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Posts posted by mitiya

  1. 2 hours ago, charliepryor said:

    Exactly the same happening to me. It's putting my surface station plans on hold for now. Huge number of mods though... Mod list: http://hottipscentral.com/ksp-mods

    Previous version works just fine, although I'll probably be susceptible to the bugs this latest version claims to have fixed (never noticed them myself yet, but I'm not exactly playing every day or anything)

    it is DeadlyReentry 

  2. Hello. I would like to share my observations.

    It is known that when you use the -force-opengl memory usage is greatly reduced without the use of ATM. It's not magic, it is due to the use of video memory.

    In directx or directx+ATM mode, the graphics memory used much smaller. As you can see in screenshots below.

    (Green arrow - video Ram; Red arrow - Ram)

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    Perhaps there is a way to increase usage of video Ram in directx mode?


    Why not just use opgl? Because it is 20% less performance. I used the "time control mod" for the measurement of physical time.

    Dx mode ~1.002

    Opengl mode ~ 0.88

  3. mitiya, I tried using your 8k download but RSS isn't loading and everything is defaulting to stock.

    I installed 64k to a clean install then dropped the 8k folders on top, the 2 images and the new RSS.cfg file.

    Are there any other dependencies?

    Somewhere I made a typo. I fixed it (v 0.2.1).

  4. Hello, been using this for a while now and have dealt with it but just thought I'd share. I'm having problems with the city lights, the texture covers the entire night side of Kerbin. I haven't taken any screenshots yet, but could get around to posting some. Oh, woops, I'm using Astronomer's visual pack and I read that it should work ok? Anyway, any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    I added patched city lights map to Kerbol 6.4x 8k textures

  5. One think you might like is this mod here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68619

    Have no idea if it works in .25 but this was how I tested PQS settings. You can re-render the planets in game to see what changes need to be made. It's not 100% accurate (i.e. a change you see in game doesn't always change the same when loading from start) but it's close enough.

    Thanks. It's good for debugging.

    Here is a patch for the IslandAirfield.

    KEYname = IslandAirfield
    latitude = -1.624
    longitude = -71.950
    repositionToSphereSurface = false
    repositionRadiusOffset = 322
    lodvisibleRangeMult = 6

  6. This stuff is awesome. If we get the island airstrip stuff sorted can we add it to the download (with credits of course)

    of course

    Hey great jeb. I was messing around with this to. Looking at the stock RSS, they have a height map. Did you try making one or using the stock one?

    Yes I try. But in this case it is hell of piece of pixelhunting.

  7. I made a 8k textures.

    But I had to change the RealSolarSystem.cfg


    SSFStart = 78000
    SSFEnd = 80000
    PQSfadeStart = 80000
    PQSfadeEnd = 120000
    PQSSecfadeStart = 80000
    PQSSecfadeEnd = 120000
    PQSdeactivateAltitude = 125000

    KEYname = KSC
    latitude = -0.076
    longitude = -74.425
    repositionToSphereSurface = false
    repositionRadiusOffset = 35
    lodvisibleRangeMult = 6

    radius = 50000 //8500
    heightMapDeformity = 65 //120
    absoluteOffset = 0 //10
    absolute = true
    latitude = -0.076//-0.076
    longitude = -74.65//-74.425
    deformity = 7000
    ridgedAddFrequency = 64
    ridgedSubFrequency = 32
    simplexHeightStart = 6000
    simplexHeightEnd = 8500
    simplexPersistance = 0.6

    deformity = 2250 //1650
    ridgedAddFrequency = 140
    simplexHeightStart = 4000 //5000
    simplexHeightEnd = 9000
    simplexPersistence = 0.5
    heightMapOffset = -2900//-1746.4 //-1886.4
    heightMapDeformity = 9500 //9141.5
    deformity = 900 //1200
    persistence = 0.5 //0.38
    frequency = 32

    I did this because in DefaultConfig rivers and lakes have disappeared and coastline seriously distort.

    This shows what I mean.

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    But there is one problem. The island runway is now stuck in the air. I do not know can it move in the config?

  8. For some reason mesh landscape does not match with the texture landscape ?

    Known bug. Annoying, No fix until someone makes an HD texturepack for 6.4:1 scale.

    Ok. But why mesh landscape changed? I thought that it only scaled.

    Because it was changed to be higher quality. When you scale Kerbin up 6.4 times (or 10 times, as another mod makes available), that yellow-green plateau looks horrible. Thus, some changes to the PQS terrain needed to be made. One problem is that the terrain as a whole is slightly larger than the scaledspace texture, and another (noticeable right after launch) is that the yellow-green space center plateau is gone.

    I use this get height map.

    resolution = 8192 // the width of the maps to export. Height will be half this.
    maxHeight = 14000 // the maximum variation in height in meters (i.e. height of tallest peak + depth of deepest ocean trench / crater
    oceanColor = 1, 1, 1 // the color to make the ocean. DO NOT INCLUDE if the body doesn't have an ocean or you want to render a color map showing the color of the sea floor.

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