the challange all that more fun like I was in an actual NASA center. *EDIT* Opps, never mind, didn't see the link.gt
  3. There is an issue with this we are trying to get a set up where it doesn't need to have mass amounts of animation, that's just at best something for later down the line near full release, as for that in Iva, yeah I can sort of see what you are going for, but again, it's best if you do it like with the living modual, the one that takes 4 kerbans, however if you just have say only two kerbans in the lab and it's been rendered like the habitat modual, then the idea of samples in the lab isn't a bad idea, but more of a cosmetic thing with maybe, MAYBE, a small animation of a device that is over and over doing something to the sample like a drill or lazer or something of the like, something cute like that. You can't move around or anything, but at least something like that could add flavor. However this discussion is going off on a tangent, and this is about a feature in the game in the future that would act like Crew manifest.
  4. I love the idea you just put in about the cost to go out, if you look at the start of Call of Duty Ghost you see how your guy goes into the air lock and it has to fill with air? Well, when you start off building a station you need to keep sending up air and the like to refill the station because of using said air locks, like you put down with the Mk1 Lander Can, but later on, you can add in a part that gives the air locks a chamber before you can EVA to evacuate the air, it doesn't get all the air out of the chamber, but at least a vast majority of air could be pulled and you only get a small loss, but an early work around to this late game item could be the Lander Can or some other component that is compatible. As for the idea of Looks when it came to a fuel tank, maybe there can be an option to use a part other then what it was intended but at a cost or reduced function? Also there is the part where you could have it either cosmetically look like another part, or my personal favorite, be able to send empty fuel tanks into space when building a space station. With empty tanks you could use those until you fill them as possible passages or have some kind of control room that is part of the tank. At least control in the same terms as a like the Space Lab.
  5. I for one am for option three, and I can see where you are going with this, as for 3D rendering, that would be nice with IVA, but let's be realistic here. That's alot of work that will hinder the game more then needed, I can see as some kind of expantion pack down the line, but not for something right now. I also would like to add in that the idea of crew transfer though the station could also be helped by travel time for the Kerbal to go from point a to point b, in that he would start off in one area and then a progress bar could show with him going to the next in place of a view of him traveling though said compartments, And to take this a step further, you can take into account the Kerbal's Bravery and stupdity. Think about it like this, the more Brave the Kerbal is, the faster he will go though the station to his destnation, but this can also hurt him if he's got a high stupdity, which could have him go to take a wrong turn and end up going out an airlock or damaging a part of the interal structure which could be fixed with supplies, time, and a Kerbal to fix the issue. To get back to this point, the higher the Kerbal's Bravery is, the faster he goes, but has a chance for damaing things or taking a wrong turn, oposit could have the Kerbal being slower and taking more time, but this could also lead to being helpful if an area might have damage which can be reported after a crew transfer and only IF it happens to be there. Stupdity could have the Kerbal get lost easier, damage things on the way, or just end up causing something of a risk, mind you this idea is bearly thought out and figure that it would be an intersting idea on top of crew systems to get people to have a risk reward system in place. Either way, a Kerbal's stats could effect how effecently he takes his time to get from point a to point b. This again is only just something that could enhance the experince if done right, and again, this can be done without haveing to render anything. What do you think? I for one like this idea because it has also the potnetional for responce time for dealing with damage to stations or crafts, and if your kerbal can get to a section in time, he could save a crew in trouble or fix a compartment so it wouln't have to be jettusoned because it endangers the rest of the station. Again this is mostly for things down the line, but the potential this system can add a ton of dynamic features while would be cool to look at, is better if only seen in text messages like when you are transmitting data or using the mobile lab.
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