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Everything posted by RocketScientist00

  1. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft? If you're interested in trading card games. Well, I dunno if some people like trading card games at all, but this is the only one I'll recommend, since you don't like MOBA, I could have suggested Heroes of the Storm or Robocraft. Well, whatever you choose, anyway.
  2. Hey there! You see Windows 10 will be probably coming on July 29, 2015. What do u think of this? Will you update or not? -ROCKETSCIENTIST00:cool:
  3. UPDATE: Got it fixed now! I updated my Intel HD Graphics driver and incidentally, it made a fix. Hey! Haven't been posting a lot now... Anyway, does anyone encounter any "crash at startup" for Asphalt 8 for Windows 8? Yeah, a few days ago, I've been encountering this problem... There's the image I took when I right-clicked the taskbar icon of it... I'm wondering if it's connected with corrupted game files... Well, I'm starting to fix the problem by updating it to the latest version... But, I still don't know if this will work... Any suggestions? I may use the redownload fix AND the Windows 10 update as last resorts, but I'm still not sure... Thanks if you can help me... Specs: OS: Windows 8.1 Pro (soon-to-be Windows 10 Pro) Model: Samsung Series 5 Performance Hard disk space: 497 GB free out of 908 GB RAM: 8 GB CPU: 4x Intel Core i7 Processor GPU: Intel HD Graphics 4000 / AMD Radeon HD Graphics 8600/8700 Game title: Asphalt 8: Airborne Game version: v1.8.0 (Decals Update) Got from?: Windows Store Game developer: Gameloft
  4. Hi there. Need help here. I installed MechJeb in my GameData folder, then open the game. In the VAB/SPH, I see the parts when I attach them, but I can't see the window, making the part useless. What do I do?
  5. Hi guys. It's been a long time since I posted in the forums. Look at the picture I'm gonna show you What's wrong here: The walls of the VAB and the parts background got corrupted. Mods installed when this happened: 000_Toolbar CivilianManagement CollisionFX CommunityResourcePack CrossFeedEnabler CTNlanderpack Firespitter Hydrogen NTRs ImpossibleInnovations LazTek MechJeb2 NearFutureConstruction NearFutureElectrical NearFuturePropulsion NearFutureSolar OpenResourceSystem PlanetShine TechManager TextureReplacer TweakScale UmbraSpaceIndustries Module Manager That's all, coz, unfortunately, when it crashed, it didn't give out a crash report, so yeah. My temp solution was remove the mods. Can I fix this with my mods still installed? Thanks for reading...
  6. Heya guys, haven't been here 4 a while, right? Well then, I'm gonna give u guys 3 Minecraft Seeds that u could use. (Note: The seeds and screenshots have been generated in Minecraft 1.8.1. IDK what it will look in different versions.) 1. -031220621 Screenshots: 2. -1050SW2 Screenshots: 3. -22425358 Screenshots: Ok, the others will be shown next time. Just reply to the thread so that u tell what u did in there. Peace out, posse!
  7. NVM. I relaunched Minecraft now. I think the cause is the Java 8 Update 20 installed. I uninstalled it and Minecraft launched like magic!!! Thanks for trying anyways. Somebody close this thread.
  8. Yes, I tried to reinstall Java and Minecraft dude. I tried to uninstall Java SDK that I installed before this happened. But, nothing happened. I think the report is a Java crash. I totally need to do something.
  9. I edited the post now. This would work nicely to solve the problem.
  10. Never mind it. It worked today. Idk why it won't launch yesterday. But still, please look at it. [EDITED] I'm sorry. Now, my problem is that I can't join any server and I can't play a singleplayer world. I'll try digging through it.
  11. Done. I added more info. So, please help me in this.
  12. Ok, I'll add more info about my "MC won't launch" problem. I'll post again after I edited my blog post.
  13. Haven't posting here for a long time, but now I need help! Here is the blog I made for the help: http://needhelpinminecraftblog.blogspot.com If you're willing to help, go to the link and email me. Thanks if you helped me.
  14. Heya guys!!! You see where am I? I use non-Steam KSP. I want it to be Steam-linked. So I wanna suggest a Free to Play Week so that people can download KSP w/o paying money like people who have low salary to buy KSP even if they want. Please correct me if this is in the wrong place. Happy discussion!!!
  15. I wanna join da forum!!! I've been here a lot than Reddit. Can I join?
  16. Hehehe!!! The old VAB!!! Thread can be found HERE!!!
  17. Hey guys!!! See my good screenshots!!! I just recently found the old KSC!!! If anyone's found it, put it here also! We'll discuss how the old KSC was there the whole time!!! Happy viewing!!!
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