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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm not sure about others... But this thing lags like a S.O.B. With a GTX 970 & i5 2500k @ 4.5Ghz. Loaded it up, and my god the lag was real. Am I really only one experiencing this?
  2. Hey laz! Just reporting in that most seems to work well with 1.0! Only thing I encountered so far was Didn't appear to want to dock/connect. Maybe just me and lack of knowledge haha. Do have a question for ya about the Habitat as I started to use it lately, how are / is it suppose to land on say Mun with Dragon on top? Land with Habitat + Dragon and decouple and lift dragon causes Dragon to just flip over before I can apply thrust. Is the habitat suppose to release as dragon acts as a sky crane in a way and softly let her down? Not sure how to do it correctly/way you intended Cheers!
  3. Wonderful mod mate, discovered this today on Kerbal Stuff, and love the Lander Hangar so much alreadyyyyy and can scale! Fantastic, Playing around with this some more and give some more feedback/ideas
  4. Also works fine for me, Maybe don't update mod manager 2.5.4, i just used whatever was in the RAR. Just be nicer for sorting in .90 once updated
  5. Awesome! Hard to learn with these part's, Love some craft files, or a General Assembly Picture! Great models/texture work though!!!
  6. Little confused, as a long time fan of this Mod, and recently came back to KSP after 3-5 months away, what is with all the versions now? I knew the Basic Launch Pack and the Exploration one, but what is special about the Historic one? I've read the details, and seems its just the same parts as Explore one, but early models? Huh. Also too many packs to come back too. One Complete All-in-One download, be nice.. Thanks for this though, Big fan of it and SpaceX design, Only reason I am here! EDIT: Your download links are also all funky mate. Hover over .24 and shows one url, hover over .2, and shows another URL completely...
  7. You may want to upload that to a mirror, the download speeds off your server are just...awful, no offense intended. Downloading now though to test!
  8. Ya, I've done that, kinda doesn't do justice, as the glass window throws off the immersion. But ya, your right, haha
  9. Still pretty new to KSP , but not for the first time. But this time around with mods and whatnot, so its a lot better! 1) Brainstorm what I need, (Kethane Probe? ISS Part? Lander for Mun? etc etc) 2) Go back and forth an hr on just the payload part I need/want. 3) Throw it into a subassembly. 4) Load LazTek's SpaceX Mod 5) Put PayLoad ontop 6) Launch! Yes yes, my friends say that is cheap and not the intent of KSP. Last I checked, this was KSP, a Space game. My close friend refuses to put it on his KMP server, because its pretty much cheating to him. Rocket, Staging, Payload transfer, its all there. Just put a payload on top, adjust Fairings, and launch. I fully enjoy it, due to I love SpaceX Idea/Mission/Design of their rockets and command pods (Dragon). So I use it for everything, and I am still not bored yet. Why? Because I enjoy using a rocket I know is solid and works. So do my friends, expect they built them, but they still use that same tried and true rocket over and over to launch their payloads. So whats so special and cheating about mine? Nothing. Whiners gonna whine! I mostly want to create cool things or see different planets, not sit there for 2 hrs testing a rocket. That's 2 hrs I could have had improving my ISS, going to Mun, making a Mun ISS, Scanning for Kethane, etc etc. If I do get bored, I will just make a rocket. Its not very hard, its just time consuming. If you know what you are doing in KSP, and can do everything without MechJeb, people make rockets with their eyes closed pretty much in minutes compared to me
  10. I have also noticed this, and something similar. Sometimes it seems either the parts glitch, or KSP glitches all together. With an exact saved payload, saved, tried and true and works many times, sometimes when I launch, and than do the Gravity Turn, the whole rocket will just wobble and fall and break apart. Mostly coming from the payload area. Top Heavy right? Nah, wasn't top heavy @ all. I've carried way more and heavier up there. Restarted KSP, launched exact same rocket + payload, worked. Did it 3 more times, worked a charm. Comes and goes. Random question, is it possible to get a Cargo version of Dragon? Also, is it possible to put a rover or something in the dragons trunk as well? I haven't tested it yet, but was a idea I had this morning and have yet to try. I know the SHERPA Sat System goes in there, but quite honestly, I find that system quite useless (least at the moment). Can't wait for the Exploration Pack! Been using this mod for a week solely now, to launch everything. I just love the look and feel of it. Its just so nice to just build a payload, throw it on top and go do Science!
  11. Just registered to say thank you for this great mod! Friend got me into KSP, quickly discovered MechJeb and few other mods, and yours is awesome. Mostly because I freaking love the design of the Dragon personally, and stock parts, just don't do justice! Falcon rocket is by far amazing as well, the stages, once I learn how to actually re-use em, is even more cool! My question/comments: -Is there a model for the Cargo Dragon? I know there is the Dragon 2, but don't see the cargo one. -Also, I noticed maybe due to my n00b-ness, but the lack of instructions of how to re-use the stages and land em, are lacking, and a lot of trial and error is required. I don't ask my friend, as he don't have the mod, and has done enough already, but I can only re-watch your videos and be jealous . Some instructions or How To be awesome! -Its very very hard to (this maybe a KSP backend issue), but its quite hard to copy say the Dragon 2 with Payload Stage onto say the Falcon Heavy. It takes a lot of moving parts, for subassemebly, and removing some parts to get it to work correctly. Once I had it on the Heavy rocket, in order to snap, it had to be upside down facing... I am again not very experienced (learning tho!) on KSP fully, but having help, guides and videos are helping greatly, Mech Jeb and your mod, are just amazing. I just can't say it enough, I love the look! Just would love to learn quicker how to fully use this beast of a mod I am guessing, I could sit down after this post and look in the craft files, see how they look, and maybe just copy the dragon parts from the one craft file to another. (As, cool as it maybe, it is to me personally, quite hard to re-make the dragon it seems, with the SHERPA sat as well, and getting the fine details on.) So for me, be much easier to copy/sub assembly it over. Thanks and sorry for tad long post!
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